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Minutes of Town Board Meetings

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Minutes of 5/5/2014 APPROVED

May 6th, 2014

Carroll Board of Selectmen
Meeting Minutes
May 5, 2014
"These minutes of the Town of Carroll Select Board have been recorded by its Secretary.
Though believed to be accurate and correct they are subject to additions, deletions and corrections by the Select Board at its next meeting when the Board votes its final approval of the minutes. They are being made available at this time to conform to the requirements of New Hampshire RSA 91-A:2."

Minutes recorded by Maryclare Quigley, Secretary

Board members present: Paul Bussiere, Bonnie Moroney, David Scalley

The meeting was called to order at 7 PM by Chairman Moroney.

Members of the public present: Jim Primavera, Greg Hogan, John Warren, Evan Karpf, Edith Tucker, Joan Karpf, Nancy Mitiguy, David Ikasalo, Leslie Bergum, Mike Gooden, Ann Fabrizio, Roberta McGee, Howard Hackman, Arthur Buddington, Donna Foster, Claire Gritzer, Mike Durfor, Eric Schloss, Dianne Hogan, Michael Hogan, Scott Sonia, Jeremy Oleson, Judy Pappas, Chris Pappas, Megan Rouillard, Bobbi Amirault, Michelle McCorison, Bill Smalley, Kathy Saffian, Donna Matz, Bob O�Leary, Bill Brown

Pledge of Allegiance

The meeting was filmed by Nancy Mitiguy.

The Board announced the approval of bills and signing of manifests.

Selectman Bussiere made a Motion to: Accept the minutes of 4/21/2014. Selectman Scalley seconded and the Motion passed unanimously.

Selectman Bussiere made a Motion to: Accept the minutes of 4/30/2014. Selectman Scalley seconded and it passed unanimously.

Michael Durfor attended on behalf of NRRA (National Resource Recovery Association). However, his first announcement was that he had lost his cellphone and he thought it was between here and the intersection. He asked if anyone found it to please let him know.

Mr. Durfor began by saying that the Town has a wonderful facility including the space and capability for storage. He went on to say having the storage is a great asset particularly with the fluctuation of the market for recyclables. He said he had sent a letter and material (attached) to the Town earlier and also that he realized there hadn�t been enough time for the Board or the Secretary to review it properly so he briefly summarized it.

Mr. Durfor gave several examples of towns and groups of towns who looked into zero-sort and while some did go that way, others did not. Among the reasons was going from receiving some revenue for their recyclables to receiving none, in a matter of a year, which amounted in huge costs for removal. He reiterated the fluctuation of the market and referred to December, 2008, when the economy crashed and not having the choice of being able to store the recyclables while waiting for the market to correct and go back up. He went on to say that 42,000 pounds of recyclables should result in $11,000, and while there would be expense involved i.e. payroll, trucking, etc., there is still value and thus, revenue.

Mr. Durfor said we should look for a guaranteed charge and that we should never have to pay for anything with value to be taken away. He explained that with zero-sort about 25% may be thrown away and end up as garbage because when all recyclables are together, cardboard and paper can get wet from other items. Contaminated material cannot be used in the machines. He said while there may not be a charge for taking them away, there is no revenue for recyclables and we should be trying to double our volume, not reduce the volume. Mr. Durfor said he has yet to see an analysis come out better for a zero-sort town than one with an infrastructure like the Town of Carroll�s. He also offered to help in any way that he can as the Board is sorting through the information and making their decision. Mr. Durfor thanked the Board for giving him the opportunity to speak at their meeting.

Chairman Moroney said the Board is putting everything together to work on comparisons with spreadsheets of costs and the information from Casella and now from NRRA. She said the earliest a decision may be made would be two weeks and maybe four or more.

Scott Sonia, Water Superintendent, advised the Board that since there were no breaks in the frozen line, there are two hydrants in the same area of Route 3 North which need to be replaced and hopefully will be done this month. During the brief discussion it was stated they will be located a little further away from the road, but will remain in the Town right-of-way. The temporary line will remain until the work is completed so the houses won�t be without water. Once the work is completed, the line will be chlorinated, pressurized and put back on line and the properties on the temporary line will be back on the main.

Chairman Moroney read a letter from Nathan Smith resigning from the Parks and Recreation Commission. Chairman Moroney made a Motion to: Accept the resignation. Selectman Scalley seconded and it passed unanimously.

Greg Hogan, Road Agent, spoke on behalf of Carol Carlson Cunningham, President of the Chamber of Commerce. They want to paint the Information Booth and she had given swatches of the colors for Mr. Hogan to show the Board. He said she had looked for colors that they hope would blend with the train and the area. The members acknowledged that they all liked the new colors.

