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Minutes of Town Board Meetings

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Minutes of 07/06/2006

July 26th, 2006

Carroll Planning Board
Meeting Minutes

July 6, 2006
"These minutes of the Town of Carroll Planning Board have been recorded by its Secretary.
Though believed to be accurate and correct they are subject to additions, deletions and
corrections by the Planning Board at its next meeting when the Board votes its final approval
of the minutes. They are being made available at this time to conform to the requirements
of New Hampshire RSA 91-A:2."

Board members present: Bill Wright, Evan Karpf, Charlie Cohn, Ernie Temple, John Sweeney

Meeting called at 7:00 PM

Minutes taken by Susan Kraabel, Secretary

Members of the public present: Gardner Kellogg, Douglas Bews, Bruce Seymourian, Harold Garneau, Edith Tucker

Pledge of Allegiance

Meeting called to order at 7:00 PM

In the absence of Chairman Birknes, Evan Karpf chaired the meeting.

The Board reviewed the minutes of June 1, 2006. Dr. Karpf made a motion to accept the minutes as written. John Sweeney seconded. All were in favor and the minutes were approved unanimously.

Bruce Seymourian came before the board with revised plans for his 7 lot subdivision off Sugarloaf Drive after going to see the snowmobile trail. The trail in the past goes through the subdivision and to the right of the driving range. After meeting with Harold Garneau and walking the trail area, the trail will now go along the left side of the driving range. They felt this would be a more permanent solution even if the driving range changes. The trail will go through Lot 4 with a 20’ easement on the lot, then turns left and picks up the main trail (Corridor 11). Mr. Garneau felt with the trail on the boundary line of Lot 4, and hooking to the main trail, the snowmobile club can keep the trail open. The easement will be recorded and the Lot 4 buyer will know about the 20’ recreational right of way on his land. ATV’s will not be allowed because they can’t go on National Forest property. Charlie Cohn moved to accept the new plans, Ernie Temple seconded, and the motion was passed unanimously. Mr. Seymourian will submit the mylar in a week or two.

Gardner Kellogg came before the board on behalf of John Warren to submit his application for a 4 lot subdivision and lot line adjustment on Cherry Mountain Road Map 407 Lots 55 and 57. The lot line adjustment is to make a small lot meet the town building specifications of one acre. Two of the lots will have frontage on Route 115, and two off a small spur road off 115, a private way. The small lot has a trailer on it that meets the setbacks. Dr. Karpf asked if Mr. Kellogg had met with the Road Agent, and he hadn’t, but said the road is in pretty good shape. Dr. Karpf asked if Provan & Lorber had reviewed this, as it is a major subdivision, and Mr. Kellogg said they had not. They would also need to see Fire Chief Duncan to make sure there is adequate access for fire equipment. Ernie Temple asked if the lots had been perced and had DES approval. There have been test pits dug and they were fine, but all lots are over 5 acres so do not need DES approval. After some discussion, Dr. Karpf said the concensus of the board is that they need to have the plans reviewed by Provan & Lorber. He also said this road had to be shown and named on the map. Mr. Kellogg will bring the perc documents to the board, and also contact the Police Department regarding the road name and 911 numbers. Mr. Cohn moved to accept the application with the above stipulations, Mr. Temple seconded, and the motion was passed unanimously. A Public Hearing for the subdivision and lot line adjustment will be scheduled for August 3.

Mr. Kellogg next came on behalf of CNL Income Bretton Woods LLC to submit an application for lot line adjustment for Carroll Tax Map 211 Lot 14 and Lot 20. He stated that at the request of the owners, the map shows the entire property even though most of the property is in Bethlehem. The snowmaking pond (Lake Carolyn) will end up on Bretton Woods Land Co., LLC property, and CNL will end up with an easement to gain access to the pond. The pond is currently on the ski area property, and will end up on the same piece of land that includes the well for the Rosebrook Water Co, and not the ski area. When asked about expanding Lake Carolyn, Mr. Kellogg said they have a DES dam permit. Dr. Karpf asked what the reason for this adjustment was, and Mr. Kellogg said he was not told the reason. Mr. Cohn asked about buildable land behind the pond, and Mr. Kellogg said it was buildable. Dr. Karpf said the board needs to know the intent of this change. Bill Wright asked if one of the owners could come before the board to explain this. Dr. Karpf said perhaps Provan & Lorber should be consulted, and the board agreed, especially if there is a change of ownership of the Lake Carolyn piece of property, which there will be. Mr. Cohn said they’d just like to know what they are planning, because originally there was to be a beach/recreational area and had approval to enlarge the lake. Now there’s the possibility of building on that land. The board needs to know the use for the pond. Provan & Lorber needs to know there will be a transfer of ownership, they have DES approval to enlarge the lake, that the board has concerns about the impact of any new development on this parcel. Anything that happens on that new parcel will require site plan review by the board. The board needs to know that the new owners are following the Master Plan. Dr. Karpf said he would entertain a motion to accept the application with the stipulation that Provan & Lorber would be consulted and additional information mentioned above be brought to the board at a Public Hearing which will be scheduled for August 3. Mr. Temple made the motion, Mr. Cohn seconded, and the motion was passed unanimously.

Mr. Kellogg came next to present the revised plan for the subdivision plans for Doug Bews. The original plan had the pin right at the leaching field, so they moved the line to keep the leach field within the setback requirements and keep the new lot sized at over an acre. Mr. Bews stated that they were certain of the leach field boundaries. Mr. Temple moved to accept the new plan as submitted. Mr. Cohn seconded, and the motion was passed unanimously.

Mr. Kellogg said that the Palmer Group has had new plans for Rivers Edge II drawn up since the last meeting showing the conservation easement that was not clear in the earlier map. They have filled out an application to go before the Zoning Board of Adjustment for a special exception to build condos.

Mr. Kellogg spoke to the board about the Elworthy subdivision work being shut down