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Minutes of Town Board Meetings

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Minutes of 4/9/2015

April 13th, 2015

Carroll Board of Adjustment
Meeting Minutes
April 9, 2015

“These minutes of The Town of Carroll Board of Adjustment have been recorded by its Secretary. Though believed to be accurate and correct they are subject to additions, deletions, and corrections by The Board of Adjustment at its next meeting when the Board votes its final approval of the minutes. They are being made available at this time to conform to the requirements of New Hampshire RSA 91-A:2”

Members of the Board present: Chairman Paul Bussiere, David Scalley, and Dianne Hogan.

Members of the Public present: Michelle Palys, owner of Tarry Ho Campground, Joan Karpf (recording)

Minutes taken by Rena Vecchio, Secretary

Meeting called to order at 7:00

Chairman Bussiere opened the meeting by stating the first item on the agenda was the election of officers.

Dave Scalley made a motion to: nominate Paul Bussiere for Chairman of the Zoning Board for another year. Diane Hogan seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

Paul Bussiere made a motion to: nominate Dave Scalley as Vice Chair of the Zoning Board for another year. Diane Hogan seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

Chairman Bussiere opened the Public Hearing for a Special Exception for Michelle Palys, owner of the Tarry Ho Campground. The purpose of the Special Exception is to open an ice cream stand. Michelle said she is converting the first cabin into an ice cream stand. She handed in to the board maps depicting the cabin and parking. She said the ice cream business would be in an existing building and would be open to the campground as well as the public. She said Stan Borkowski, Code Enforcer/Building Inspector, told her she needed the Special Exception because of the change within the campground and the Special Exception was for their safety and the public’s.
Chairman Bussiere said a drive-in was an allowed use under the Special Exception, which is what Stan was talking about. A drive-in was established as a business you drive in to, get what you came for and drive out. At times there are picnic tables in place outside but no seating inside. The Chair said that Michelle had shown the setbacks on one of the maps and they were fine.

Michelle was asked about:
• Lighting
Michelle said the sign is already lit and she will keep it the way it is.

• Remodeling
The cabin to be used is 140 square feet and will need to be remodeled. There will not be any inside seating.
The dirve-in window will be on Route 302 side of the building. She will trying to get the road traffic,

• Signage
She will incorporate signage with the existing sign. She has ice cream cone signs on order and plans on putting one on the campground sign that is already there. These ice cream cone signs will be seasonal.

• Parking
The maps Michelle brought to the board showed the areas for parking. She said she has more than enough room for parking. She has plenty of room on the property for overflow parking.
Michelle told the board she knows she has to get approval from the state for the extra traffic and parking offered but they would not talk to her until she got the approval for the Special Exception from the town,

Paul Bussiere asked if any of the board members had any questions or issues. There were none. He then asked the public if they had any questions. Joan Karpf said her only concern was the parking. Michelle gave her a copy of the map that showed the parking and any overflow.

David Scalley made a motion to: approve the Special Exception for Michelle Palys/Tarry Ho, as specified in the zoning ordinance, article 303.3-i, 373 Route 302 West, Twin Mountain, N.H. 03595, Map 206, Lot 138, for a drive-in ice cream stand as shown with the condition that the State approve of the parking. Diane Hogan seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

The Chairman told Michelle Palys that the public has 30 days to file an appeal and if one was filed, it would stop everything.

Next on the agenda was Rules of Procedure. The Chair said he thought this should be tabled until next month when the board meets in May. He asked the secretary to make sure all the board members had a copy of the Rules of Procedure.

Paul Bussiere made a motion to: adjourn. Dave Scalley seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

The meeting ended at 8:15.