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Minutes of Town Board Meetings

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Minutes of 5/19/2014 DRAFT

May 22nd, 2014

Carroll Board of Selectmen
Meeting Minutes
May 19, 2014
"These minutes of the Town of Carroll Select Board have been recorded by its Secretary.
Though believed to be accurate and correct they are subject to additions, deletions and corrections by the Select Board at its next meeting when the Board votes its final approval of the minutes. They are being made available at this time to conform to the requirements of New Hampshire RSA 91-A:2."

Minutes recorded by Maryclare Quigley, Secretary

Board members present: Paul Bussiere, Bonnie Moroney, David Scalley

The meeting was called to order at 7:01 PM by Chairman Moroney.

Members of the public present: Annette Marquis, Mike Gooden, Evan Karpf, Joan Karpf, Jane Ikasalo, John Warren, Brenda Schloss, Leslie Bergum, Donna Foster, Scott Sonia, Michael Hogan, Dianne Hogan, Marilyn Fitzsimmons, Jeremy Oleson, Nancy Mitiguy

Pledge of Allegiance

The meeting was filmed by Jane Ikasalo.

The Board announced the approval of bills and signing of manifests.

Selectman Bussiere made a Motion to: Accept the minutes of 5/5/2014. Selectman Scalley seconded and the Motion passed unanimously.

Chairman Moroney announced they are still working on the spreadsheet and gathering information regarding the Transfer Station.

Greg Hogan, Road Agent, asked if they had made a decision about the new dump/plow truck, as he had left material for the Board to review at the last meeting. Selectman Bussiere apologized that he didn’t have it in front of him, but thought he remembered based on the quotes that the total price would go over budget about $7,000. Mr. Hogan said with everything completed 100% it would actually be under budget, based on the quote he would prefer. Mr. Hogan said he thought what Selectman Bussiere might be referring to was the quote that was about $10,000 higher than the other two and the reason for this difference is more electronics, i.e. controls for plow, etc., run by buttons compared to usual sticks. When asked he said it is not better, just different. He noted of the quotes that his preference would be from Tenco and though it is the lowest, his choice is because they have done a lot of work with Freightliner in Lebanon, which is where the truck is being purchased. Selectman Scalley asked if they could hold off to the next meeting as he hadn’t had a chance to review the information. It was noted it would be better to be able to place the order sooner than later as it takes six or more weeks for the work to be completed, but that they should still be all right going another couple of weeks. Chairman Moroney said this would be tabled to the next meeting.

The following items were approved and signed:

Parks & Recreation Commission Nominations – Jackie Gardiner, 3 years; Nancy Hibbard 2
years; Michael Hogan, 2 years
CAI Technologies – Tax Map Maintenance, Planning Map Maintenance, Street Numbering
Update Contracts
Water Warrant – Lynch, Woodsville Guaranty Savings
Yield Tax Warrant – Ravinski, USFG/Timberwolf Logging
Oath of Office – Richard Krapf, Planning Board Alternate
Property Tax Abatements – Cline, Lacostic

Certificate of Occupancy – Birchwood Commons, Inc., Suite #5 Selectman Scalley recused
himself from this vote and sat back from the table. Selectman Bussiere made a Motion to:
sign and Chairman Moroney seconded. The Motion passed 2 to 0.

At the last meeting the Town Treasurer, Sue Kraabel, had requested the Board’s preference regarding Certificates of Deposit for the Transfer Station and the Ambulance that will be coming due. She was looking for guidance as to renewing them and for what duration. The Board tabled the item as they wanted to find out if the departments would want the money to be available for using within the next year or so. Chairman Moroney said Chief Oleson said they were having big issues with Ambulance I so the Board felt the ambulance CD could be renewed for one year and Chairman Moroney said there were no plans at this time for the Transfer Station money so the Board felt up to (and including) two years would be fine for that CD. Mrs. Kraabel will be notified.

The Board will continue to review the Building Permit Fees proposed by the Building Inspector, Stan Borkowski, and look at it at the next meeting. Selectman Scalley asked for an appointment with Stan when he is here on Tuesday as he has some questions. Chairman Moroney noted to keep in mind that at the previous meeting it was pointed out there seemed to be a conflict over driveway permits.

Chairman Moroney announced the Memorial Day Parade will be Monday, May 26, and will begin at 11 a.m. from the Fire Station. As in years past, there will be a barbecue at the Fire Station immediately following for all who can come.

Chairman Moroney made notification that Low & Moderate Income Taxpayer Assistance forms are available on-line and at the Selectmen’s and Town Clerk’s Offices. She stated the deadline for sending these in is June 30, 2014.


Selectman Scalley said the Master Plan Committee is moving forward and doing well. He said that Tara Bamford from North Country Council who has been working with the, is putting together a packet and will bring it to the Committee next month. He said they are making good progress and they are pleased with how it’s going.

Selectman Bussiere said he had spoken with Town Counsel which he had noted at the last meeting, and is still waiting to hear from the Attorney General’s Office. However, there had been two spots officially on the ballot and because there had been an appointment for an uncompleted term that position ALSO should have been on the ballot – to fill out the term. He acknowledged that it was his mistake. Selectman Bussiere also said that Town Counsel told him we don’t need to hold a special election. He said this position will be on the ballot next year.

