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Minutes of Town Board Meetings

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Minutes of 4/30/2014

May 2nd, 2014

Carroll Board of Selectmen
Meeting Minutes
April 30, 2014
"These minutes of the Town of Carroll Select Board have been recorded by its Secretary.
Though believed to be accurate and correct they are subject to additions, deletions and corrections by the Select Board at its next meeting when the Board votes its final approval of the minutes. They are being made available at this time to conform to the requirements of New Hampshire RSA 91-A:2."

Minutes recorded by Maryclare Quigley, Secretary

Board members present: Paul Bussiere, Bonnie Moroney, David Scalley

The meeting was called to order at 7 PM by Chairman Moroney.

Members of the public present: Eric Schloss, John Warren, Evan Karpf, Joan Karpf, Kathy Saffian, Nancy Mitiguy

Pledge of Allegiance

The meeting was filmed by Joan Karpf.

Selectman Scalley asked to revisit an item at the previous meeting regarding a letter about which Donna Foster, Chairman of the Planning Board, had asked the Select Board. She said whereas the Court had found in favor of the Town in the lawsuit and to her knowledge there had been no appeal, she wanted to know if the Select Board would send a letter that Hunt Properties can resume their project, or if the Planning Board should send one. As he is a partner in Hunt Properties, Mr. Scalley sat back from the table, did not participate in the discussion and did not vote on the Motion which was made – but he said he failed to actually recuse himself. Therefore he asked to recuse himself at this time and left the table. Selectman Bussiere then made the Motion to: Contact legal counsel about sending a letter to Hunt Properties that they may resume work on their project and which Board should send it. Chairman Moroney seconded and it passed.

Selectman Scalley returned to the table.

Chairman Moroney said as this is a special meeting the Board would now go into non-public per RSA 93-A:3 for Personnel. John Warren requested that the meeting be public. When asked, Eric Schloss said he was in agreement so the meeting continued.

Chairman Moroney said she had been sent a picture of a sign that had been posted at the Transfer Station regarding the closing of the Transfer Station by the Selectmen and the Board wants to know what they know about it. John Warren said he had made the sign and put it up because he wanted the citizens to come to the Selectmen’s meeting and discuss it. He said Eric had nothing to do with the sign. When he was asked about when he did it, Mr. Warren said it was on Saturday in late morning or early afternoon, he was unsure of just when. Chairman Moroney asked if he thought it could have been worded differently and he said after he spoke with Paul (Selectman Bussiere) yes. The Chairman went on to say when most people looked at it that it seemed more like a comment than a question and Mr. Warren said there was a question mark. He was told by the Chairman that signs shouldn’t be put up and that there is an ordinance, which he said he didn’t know. Mr. Warren then said he would like to see the ordinance on signs.

Selectman Bussiere asked if anyone had asked about the sign and Mr. Warren said yes. Selectman Bussiere then asked where “closing the Transfer Station question mark” came from and said it wasn’t even a correct statement even if they went to zero-sort as there would still be a facility there with employees. Mr. Warren said if they go to single sort it will be closed because they won’t use the building as it was designed. Chairman Moroney agreed they might not use the building as it was designed, but said they never said anything about closing it down – it would still be accessible to the public as it was only about the way recycling would be done. Mr. Warren went on to say that was his opinion and Selectman Bussiere said they cannot put personal opinions on signs on town property. He also said it was a leading question and reiterated that one cannot put up personal opinions on town signs on town property on town time. Mr. Warren then said it wasn’t his opinion, but that it is what would happen if they change the recycling. Chairman Moroney said she felt it was put up to get people “wound up.” She went on to say there will be no more signs and if he feels obligated he should put an ad in the paper and pay for it.

Mr. Warren said he didn’t do it to aggravate people. When Selectman Bussiere asked if he didn’t think it mislead anyone that the Station was closing, he said he did not. He further said that he and Eric have never told anyone that it was closing. They’ve said it’s important to the town and people should come to the meeting.

