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Minutes of Town Board Meetings

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Workshop of 3/21/2016

March 24th, 2016

Carroll Board of Selectmen
March 21, 2016

“These minutes of the Town of Carroll Select Board have been recorded by its Secretary. Though believed to be accurate and correct they are subject to additions, deletions and corrections by the Select Board at its next meeting when the Board votes its final approval of the minutes. They are being made available at this time to conform to the requirements of New Hampshire RSA 91-A:2.”

Recorded by Maryclare H. Quigley, Secretary

Board members present: Paul Bussiere, David Scalley, Brian Mycko

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 Chairman Scalley.

Pledge of Allegiance

The Board announced the approval of bills and signing of manifests.

Members of the public present: Jeremy Oleson, Tadd Bailey

Chairman Bussiere called on Tadd Bailey. Tadd said with Fosters’ Crossroads being sold and their no longer being a hunting/deer weighing and registration station in town, he had spoken with Matt Holmes, a Fish & Game Officer about the possibility of using the Fire Station. He said it may also include turkey and bear. Jeremy said a precedent has been set as they issue fire permits from there and explained where the scales would be placed and how it would work -- how trucks can just back up to them and hang the game, which would be registered with the weight. If there isn’t anyone at the Station, they have a list of designees who would come over. There is a $2 fee, which they said is not a huge money maker – but basically is just to keep a weigh station in town. They will get the scales from Fosters’. They will have a sign out for temporary use and it will be out only during hunting season. When asked, they said there is no money for the people who register. The Board agreed it was a good idea and Chairman Bussiere made a Motion to: Accept the Fire Department for game registration and any money raised to go to the Fire Department Association. Selectman Mycko seconded and it passed unanimously.

The following items were approved and signed:

Northpoint Engineering, LLC – Old Landfill Monitoring
Oaths of Office – M. Philbin, Library Trustee; B. Jellison, Moderator; Karen Saffian, Planning
E9-1-1 Data Operations Liaison Form – State DOS
Federal Surplus Property Program Agreement – State Dept. of Adm. Services
Yield Tax Certificates – Sweeney; Borelli

The Board had all received copies of the estimate from Tirey & Associates, P.C. regarding a structural inspection of the Town Hall. As the quote was $6,500, they said they would talk with Greg about a different approach. They had a brief discussion of ways to solve the issue, including putting a limit on the number of people allowed in together, limits on the kind of use, life safety issues, etc. It was also stated if there is an active building committee, they may be able to hold off for a while. Selectman Scalley wanted to know if the insurance company wants additional coverage on a non-contributory basis.

The Board each read over a letter received by Town Clerk earlier in the day regarding the future new owners of Foster’s Crossroads being issued a Combination-Beverage/Wine/Tobacco liquor license. They were invited to submit data, views, comments, etc. with respect to the potential issuance of this license. They said they had no problems with this being issued and would forego submitting anything.

The Board resumed the review of the Employee Manual starting with page 11. Article II.8, first line replaced the word “appointed” with the word “hired”. Fourth line of second paragraph, replaced “full time” with “regular”. Regarding Article II.9, determined that we need to create a form to comply with Employee self-evaluation.

Article III.3 , second line, replaced “shall be five days” with “is” (Sunday through Saturday) and deleted “The normal workweek is” – so the full sentence reads “The normal workweek is Sunday through Saturday, as follows:” Departments and hours were rearranged and changed to:
“ADMINISTRATIVE (Monday through Friday) – 40 hours
PUBLIC WORKS (exc. Transfer Station) (Monday through Friday) – 40 hours
POLICE – (Per Department Schedule) -- 40 hours
FIRE – (Per Department Schedule) -- 40 hours
TRANSFER STATION – Tuesday through Saturday – 29.5 hours”

Article III.5 (page 14/15) Added after “forty (40) per week.” “Sick days, holidays, vacation time, leaves of absences, and other time off benefits are not counted as time worked for purposes of overtime.”

Added paragraph to read: “Emergency or weather related overtime: Any employee required to work during a week that contains a paid holiday or vacation time will be paid overtime for all time worked in excess of 40 hours. Any and all scheduled and/or planned time does not constitute overtime pay. Selectmen will approve all emergency overtime.”

Article III.7. First paragraph rewritten: “All call members of the Fire Department will be paid a minimum of three (3) hours at their minimum pay.” All other paragraphs were removed.

Article IV.1 Changed all paragraphs before the list of holidays to read:

“Those employees who are required to work on holidays will be paid 8 hours holiday pay at regular time as well as regular time for the hours actually worked on that day.”

“If a holiday falls during an employee’s vacation leave, the employee will be paid for the 8 hours’ holiday pay during the week in which it falls.”


“All (11) Holidays will be paid at 8 hours per day with a total of 88 hours for the year. All employees will take the holiday only on the day on which it falls.”

Removed last paragraph: “Employees who are absent . . . . . . . . . . . . not be paid for the holiday.”

Article IV.2 “All eligible emp0loyees of the Town of Carroll shall be entitled to vacation with pay after successfully completing their 1 year of service. Years of service will be calculated from the employee’s anniversary date which is the date of hire.”

“After completion of one year up to 4 years of service, the employee will receive 80 hours.

At the beginning of 5 years up to 9 years of service, the employee will receive 120 hours,

At the beginning of 10 years to 14 years of service, the employee will receive 160 hours,

At the beginning of 15 years to 19 years of service, the employee will receive 200 hours,

At the beginning of 20 years or more years of service, the employee will receive an additional 40 hours for every 5 years of completion. Example: 20 years equals 240 hours and at the beginning of 25 years would equal 280 hours, etc.

Year round, part-time employees who work an average of 29 hours per week (1,508 hours per year) will receive 64 hours from their 1 year anniversary date of hire.

Vacation time must be taken each year and cannot be carried over. Employees are expected to work cooperatively with fellow employees to guarantee no gaps in service.”

Article IV.2a

Replaced all wording with: “Compensation time is not available.”

Article IV.3

Changed hours in all 3 places to “120.” Added the phrase: “(These hours are for sick time and are not part of the payout package upon retirement or termination of employment. If an employee is out more than 3 consecutive days they are required to get a note from their Doctor.”

Changed wording: “Personal Leave is 16 hours per year. Personal leave may be used at 8 hours from January 1 to May 31, and 8 hours from June 1 to December 31, and cannot be carried forward.”

Article IV.4 Want to check the Family and Medical Leave Act to find out if the 1,250 hours worked is correct as the Town’s part-time required hours are 1,508.

Article IV.5 First Paragraph third line: replace “Town of Carroll” with “Select Board”.

The review stopped at Article IV.6 -- this is where it will resume at another meeting.

As there was no further business, the Board was polled to go into non-public session, per RSA 91-A-3 for legal and personnel at 9:35 p.m. Chairman Bussiere, yes, Selectman Scalley, yes, Selectman Mycko, yes.

At the close of non-public session at 10:20 p.m., Chairman Bussiere moved to return to public session and seal the minutes from non-public session. Selectman Mycko seconded and the Motion passed unanimously.

Chairman Bussiere made a Motion to adjourn the meeting and Selectman Mycko seconded. The Motion passed unanimously. Chairman Bussiere declared the meeting ended at 10:21 p.m.

Follow-Up Items:
Employee Manual
Town Hall Use Permit Application
Building Permit Procedure
Town Prosecutor Contract