Scott Sonia, Water Superintendent, said he had two bids to repave the Route 3 water break area near School Street: Blaktop at $9,200 and Central Paving at $8,000. It was discussed that they have to meet State regulations and specifications regarding the filling, etc., and that they know what’s required. Selectman Scalley made a Motion to: Approve Central Paving for the work. Selectman Bussiere seconded and the Motion passed unanimously.

Mr. Sonia also told the Board after the two hydrants on Route 3 North are replaced there will be over 2,000 feet of water line no longer needed and asked about putting it out to bid. After a brief discussion, it was decided an ad with a reserve, would be put in the paper with a description of what is included; fittings, line, removal under Scott’s supervision; etc. Mr. Sonia was asked to meet with the Secretary to work on the ad. Selectman Scalley also asked that Town Counsel be requested to write a release to absolve the Town of any liability from damage or personal injury when this water line is being removed.

Evan Karpf said as the Town Health Officer, he had attended a conference and wanted to point out that septic systems were part of the discussion as failed systems are a significant hazard. There are numerous items of what should not go down drains or toilets and he has put a list together and posted it on the Town Hall bulletin board. For best use, he said it is recommended that they be pumped every two years. Further, he said, they cannot just be replaced if the system fails – it now needs a new installation. He said if anyone is interested in more information to feel free to call him at 846-5505.

Annette Marquis thanked the Board for all the hard work they do and have done over the years – she said they aren’t usually thanked enough! She went on to say she had read the article in the Democrat and had read the information from Casella and NRRA. While she said she felt they were biased, which was all right as each was promoting itself, she felt there was a big hole in the information from NRRA regarding recycling and zero sort. She said she had concerns but would be happy to put them in an email and the Board thanked her for her input.

Joan Karpf asked about the water rates and if a review has been done yet. Chairman Moroney said the last review was done three or four years ago when they worked with Scott Clang and they do plan to do a review but it has not taken place at this time. Mrs. Karpf then spoke about a report that DES has on line which says we have 400 users and listed numbers of gallons used in 2012, 2013 and 2014. As the latter said 50,000 gallons and the previous two years were much more at 88,000 and higher, she wanted to know what the difference was. It was stated for one thing that 2014 isn’t half over yet and when asked where the numbers came from she did not have that information. It was stated that it appeared DES had done a statistical analysis to update their figures. Chairman Moroney said there would be a meeting with Scott Sonia and Scott Clang to review and update rates. Mrs. Karpf asked how the fixed rates work into the budget and Chairman Moroney said it all goes into one pot, which Mrs. Karpf acknowledged.

Mrs. Karpf then asked about the fourth policeman. She said she couldn’t find where he was paid and also that there was no money in that line anyway. It was pointed out again that he was hired in 2013 to begin January 1, 2014, and therefore, there shouldn’t have been money in the 2013 budget. She asked what the cost of the Police Academy was and Chairman Moroney said we don’t pay for Academy costs but we pay wages while attending. Mrs. Karpf said the police application said they hire at will and asked about that. Chairman Moroney said yes, that the State is an at-will State. Mrs. Karpf went on to say that the result of warrant article 27 was the majority said no. The Chairman reminded that he had been hired in 2013 and that they tried not filling the position when a policeman resigned late in 2012. However, they realized they did not have enough police coverage during a number of incidents and we are a tourist town and people need to know there are police officers available. She went on to say also that it was initially voted by the people to have the fourth officer.

Greg Hogan said Town Clean-Up Day Saturday was a great success thanks to all who participated and they were done by noontime. He said it was a great show of people and wanted to thank them publicly: Don Monahan, Carol Carlson Cunningham, Will Cunningham, Bonnie Moroney, Karl Comeau, Mary Devine, Paul Sampson (Johnson’s Motel), Mike Rouillard, Miggy Rouillard, Jeremy Oleson, Bobbi Amirault, Joan Hogan, Steve and Laurie Messina, Sharon Savoy, Lorraine Monahan, Josh Robertson, John Foster, Rick McCarten (AMC Highland Center). (And Greg Hogan)

Michael Hogan asked if the town maps were digital and on-line. He was told not at this time, but we would look into it.

As there was no further business, the Board was polled and went into non-public session, per RSA 91-A-3, for Legal, Personnel and Town Aid at 8:05 p.m.

At the close of Non-Public Session, Chairman Moroney moved to return to Public Session and seal the minutes from Non-Public Session. Selectman Bussiere seconded and the Motion passed unanimously.

The Board received a letter from Robert Warren seeking reimbursement as they used their own plumber to install a different hose bibb to allow a connection for temporary water during the water main freeze-up on Route 3 North. The charge for this work was $178 by the Warrens’ company, Kilbco, and the charge to do a similar job at one of the other houses by the plumber hired by Carroll Water Dept., Kirby Huntoon, was $85. Chairman Moroney made a Motion to: Reimburse the amount of $85 based on what the Town actually paid. Selectman Bussiere seconded and the Motion passed unanimously.

There being no further discussion, Chairman Moroney made a Motion to: adjourn the meeting. Selectman Scalley seconded and the Motion passed unanimously. Chairman Moroney declared the meeting ended at 9:33 p.m. The next meeting will be Monday, June 2, 2014.