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Minutes of Town Board Meetings

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Minutes of 9/16/2013 DRAFT

September 20th, 2013

Carroll Board of Selectmen
Meeting Minutes
September 16, 2013
"These minutes of the Town of Carroll Select Board have been recorded by its Secretary.
Though believed to be accurate and correct they are subject to additions, deletions and corrections by the Select Board at its next meeting when the Board votes its final approval of the minutes. They are being made available at this time to conform to the requirements of New Hampshire RSA 91-A:2."

Minutes recorded by Maryclare Quigley, Secretary

Board members present: Paul Bussiere, Bill Dowling. Bonnie Moroney was excused.

The meeting was called to order at 7 PM by Chairman Bussiere

Members of the public present: Jane Ikasalo, Judy St. Croix, Tadd Bailey, Michael Hogan, Dianne Hogan, Jeremy Oleson, Frank Maturo, Cyndi Smith, Carol Carlson-Cunningham, Dave Scalley, John Trammell

Pledge of Allegiance

The meeting was filmed by Jane Ikasalo and Judy St. Croix.

The Board announced the approval of bills and signing of manifests.

Chairman Bussiere said there’s no change with the Water Department debt update.

Bill Dowling presented the 2014 proposed budget for the Transfer Station:

10-100, Supervisor - $24,311.04; 32 hours per week at $14.61/hour
101, R/C Attendant - 23,296; 32 hours/week at $14/hour
102, R/C Salaries - 11,776; 128 days at 8 hours/day at 11.50/hour
200, Licenses - 150; 4 licenses at $50/each
202, Training - 1,200; increased because of mileage; 2 seminars, 1 in Manchester at
$150, 1 in Concord at $75 (this line will be changed to
Training and Travel)
203, Telephone - 1,386; also internet, 5 % increase
300, MSW Haul - 5,006.88, 5% increase; noted he’s putting out a new proposal for
hauling to try and get better pricing
301, Bulky waste Haul - 1, Paid from Special Revenue Fund
302, Tires - 1, “ “ “ “ “
303, C & D Trucking - 1, “ “ “ “ “
304, Tipping Fees - 16, 002 5% increase
400, Site Work - 1, Paid from Special Revenue Fund
10-401, Equip. Purchase - 1, Paid from Special Revenue Fund
402, Equip Repair & Maint - 1, “ “ “ “ “
403, Gasoline - 75 increase for cost, (gas for lawn mower)
404, Electricity – removing - now in Gen. Bldgs. Budget
500, Association Dues - 50 NRRA Dues
505, Container Lease - 774.36
515, Supplies - 1, Paid from Special Revenue Fund
516, Clothing Allow. - 900 300 each employee
30-100, Miscellaneous - 1 Paid form Special Revenue Fund

2014 Budget $84,942.28 reduced by $6,584.72

To help emphasize the importance of recycling, Mr. Dowling said they had just baled and sold over 23 tons of newspaper at $65 a ton and received a check for $1,525.55. If this had been thrown away in the trash, it would have cost $3,486 between the loss of revenue and the cost to get rid of it.

Carol Carlson-Cunningham, President of the Chamber of Commerce, presented their budget:

Beautification 1,000
Information Booth 10,400 slight increase for wages & taxes

2014 Budget $11,400

Mrs. Carlson-Cunningham said the Town Entertainment was turned over to the Recreation Commission this year so they hope this will be transferred to that budget to keep the program going. When speaking of their expenditures for 2013, she noted they are awaiting prices for plexi-glass or a similar product to put for the windows of the Cog train. Apparently some are broken or cracked and they are trying to avoid possible vandalism. Michael Hogan asked if anyone had called the police or the insurance company. Mrs. Carlson-Cunningham said no as they weren’t quite sure how or when it happened and they just want to protect the glass that’s there. Mr. Hogan asked who’s supposed to be maintaining the display and wanted to know how much more this will cost the Town. She said there is money already in place in the beautification line and volunteers and the Chamber will be doing the maintenance. Mr. Hogan was concerned about a maintenance program for the train with the various mechanical aspects of that could be prone to rusting, etc., and should be oiled regularly, etc., as he believes it could eventually be very costly. Selectman Dowling said he would look into this.

