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Minutes of Town Board Meetings

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Minutes of 4/16/2014

April 23rd, 2014

April 16, 2014

Minutes Rena Vecchio

Members Jack Catalano, Joan Karpf, Bonnie Moroney, Selectperson’s Representative, Mike Hogan, and Rena Vecchio

Public None

Pledge of Allegiance

Meeting was called to order at 7:05

The first order of business was to nominate and elect a new Chair and Vice Chair. Joan Karpf made a motion to: nominate Mike Hogan for Chairman of the Budget Committee for the next year. Rena
Vecchio seconded and the motion passed unanimously. Bonnie Moroney made a motion: to nominate Rob Gauthier for Vice-Chair. Rena Vecchio seconded and the motion passed unanimously.
Bonnie Moroney said that Dave Scalley would be stepping down from the Budget Committee as only one Selectperson is allowed at one time.

Mike Hogan wanted to be up a few things regarding efficiency in the town government:
1. He would like to centralize all department items to the general fund. He said he feels that if any money is left in the line items at the end of the year, the departments will spend.
2. He would like to see the Town buy in bulk. Lack of storage was brought.
3. He would like to have overtime approved vs overtime lines.
4. Look into a Utility/Publics Works person for three positions.

Bonnie’s thoughts for the upcoming year:
1. She wants to look at zero sorting for the transfer station.
2. She would like department heads to write up a policy on uniforms. The police and fire departments need what they need.

Rena Vecchio asked:
1. That all department budgets will have them available one week prior to their meeting with the budget committee.
2. Would like the department heads to have a budget presented with a 5 year plan.
Bonnie told Joan that she had given Evan a disc with a format for excel on it and it would be perfect to use as a template for this. Joan said she would look into it.
Joan Karpf said she believes that the town needs depends a lot on what Bretton Woods has planned. We need to involve them and their needs into the budget process.
Joan Karpf made a motion to: adjourn the meeting. Bonnie Moroney seconded and the motion passed unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 7:25