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Minutes of Town Board Meetings

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Minutes of 4/17/2006

April 17th, 2006


APRIL 17, 2006

Members of the Board present: Bill Wright, Al Strasser, Bonnie Moroney

Meeting called to order at 7:00 PM

Members of the Public present: Roberta McGee, Paul Bussiere, Tom Gately, Carmine Fabrizio, Ann Fabrizio, Bill Rines, Doug Bews

The Board began with the approval of bills and signing of checks.

Selectman Strasser made a motion to approve the minutes from April 10, 2006. Chairman Wright seconded the motion and passed unanimously.

The Board met with Paul Bussiere from the Zoning Board to discuss height limitations. It has been an issue lately with the Zoning Board if height was a safety issue or aesthetic issue? Selectman Strasser thought it was an emergency egress issue. The Zoning Board is asking the Selectmen for a better definition as to what the ordinance was. Selectman Strasser thought it was emergency egress, in making sure you get all the people out. Paul said one of the problems here is a lot of the buildings are built on steep grades. The upside hill is 33 feet on one side and the other side equals 50 feet. Paul asked if the Board could change the definition from the high side of the building to the low side to the highest point side of the building of that there is access all the way around for us and emergency vehicles and personnel to get at. We don�t have the conditions available to set a condition variance so a vehicle is able to skirt the building. Selectman Strasser said the 5 year plan for 2004 shows getting a ladder truck in 2007 a solution but for now we can�t do anything until the ordinance is changed. Paul asked if the Selectmen can make an amendment to the ordinance with special condition. Selectman Strasser says we cannot change it until March without a special meeting. Paul asked if the board�s suggestion for now was just having them put in an emergency access road? Selectmen Strasser said until March he thought it was the reasonable thing to do.
Selectman Wright asked what the Zoning Board did when Bode Miller came in for Special Exception. Paul explained that Bode was a height variance for Solar panels which fell under chimneys.

Paul also mentioned that people didn�t understand the zoning as written. State law requires that if zoning says we have special exceptions we have to provide special exceptions. We can�t say no. We need to bring to the peoples attention that if they don�t want to see the things allowed by the special exceptions that the Board has no control over it. If it says it is allowed by special exception we have to give it. A variance is much harder to get.

The Board went on and discussed the progress of the Town�s Policy and Procedure Manuals. Selectwoman Moroney explained she had put one together and sent to Sue to look over.
The Board will meet with the Department heads each week to go over and write in depth the procedures for each dept. until completed.

The Board went over the quote from Gensamer Electric Inc. for installing lights in the kitchen and updating the electric panel which is now overloaded. The quote is around $2,300.00

The Board discussed a letter sent to The Dept. of Labor from Sue Kraabel requesting a informal conference regarding the $1,500.00 fine. We are waiting to here back from them. When we do someone will probably have to go to Concord.

The Board discussed the paving in front of the Fire/Police Station. Bill Rines said he had called around to get quotes and the cheapest one he got came in at $14,000.00 which is around $85.00 a ton. The others were all $100.00 a ton or more. To do just the front of the Police Station will cost around $3,500.00. The Selectmen feel that in front of the Police Station needs to be done now because of safety issues. Fire Station will have concrete done in front for this year. Selectwoman Moroney asked if Stiles is responsible for any of this. Bill Rines said just a little in front of the Post Office.

The Board reviewed the report for Stan Borkowski and it will be posted on the bulletin board.

The Board reviewed Saffian change of use of property for September 13, 2004. Dick Harris came in last week and complained that he was not notified as an abutter of the change. Doug Bews said that a seasonal rental is consider a business. Selectman Strasser made a motion to turn this over to Stan Borkowski and then give to the Planning Board to straighten out. Chairman Wright seconded. All in favor the motion passed.

The Board moved onto the Fire Station bid. The Board had met on Wednesday to open the bids for the Fire Station addition. Selectman Strasser motioned to accept the minutes of that meeting but before they do he had Selectwoman Moroney go over them. Selectwoman Moroney explained they opened the seal bid, looked it over and also had George Brodeur review the quote to make sure it covered everything that they had asked for. Mr. Brodeur said it was fine and the Board approved the bid.

Also during the meeting Jeff Duncan asked about using the old ambulance toward a trade in for the new one. We would get $2,000.00 and would not have to advertise. The Board said that would be fine.

Roberta McGee asked why we couldn�t get more than $2,000.00, it seemed like so little, why we didn�t just fix it up and keep it. Selectman Strasser explained that it was in very rough shape and would cost thousands of dollars to fix up.

Doug Bews asked if there was anything he had to know about getting a demo permit and boundary line adjustment application. The Board told him that the office had those and he could pick them up there Tuesday.

The Board discussed the MWH letter for the Planning Board. The 1990 copy was sent to the Planning, Zoning and Selectmen.

At 8:10 PM, as there was no additional business, Chairman Wright made a motion to go into executive session regarding legal and personnel matters. This was seconded by Selectman Strasser. The motion passed unanimously.

At the close of executive session, Chairman Wright made a motion to return to public session and seal the minutes from executive session; Selectman Strasser seconded and the motion passed unanimously. The Board read and discussed the letter from Barbara Loughman - School Board Attorney, regarding the Article 15 2005 annual report that was printed. At this time no reply to the letter is necessary

At 9:02 a motion was made to adjourn for the evening, which was seconded, and passed unanimously.