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Minutes of Town Board Meetings

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Minutes of 9/21/2015

September 23rd, 2015

Carroll Board of Selectmen
Meeting Minutes
September 21, 2015

“These minutes of the Town of Carroll Select board have been recorded by its Secretary. Though believed to be accurate and correct they are subject to additions, deletions and corrections by the Select Board at its next meeting when the Board votes its final approval of the minutes. They are being made available at this time to conform to the requirements of New Hampshire RSA 91-A:2.”

Minutes recorded by Maryclare Quigley, Secretary

Board members present: David Scalley, Selectman Moroney, Paul Bussiere.

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 Chairman Scalley.

Members of the public present: Michael Hogan, Dianne Hogan, Debbie Szauter, Imre Szauter, Donna Foster, Rena Vecchio

Pledge of Allegiance

The Board announced the approval of bills and signing of manifests.

Selectman Bussiere made a Motion to: Approve the minutes of 9/14/2015 as written and Chairman Scalley seconded. The Motion passed. Selectman Moroney abstained.

Chairman Scalley reported that he had spoken with the representative from Paychex, the payroll service the Town is considering, and told him there would be a few more meetings before any decisions are made. The Secretary said Town Counsel had said to be sure they review the contract before we sign it. Selectman Moroney also spoke about being able to look at a contract.
The following items were approved and signed:

Chairman Scalley asked that it be noted that the meeting was not being filmed


Selectman Bussiere said Greg Hogan, Public Works Director, had to cancel on attending tonight, so he reported that the River crossing was completed last week after a lot of hard work.

The Secretary said the Board had tabled the Driveway Permit for Old Cherry Mountain Road the previous week as they had wanted to speak with the Code Enforcement Officer or the Road Agent. She asked if they’d had the chance and would want to proceed with it. The main concerns were that it is on a Class VI road and the steep pitch of driveways to the road. Donna Foster said a few years ago, there was a subdivision on the Bretton Woods end of the road and it was approved with the condition that the owner will tell the purchaser(s) that emergency services might have trouble accessing them. There was further discussion that this is not a town-maintained road and that there are other houses up there. The Secretary reiterated Chief Oleson’s concerns about access for emergency vehicles which would most likely hinder timeliness of response. Selectman Bussiere made a motion but retracted it in deference to having one being made by Selectman Moroney, which he felt was more precise. Selectman Moroney made the Motion To: Approve the Driveway Permit with the provision that the Town of Carroll is not responsible for the maintenance and plowing of this road. Chairman Scalley seconded and the Motion passed unanimously. The Secretary noted that the Code Enforcement Officer had included the RSA pertaining to Class VI roads which he had asked that a copy of which be sent to the property owner. Chairman Scalley requested that the provision be written on the driveway permit.

Chairman Scalley said he had set up a meeting with the building inspector from Bethlehem for September 28, to talk about what they are doing in that town, i.e. what works, what doesn’t, etc.
They talked about whether or not to have our inspector there but decided it wasn’t a forum to necessarily compare but to gather information.

As no other warrant articles could be found that had been voted on by the people, Chairman Scalley said he would like to make a Motion To: Bring the fee for building permits back to $15 for the rest of the year. Selectman Bussiere seconded, and proceeded to give some background on the permit fee. He said the Selectmen increased fees over the years which shouldn’t have happened because it was initially voted on by the people. This would be only to make it what it legally should be. Discussion followed that the fees cover the building inspector costs and the budget would have to be increased for these costs in the future. The Board agreed to the suggestion that a warrant article could be put forth regarding authority for changing the fees, or at least changing them back to the current amounts. Discussion took place about modifying the motion when it turned to what to do about people who had previously paid the higher rates. The Board then decided to put the Motion on hold until the town attorney could be consulted.

Rena Vecchio asked to clarify whether they are planning to keep the inspector or whether they are going to do away with the position. She was assured that this time, they are only bringing in the other person to see how things are going and looking at other information that may be available.

Michael Hogan announced that on Thursday, September 24, from 7 a.m. to 11 a.m. there will be a balloon test for the height of the cell tower that has been proposed to be installed in the Town, and is currently before the Planning Board. Donna Foster, Chair of the Board, said there will be a Board meeting and public hearing on Thursday, October 8, when pictures will be available and there will be discussion.

Michael Hogan also said on Wednesday, September 23, there will be a third meeting regarding the Rooms and Meals Tax distribution formula and he will again attend. He said that he is careful to preface his statements that they are his opinions and not those of the Town, and continued saying that he is adamant that the current way is not fair or equitable. He reiterated the amount of money the Town of Carroll receives back from the State is much too little compared with the amount which is generated in the Town. He said our emergency budgets are increased to reflect the amount of tourism in our area and that, too, should have a bearing on the return of money to us. Selectman Moroney asked if the State gave their reasoning for justifying what they do return to the towns, which is much less that the 40% required by law when the Rooms and Meals tax was first instituted. Mr. Hogan said they had not. The Board thanked Mr. Hogan for his work on behalf of the Town.

Chairman Scalley advised the next meeting will be September 28, 2015, at 5:30 p.m.

As there was no further business, the Board was polled to go into non-public session, per RSA 91-A-3 for personnel at 7:45 p.m. Selectman Bussiere, yes, Chairman Scalley, yes, Selectman Moroney, yes.

At the close of non-public session at 8:30 p.m., Selectman Moroney moved to return to public session and seal the minutes from non-public session. Chairman Scalley seconded and the Motion passed unanimously.

Selectman Moroney made a Motion to adjourn the meeting and Selectman Bussiere seconded. The Motion passed unanimously. Chairman Scalley declared the meeting ended at 8:30 p.m. The next meeting will be Monday, September 28, 2015, at 5:30 p.m.