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Minutes of Town Board Meetings

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Minutes of 9/3/2015

September 15th, 2015

Carroll Planning Board
Meeting Minutes

September 3, 2015

�These minutes of the Town of Carroll Planning Board have been recorded by its Secretary. Though believed to be accurate and correct they are subject to additions,
deletions and corrections by the Planning Board at its next meeting when the Board votes its final approval of the minutes. They are being made available at this time to conform to the requirements of New Hampshire RSAS 90-A: 2.

Members Present: Chairperson Donna Foster, Ken Mills, Brian Mykco, Richard Krapf and Bonnie Moroney, Selectman�s Representative, Karen Saffian and Steven Whitley, Counsel for the Town.

Members of the Public: Evan Karpf, recording, Andy Smith, Representative for the Property Owner, Jacqueline Murray from C. Davis Associates, Agent for Bay Communications II, LLC and Attorney John Springer, representing the applicant and Carol Carlson

Minutes taken by: Rena Vecchio, Secretary

Pledge of Allegiance

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. Chairperson Donna Foster opened the meeting asking the board members if they had a chance to go over the minutes of August 6, 2015. There were several additions and corrections:
� Page 2, third paragraph, starting with �Jacqueline Murray��, next to last bullet reads, �They are working with the FAA�� corrected to read �They are working with the FCC�
� Page 3, second paragraph, starting with �The board told��.license from the FAA, corrected to read, ���license from the FCC.�
� Page 2, under �The following are board member questions���� , will be added on,
1. There needs to be a gate and signs across the road being used to reach the facility for security because the railroad tracks are used as the snowmobile trail.
2. There needs to be a letter from the DOT allowing a road to go across the railroad tracks.
3. We need the FAA requirements in a letter and an approval letter.
� From Ken Mills, under �The following are board member questions�..�, page 3:
1. 5th bullet down, last sentence, reads, �The Chair if they could�.., corrected to read �The Chair asked if they could��.
2. Continue from there to add from Ken, �The applicant is here with an application, not seeking input/consulting to their proposal. I am not comfortable with asking them to conider a different location and all that entails. While it may offer greater coverage, the exigency involved and the costs associated goes beyond the process of the PLBD, from my understanding of the board�s role in a community.
3. Page 2, fourth paragraph, starting with �Donna Foster, Chair,�.� To add to that paragraph from Ken, �I would like to ensure the point of it not being a historical site is what drives the process�not what may or may not have been discussed. The board operates on what is rather than what is desired.�

Bonnie Moroney made a motion to: approve the minutes of August 6, 2015 with the corrections. Richard Karfp seconded and the motion passed with 4 ayes, 2 abstaining, Karen Saffian and Michael Hogan as they were not at that meeting. Brian Mycko had been called out of the meeting and was not available to vote.

Donna Foster opened the Public Hearing saying the board was continuing the discussion from the consultation with Bay Communications on a proposed cell tower/wireless facility. She asked if they had any further information to show the board and any information from the requests by the board last month. John Springer, Attorney of John Springer Law Offices, representing the applicant. He started by saying they had a very detailed application but would just review for the few members of the public and the board members.
Map �C�
� They are proposing a wireless facility or cell tower off of Fieldstone Lane
� The leased area for the structure is 110 feet by 110 feet
� DOT has a ROW thru the area, off of Fieldstone Lane and they plan to follow that existing trail which is approximately 20 feet wide.
Map �C-3� A-1
� Shows there are 2 zones, Rural and Residential-Business, which the tower would be under and they are allowed under both zones
� Good look at the compound
� Lattice Tower, 175 feet tall, 5 carrier tower
� Shows fall zone where there are no neighbors, property or anything in the zone.
� Applicant NEWN, Northeast Wireless Networks with AT&T as an affiliate
Map �C-3� A-2
� Shows side views of the lattice tower
� Each antenna needs a 10 foot space between the �arrays� per carrier
� Shows the gate requested by the board for the access road/railroad track/snowmobile trail
� Shows details of the
1. Swing Gate
2. Proposed Generator
3. Coax Ice Bridge
4. GPS
5. Proposed Antenna Mount