Selectman Bussiere said he had a question for Eric (Mr. Schloss) and asked if sort of “acting supervisor” so to speak right now and asked if he agreed. Mr. Schloss said he wasn’t really sure what role he is as he’s down there just trying to see that it continues to run smoothly and what is supposed to happen happens, deliveries go out, etc. and just waiting for the Select Board to make a decision. He said he doesn’t feel as though he’s John’s supervisor at this point and that he’s more in charge of himself and keeping things going. Selectman Bussiere asked if he had seen the sign and if he knew it had been put up. He said he had seen the sign but that he’s so busy with the limited hours he’s allowed to work that it didn’t even sink in and he didn’t pay any attention to it. Selectman Scalley said as busy as it is and as hectic as they were on Saturday, that John found the time to put the sign up in late morning. Mr. Schloss said they were very busy and he didn’t know how long it took or when the sign was put up. He said he had nothing to do with it, so they were asking the wrong person. Selectman Bussiere said that he didn’t mention anything to him or that it might be in bad taste and Mr. Schloss said he didn’t. He said at the Selectmen’s own doing, he asked to be the supervisor down there and he wasn’t given the job so he’s there’s to make sure the place is running good, he’s not there to supervise. He said if they want him to supervise he’s to get promoted officially and he has not been officially promoted by anyone. Selectman Bussiere said he thought they had talked about this earlier and he thought he had agreed to act as supervisor and he said he wanted the pay and Selectman Bussiere asked him specifically if he could do the job or not and he said he could. Mr. Schloss said he is doing the job and Selectman Bussiere said he is acting supervisor now he’s just not getting the pay yet. Mr. Schloss said until he gets the position--until someone tells him he’s the supervisor, he doesn’t think he is. Selectman Bussiere said then that acting supervisor doesn’t mean he’s a supervisor. Mr. Schloss said he’d have to think about that and give him an answer later.

Selectman Bussiere said he just wanted to be clear with what they say happened: late Saturday morning Mr. Warren put up a sign stating that “Transfer Station closing ? Selectmen’s meeting May 5” and Eric (Mr. Schloss) had nothing to do with it and didn’t really know it was being put because he was too busy. Once he knew it was, he felt he wasn’t in charge, not acting supervisor or anything like that so he didn’t do anything about it. Mr. Schloss said he was too busy doing other things to pay attention to that silly sign. He said that sign meant nothing to him and wasn’t going to focus on it so he finished his lunch and went back to work. The only thing he ever used it for was the household hazardous waste day. Selectman Scalley asked if that’s what the sign is there for and Mr. Schloss said it’s to get messages across and the only message he can see that the Transfer Station would have is the household hazardous waste day or if there was something else special going on. Selectman Bussiere said he might have seen one about lowering your taxes, recycle or something like that and Mr. Schloss said he didn’t know anything about that. Mr. Warren said he did that one, too. Mr. Schloss said they are focusing on recycling and trying to bring back people to doing it.

Selectman Bussiere said he had all his questions answered and apologized as he didn’t mean to take over. His co-Selectmen said it was all fine and they had no more to ask.

With nothing further, Chairman Moroney asked for a Motion to adjourn. Selectman Bussiere seconded. At this point, it was realized they needed to go into non-public and Chairman Moroney re-opened the meeting. The Board was polled and went into non-public session, per RSA 91-A-3, for Legal at 7:16. (Selectman Bussiere attempted to get the attention of the public who were still in the room.)

At the close of Non-Public Session, Selectman Bussiere moved to return to Public Session and seal the minutes from Non-Public Session. Chairman Moroney seconded and the Motion passed unanimously.

There being no further discussion, Selectman Bussiere made a Motion to: adjourn the meeting. Chairman Moroney seconded and the Motion passed unanimously. Chairman Moroney declared the meeting ended at 8:14 p.m. The next meeting will be Monday, May 5, 2014.