Evan Karpf spoke to the date for the town clean-up day. He said he had contacted the Rec Department because he knew they did one and he wanted to make it a community day, but he received an email from Dave Scalley that they did not want to do it. He went on to say he was not going to do it because Rec didn�t want to participate and that he feels it�s a missed opportunity for a community event/effort. Chairman Moroney asked why he was zeroing in on the Rec Department and said further that they have always done their own area. Megan Rouillard said they are not the only community committee and that there are others who also could have been asked.

The following items were approved and signed:

Forest Fire Deputy Warden Appointment Form � Karl Comeau
Town Hall use Permit Application � Moroney/Houghton, Pelletier, Parks & Rec
Yield Tax Warrant � Steele
Water Warrant � Ward, Strickland


At the request of the Treasurer, the Secretary brought up an email sent regarding Certificates of Deposit for Fire/Ambulance and Transfer Station which are coming due in June and for which the Treasurer is seeking guidance about renewing or not. Chief Oleson was in attendance and said he wanted to speak about his later so Chairman Moroney said this will be tabled to the next meeting.

Selectman Bussiere said he had a question for Scott Sonia about liability for turning on water, and was assured that they are there when it is done. Thus if there are leaks or other issues, someone is right there to find them and take care of them.

Evan Karpf spoke about the NRRA information and said he believed the cost for glass should not be included as we have a glass crusher and do not ship it anymore. Eric Schloss said he spoke with the NRRA office about it and they agreed that it should not.

Evan Karpf asked if the Board has a vision as he attended the OEP meeting and they said there will be major changes in the next twenty years. He gave examples of the age of the population which is getting older and that the population is decreasing because younger people are leaving. Chairman Moroney mentioned this was part of the project at the high school; to help keep young people here, but apparently others preferred not to spend the money. He said he felt it was important to share this. The Chairman said the town is going through its own baby boom right now � and also said that Selectman school focuses on these types of things.

Megan Rouillard asked in light of earlier discussion, about the roles of the Rec Department and the Chamber of Commerce. She said the Chamber usually supplies cookies and coffee for the Deliberative Session but did not do it this year and the Rec Department caught flack because they didn�t do it but it�s not something they do anyway. Chairman Moroney said the Chamber really isn�t a committee of the town but that it�s a business group and they work to help bring people to town and to beautify the town among other things. She said they are separate groups and are not responsible for each other�s projects. It was noted the Chamber meetings are at 9:30 a.m. on the second Monday of the month and all are invited. It was suggested that Ms. Rouillard speak with a Chamber member regarding other items with which they might need help.

Greg Hogan brought information on setting up the new truck which has been ordered. He said he has two bids which he gave to the Board. He asked permission not to seek the required third bid as he said these two are very close with each other and have locations within a reasonable distance. He knows the third would be much further away for dealing with and believes the price would be substantially higher. He has researched the ones he has received and is very comfortable with both: HP Fairfield, LLC and Tenco. When he was asked, Mr. Hogan said they are not the same company as for the last new truck, as that company does not do the big trucks.

Chief Oleson said they had just had the Swiftwater Rescue Class over the weekend and thanked all the member of his Department who took it. He spoke very highly of them and said they were in the water in spite of the coldness, including a hail storm. He said those from the Carroll Department all passed. They were thanked and given a round of applause by the meeting attendees.

Donna Foster, Chairman of the Planning Board, advised that at their last meeting they voted to accept Richard Krapf as an alternate.

Kathy Saffian asked if the Board will share information before the meeting when they are ready to discuss the Transfer Station and she was assured they will. She said she feels the Board could be looking sizable differences. She also said she hopes when looking at what Casella will do, that there will be something about what they will not do. Dave Ikasalo asked if they will still need employees even if they go to zero-sort and the Board assured that they will � as it�s only about possibly changing the way we recycle.

Joan Karpf asked about a follow-up regarding the third seat on the ballot for the Zoning Board which she asked about at the last meeting. Selectman Bussiere said as the Chairman for the ZBA, that he had contacted Town Counsel. He said the Attorney General�s Office which Mrs. Karpf had contacted, had called and talked with him several times. He is awaiting word back from the AG�s Office and will advise once he has heard.

As there was no further business, the Board was polled and went into non-public session, per RSA 91-A-3, for Personnel and Legal at 7:56 p.m.

At the close of Non-Public Session, Chairman Moroney moved to return to Public Session and seal the minutes from Non-Public Session. Selectman Bussiere seconded and the Motion passed unanimously.

There being no further discussion, Chairman Moroney made a Motion to: adjourn the meeting. Selectman Bussiere seconded and the Motion passed unanimously. Chairman Moroney declared the meeting ended at 9:55 p.m. The next meeting will be Monday, May 19, 2014.