The following are questions asked by the board members and answers that were given also information to the board:
� Donna Foster asks: �What happens if the property is sold and then subdivided? John Springer answered, �The lease goes with the land and no subdivision can be done around the leased area. They would also have to come before the boards of the town to do anything�.
� Richard Krapf says he thinks there should be 2 gates on either side of the railroad tracks because of the snowmobile trial.
� Karen Saffian asks if the generator is good for all 5 of the carriers. John Springer says no just for NEWN. Each carrier will need their own generator. He went on to say the generator is a passive use, does not make noise, there is no smoke, soot or glare and it is not visible to the public. It has a wattage of 7kw and a 250 gallon tank. It has no discharges of water or sewer. He stated that the access road would have little traffic after the tower is erected, low impact use and is taxable to the town.
� AT&T has no coverage in the area
� Antennae�s can be pointed east, west and south. The ridge line blocks the north.

A balloon test was suggested and agreed upon.
� The balloon will fly 180 feet
� The board is free to go to the site and see the balloon
� The balloon test will only fly for approximately 4 hours but the test will produce pictures of the balloon and the different ways the balloon can be seen.
� Board would like the test done so they can see the pictures at the next PLBD meeting in October. The test is scheduled for September 24th with a rain date of September 25th. Flying time is 7:00 am to 11:00 pm. Any board member that wants the pictures taken from particular places or angles must contact Donna Foster, Chair, before September 18th.
� Jackie Murray said that there would also be pictures taken with a 360 degree view.
� Evan Karpf asked if pictures of a mono pole would be shown in comparison to the proposed lattice pole. Attorney Springer said no because they have chosen the lattice pole because it is much stronger.

Evan Karpf brought up the FAA report that came out on August 31st. Attorney Springer said he had not seen it but asked for a copy of the report Evan had. It stated that towers around airports would be limited in height. He said he would read this and then they would deal with this. They have work to do with the FAA. But they will work with them.

Donna Foster asked once the tower was constructed how long it would be before the tower would be used. John Springer said that NEWN would go on immediately. But it does take time, so it would be as soon as possible. This would not be a tower built for use in the future.

Comments and questions:
� Ken Mills said that the board was asking for 2 gates on the access road and he could not understand, it was not law or in our ordinances. He asked the board when do we stop protecting people from themselves.
� Karen Saffian wanted to know how many more expansions would be needed if this towers coverage was for approximately 2 miles. John Springer said there was a possibility that another tower may be needed.
� There was discussion among the board members about the balloon test and timing of our next meeting which would be October 1st. Jacqueline Murray said it really didn�t give them enough time.
� The cost of the removal of the tower was estimated to be $26,487.00.

Richard Krapf made a motion to: extend the October Planning Board (PLBD) meeting one week until Thursday, October 8, 2015. Michael Hogan seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

Chairperson Foster said she still needed to contact a technical company to help the town with the technical aspects. She had been given a name/company to check.
She also had a few items to be addressed:
� A better site plan for the water drainage
� Wants the fall zone bigger then the area
� Fire Department would like to be able to add on to the tower. Donna gave John Springer a copy of the agreement with Verizon that had an application in to the town in 2007. Attorney Springer said he would talk to Bay Communications but it would probably be done at the town�s expense.
� A question was asked about the shot clock but Attorney Springer said he saw no problem here with that. That was put in place for towns that were stalling telecommunication applications.

Brian Mycko made a motion to: accept the application from Bay Communications for a Wireless Facility off of Fieldstone Lane, Map 206, Lot 25 as complete. Ken Mills seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

Karen Saffian asked if the fact that the tower would be on a Scenic Byway made any difference. Attorney Springer said not really. He has to have a NEPA study done, by law, and he hopes to have it done by October 1st. He said the study will show of any Indian areas/burial grounds, Federally protected wildlife, historical sites or wetlands and sensitive areas.

At nine, there were no more questions. Bonnie Moroney made a motion to: adjourn the meeting. Richard Krapf seconded and the motion passed unanimously.