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Minutes of Town Board Meetings

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Minutes of 8/24/2015

August 28th, 2015

Carroll Board of Selectmen
Meeting Minutes
August 24, 2015

“These minutes of the Town of Carroll Select board have been recorded by its Secretary. Though believed to be accurate and correct they are subject to additions, deletions and corrections by the Select Board at its next meeting when the Board votes its final approval of the minutes. They are being made available at this time to conform to the requirements of New Hampshire RSA 91-A:2.”

Minutes recorded by Maryclare Quigley, Secretary

Board members present: David Scalley, Bonnie Moroney, Paul Bussiere

The meeting was called to order at 7 Chairman Scalley.

Members of the public present: Mike Gooden, Greg Hogan, Donna Foster, Michael Hogan, Dianne Hogan, Debbie Szauter, Imre Szauter, Jeremy Oleson

Pledge of Allegiance

Chairman Scalley noted the meeting was not being filmed.

The Board announced the approval of bills and signing of manifests.

Selectman Moroney made a Motion to: Approve the minutes of 8/10/2015 as written. Selectman Bussiere seconded and it passed unanimously.

Building permits and fee structure were brought up and Jeremy Oleson, Fire/Amb. Chief, who couldn’t attend the last meeting, was asked his opinion of them. He said they had spoken previously of liability and asked about case law for it. Selectman Bussiere said he had received direct emails asking if the Town would accept liability for anything not picked up by a poorly done inspection. Chief Oleson said it is his opinion that if inspections are not done properly, you don’t get rid of the whole process, you get rid of the inspector. It was further stated to change the fee structure for the job or project, but again, do not cut the whole process.

During discussion of life safety issues, Chief Oleson said there should be more inspections during the building process, but there is nothing in place currently to go in until the building is completed. Selectman Bussiere asked if a fulltime town employee could easily make these inspections. He said he knows Chief Oleson can be very busy and wanted to know if that could help him out.

Chairman Scalley spoke to meeting attendee, Imre Szauter, whom he said spoke at a previous meeting and felt all had gone well with his building project. He asked Mr. Szauter if he had made calls or if the inspections occurred spontaneously. Again, Mr. Szauter spoke very highly of Chief Oleson, whom he said came in and made some suggestions for changes which proved to greatly preferable. He said he had a very good and reputable builder who not only made certain all was done correctly, but would call for inspections as needed. Mr. Szauter noted that some of the inspections were initiated by the Building Inspector. He reiterated that he felt they were well-served by both inspectors. Michael Hogan said he understands by RSA that towns are not liable for inspections and that people cannot sue towns for bad inspections or things that may be missed. He said his house was inspected and when all was done, it wasn’t right. He said his house had sunk 2 1/5 feet because it was not shored up properly. He said he thinks we should go fulltime and charge plenty or do away with it entirely. Mr. Szauter said he would not want to see inspections for safety go away – for not only the safety of residents but firefighters and emergency responders in the event they need to be called.

Next in the process is the fee structure. Selectman Bussiere feels the fee should go back to the amount as voted by the people many years ago. And then correct it by a warrant article in the 2016 town meeting. Michael Hogan suggested the Select Board write a letter to any who plan to do work to say that they recommend getting an independent inspector verify construction, processes, etc. During the discussion, it was noted that life safety would be different from other inspections. It was also pointed out that structures should be built according to code about which a brief discussion ensued. Selectman Bussiere said more information is still required before going further with this.

The following items were approved and signed:

Property Tax Lien Abatement – Coady
Water Warrant – Simmons
Town Hall Use Permit Application – Monahan

It was noted the Monahan family has a tent erected which precipitated discussion about inspections in light of the recent circus tent disaster in Lancaster. Chief Oleson said this would be under the prevue of the Fire Chief and basically is in the form of an assembly permit. This permit is required for 100 or more people. It was noted we always receive a certificate of insurance from Donald Monahan.

Selectman Moroney read a letter of thanks to Evan Karpf for his years of service to the Town as its health officer. It was noted based on discussion at the previous meeting that effective immediately filling this position would revert to former practice of appointing a member of the Fire/Rescue Department. Selectman Moroney made a Motion to: sign the letter and Selectman Bussiere seconded. The Motion passed unanimously.


Selectman Moroney thanked all who worked at, donated to and purchased from the Yard and Bake Sale at the Fire Station on Saturday, August 15, 2015. She said they did very well and raised more than $3,700 for the purchase of water rescue equipment.

Selectman Moroney asked if there was any information about the payroll company they had discussed. Chairman Scalley apologized and said due to his schedule he had “dropped the ball” on that and said he would call the next day to try and set up a meeting.

It was stated the Selectmen’s Office had received a call inquiring if anyone would be interested in testifying at a hearing about the Rooms and Meals Tax distribution. After little discussion, Michael Hogan said as a member of the Budget Committee (Chair) and being very interested in this, he would be happy to do so. He spoke about numbers and he will get together with the office prior to going to Concord.

Donna Foster asked as Chair of the Planning Board, if she had authority to enter into a contract with an engineering firm to do a third party review for a project. It was established that the applicant pays for all attendant fees. Selectman Bussiere said it is his belief that the Chair can do this with Board approval as long as it is a Planning Board issue and does not include Town money and property. It was further stated, yes, as it is part of the Planning Board regulations.

Mr. Szauter said he wanted to publicly acknowledge the Fire Department for the excellence in which they perform their duties.

Chief Oleson thanked Bonnie Moroney and the Ladies Auxiliary and all who participated, donated, etc., to the recent sale. He reiterated this will allow them to purchase equipment for rescues and will make their job safer as well. He said everyone should feel free to stop in for a demonstration and to talk about was they do. Selectman Bussiere added his deep thanks to Selectman Moroney for all her efforts and Chairman Scalley concurred.

As there was no further business, the Board was polled to go into non-public session, per RSA 91-A-3 for personnel at 7:44 p.m. Selectman Bussiere, yes; Chairman Scalley, yes, Selectman Moroney, yes.

At the close of non-public session at 8:50 p.m., Selectman Moroney moved to return to public session and seal the minutes from non-public session. Selectman Bussiere seconded and the Motion passed unanimously.

Selectman Moroney made a Motion to adjourn the meeting and Selectman Bussiere seconded. The Motion passed unanimously. Chairman Scalley declared the meeting ended at 8:52 p.m. The next meeting will be Monday, August 31, 2015.