Fire Chief Oleson came to the Board to discuss purchasing a “gear extractor.” He said studies have shown there is an increase in the cancer rate and other illnesses among firefighters because of the poisons, blood pathogens, and such which are carried on their gear. His department cannot clean their gear properly—they use a five-gallon bucket of water and it’s totally not suitable. When asked, Chief Oleson said it’s essentially a washing machine which uses chemicals to clean the gear. He said this is something they should have had many years ago and went on to say that occasionally they have to have warranty work done, and the company will not accept “dirty” gear. He had quotes from two companies that provide these machines and his preference is from Bergeron Protective Clothing at $6,669. He said they actually came to the Station with the installer to look at the location and placement to be sure things would work. He said the electrical and plumbing will be covered by them. When asked, Chief Oleson said the septic was commercially designed, so there shouldn’t be any problem that way. He went on to say, this could possibly help to avoid greater cost later because of illness or health issues. He said he would ask that this be paid from the Fire apparatus fund. He said he realizes this is his second request for equipment, but it should be the last as there is nothing else on the horizon. Chairman Bussiere asked if he could have a little more time, not that he is opposed to it, but just to look over the paperwork and become familiar with it. Selectman Dowling said clean equipment is not a luxury today. He said years ago the doctor didn’t put gloves on to take blood – now they put on triple gloves! Chief Oleson said he wanted to bring this to their attention and taking time to look the information over is fine, he’ll come back to the next meeting.

Dianne Hogan updated the mileage reimbursement form and wanted to advise the Selectmen. She said sometimes people forget to check their mileage, make numerous stops, or make personal side stops and used herself as an example – of going to a class in Manchester and because she’s down that way, driving to Goffstown to see her parents. In this case, she has to check the mileage departing home, check it again when departing her class, again departing her parents and finally again when she returns. The new form asks for addresses which she will then put on Google Map for the mileage and save everyone time and stress. Additionally, this will make the process more uniform.

The following items were approved and signed:

Town Hall Use Permit application – G. Hogan
Oath of Office – J. Trammell/ZBA


Selectman Dowling referred to the question asked at the previous meeting by Michael Hogan about borrowing money against our own i.e. a Capital Reserve Fund that is earning interest and which he told Mr. Hogan he would check into – Selectman Dowling said that in order to borrow money we must get town meeting approval. Mr. Hogan thanked Selectman Dowling.

Chairman Bussiere asked if we had heard from the Navares bus company regarding payment from when their bus burned in January. We haven’t – and Chairman Bussiere asked that he be advised when payment does come, as he doesn’t want it to seem that he’s keeping after anyone about it.

Regarding Zoning permit fees, Chairman Bussiere said he is looking into it, but has nothing yet.

Michael Hogan said Bill Dowling presented the Transfer Station budget and Selectman Moroney is not here – so he wondered if it was appropriate as there wasn’t a quorum, or if it was just a presentation so that didn’t matter. Chairman Bussiere said that didn’t matter as it was only a presentation and there was no voting. Once all budgets are in, the Select Board will vote as they present their budget to the Budget Committee. At that time, Selectman Dowling can step down when they do the Transfer Station portion. Dave Scalley asked if the public has an opportunity to go over the budget before it goes to the Budget Committee. He was told they do not as the actual budget is the Budget Committee’s. Once they have it ready, there will be at least one public hearing. Selectman Dowling said that is when the public will have the opportunity to go over it line by line if they want as that’s the law.

As there was no further business, the Board was polled and went into non-public session for personnel matters at 7:46 p.m.

At the close of Non-Public Session, Selectman Dowling moved to return to Public Session and seal the minutes from Non-Public Session. Chairman Bussiere seconded and the Motion passed unanimously.

There being no further discussion, Selectman Dowling made a Motion to: adjourn the meeting. Chairman Bussiere seconded and the Motion passed unanimously. Chairman Bussiere declared the meeting ended at 8:10 p.m. The next meeting will be Monday, September 23, 2013.