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Minutes of Town Board Meetings

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Minutes of 9/10/2014

September 26th, 2014

September 10, 2014

Members: Michael Hogan, Chair, Bonnie Moroney, Selectpersons Representative, Rob Gauthier, Rena Vecchio
Public: John Gardner, Library Budget and Sue Kraabel, Town Treasurer
Pledge of Allegiance

The Chair opened the meeting at 7:00. Rob Gauthier made a motion to: accept the minutes of August 20, 2014 as written. Michael Hogan seconded and the motion passed with three ayes and 1 abstention. (Bonnie Moroney was not at that meeting.)
The Treasurer, Sue Kraabel, was first to present her budget. She said she only has four lines and her budget is up $70.00. The Training and Travel line is up $5.00 because of bank mileage. The Office Supplies line is up $65.00 because the bank charges her for the deposit slips.
The Chair asked if there were any questions. There being none, the Chair thanked the Treasurer.
Next was John Gardner for the the Library Budget. He said there was an increase in two line items. The first line for the increase was in subscriptions. The library started offering e-books through the State Library. The cost is a flat $400.00.
The second line item involves compensation for the Librarian, Tom McCorkhill. He is a professionally trained and experienced librarian. The short time he has been here he has:
• Inventoried and managed the library’s collection
• Added numerous new titles
• Enhanced the summer program for kids
• Created a Twin Mountain Library Face Book page
• Established Wi-Fi service
• Introduced e-books to our Patrons
• Increased our Patron base
• Writes articles monthly on the library for the Democrat & North Woods Weekly
• Through Tom’s efforts the library obtained a grant for our library with $2000.00 in new children’s and young adult books
• He was awarded another $400.00 in similar books for the Whitefield Elementary School Library
The Board of Library Trustees feel that they positive efforts and achievements of the Librarian deserve to be recognized and rewarded. They are requesting an additional $500.00 in the salary line. The Librarian works 15 hours a week at $11.50 an hour. They would like to increase his pay to $12.50 an hour thru this merit raise. The $500.00 will need to be adjusted. The board felt that John showed his reasons for the raise.
Those were the only two departments that showed up. The numbers given for the Building Inspector/Code Enforcer were not correct. Bonnie Moroney said she would bring the correct numbers later on in the budget season.
Discussion on the budget for the Transfer Station took place. The Selectman will do a budget for the Transfer Station. Greg Hogan has just been named Manager for the Transfer Station, Water Department and Highway Department. A new part-time person has just been hired for the Transfer Station and will be announced next week at the Selectman’s meeting.
The Budget Review Calendar was discussed and things were moved around. The Chair will send the committee new copies of the calendar.
Other things discussed briefly were:
• There is a Finance Workshop in Bartlett on September 23rd. Anyone interested should go on line and register.
• Both Michael and Rob feel that the overtime lines need to be watched.
There being no other business Rob Gauthier made a motion to: adjourn. Rena Vecchio seconded and the motion passed. The meeting ended at 8:30.