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Minutes of Town Board Meetings

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Minutes of 4/6/2016

April 13th, 2016

Carroll Planning Board
Meeting Minutes

April 6, 2016

“These minutes of the Town of Carroll Planning Board have been recorded by its Secretary. Though believed to be accurate and correct they are subject to additions,
deletions and corrections by the Planning Board at its next meeting when the Board votes its final approval of the minutes. They are being made available at this time to conform to the requirements of New Hampshire RSAS 90-A: 2.

Members Present: Chairperson Donna Foster, Richard Krapf, Bonnie Moroney, Selectman’s Representative Brian Mycko, Ken Mills and Michael Hogan

Members of the Public: Kevin Fadden, Jonathan Springer, Michelle Palys, Bill Rines, Jeanne Stapleton, Julie Rosbury, John Foster, Judy and Chris Papas, Dan Wareing and Dave Scalley (7:45)

Minutes taken by: Rena Vecchio, Secretary

Pledge of Allegiance

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. Chairperson Donna Foster opened the meeting addressing the minutes of March 24, 2016.

Bonnie Moroney made a motion to: approve the minutes of March 24, 2016. Brian Mycko seconded and the motion passed. Ken Mills abstained as he was not present at that meeting.

Chairperson Foster said it was time to vote for the Chair of the Planning Board for the coming year. Donna Foster said she had been Chair since 2012. She said she and Ken Mills have talked and Ken is willing to be nominated for the position. Ken spoke on the type of Chair he would like to be and on the way he would like to get things done. He also thanked Donna for her time as Chair.

Donna Foster made a motion to: nominate Ken Mills as the new Chairperson of the Planning Board of the Town of Carroll. Bonnie Moroney seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

Donna Foster made a motion to: nominate Michael Hogan as Vice Chair of the Planning Board of the Town of Carroll. Brian Mycko seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

Chairman Mills said the board would now go into the Public Hearing for Bay Communications, LLC.

Donna Foster made a motion to: go into a Public Hearing for Bay Communication, LLC for a Wireless Facility. Bonnie Moroney seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

Jon Springer was representing the Site Plan Review for Bay Communication, LLC. He said he has given the presentation last summer/fall when the proposed cell tower was to be 190 feet. Because the FAA did not approve of that height, they are now coming before the board for a 90 foot lattice cell tower. The site plan showed the lattice tower with 3 antennae rays. He said there will be fewer good locations for carriers at this height. NEWN, Northwest Wireless Network, the tower owner, will have good coverage East to West but not North because of the height of the tower and the mountains/hills. Also noted were:
• The leased area is 110 feet by 110 feet.
• The tower compound area is 100 feet by 100 feet.
• There will not be much traffic going in and out on the maintenance road. It will be more while building the tower but after that there will be 1 truck going in once a month for inspection.
• They are asking for a propane generator.
• RFF, Radio Frequency Frays, can be blocked by mountains, hills, etc.
• Horizons Engineering had mentioned a few things like drainage and the road. Mr. Springer stated that if the engineers have problem’s they will definitely comply.
• Ken asked if there was some scenic impact brought up the last time and what had happened. Mr. Springer said due to the 190 foot tower they were going to do a balloon test. It never got done because of the FAA decision. He felt they did not need to do a balloon test for 90 feet. Chairperson Mills asked the board how they felt. They all agreed. Ken said that was fine but they felt it very important because the scenic views are very important to the area.
• Richard Krapf asked if they were still putting in the gate and locking it and painting the tower green to blend. The answer was yes. A question of a second gate was asked and Mr. Springer agreed.

Chairman Mills opened the Public Hearing for public comment. The Chair recognized Jeanne Monahan Stapleton. Her family has been from this area for generations. This is not her permanent address, but owns property and comes here with her immediate family and extended family in the summers. Her comments:
• Her property is right next door and feels the tower guts the value of her property.
• Tourists will be staring at 90 foot tower instead of the natural beauty.
• Feels it is insulting to put in center of town.

The Chair read to Ms. Stapleton part of the RSA telling towns what they can and cannot do with cell tower applications. He told her the town has to abide by that. Both the Chair and Mr. Springer told Jeanne where to look for the Federal Communications Act.

The Chair asked if there was any other public input. There was none.

Bonnie Moroney made a motion to: close the Public Hearing. Donna Foster seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

Donna Foster made a motion to: approve the Site Plan Review Application for Bay Communications, LLC for a Wireless Facility on Fieldstone Lane, Twin Mountain, NH, Map 206, Lot 25, with conditions asked by Horizons Engineering in the review of the site plan and that they be met with a letter from Horizons saying so. Also that there will be two (2) gates, one at the entrance of the road and the other above there with locks and that the tower be painted to blend with the surrounding area. Brian Mycko seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

Kevin Fadden introduced himself to the board. He is here representing Industrial Communications. They will be putting in an application next month for a 180 foot cell tower on the Rines property. He is here for a consultation to see what he needs to do for the meeting in May.
• They have a 4.5 acre lot they will be working with. And they have an agreement with Mr. Rines.
• Already have FAA approval.
• They will do a balloon test. Usually will do a Saturday and Sunday and then the following Saturday. Will do photos of balloon test.
• Will do regional impact letters.
• Have already checked out other areas in town and will have that in the packets to be given to the board.

Bonnie Moroney made a motion to: allow the balloon test to move forward after the secretary checks on the noticing, so the the first test would be scheduled for the weekend of May 14th and the weekend of May 21st as a second option. Brian Mycko seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

Next on the agenda is Michelle Palys for a Site Plan Review for a food trailer on her property at 360 Route 302 West, Twin Mountain, NH, Map 206, Lot 4.

The board was going thru the application. They moved to Submission Requirements to be read one by one.
• Page 3 of 5, Location of all buildings……. need to show all buildings within 50 feet of property
• Page 3 of 5, Natural features such…… changed from N/A to X
• Accessory trailer is for dry storage only
• Page 4 of 5, Proposed signs….. state has a lot of regulations so does town check out requirements- will be a
• Page 4 of 5, Proposed streets,….. changed from N/A to X
• Page 5 of 5, All state permits need to be brought to the town office
• Page 5 of 5, Review by Fire Chief….. Will need to submit to town

Donna Foster made a motion: to accept the application from Michelle Palys for a Site Plan Review as complete. Bonnie Moroney seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

Bonnie Moroney made a motion to: go into Public Hearing. Richard Krapf seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

Chairman Mills said the board had received a letter from an abutter, Christopher and Katrina Morse. He reviewed the issues brought up. The letter will be attached to the hard copy of the minutes in the town office.

Michelle said she has addressed the crossing back and forth on the road with the state and may move ice cream to trailer to keep everything together. She said she will get confirmation from the state after she comes before the board on the crossing.

The Chair now said the public may comment or ask questions. Carol Carlson Cunningham, an abutter had a few questions:
• Seasonal
• Hours
• Expansion or change of use
• Bathrooms (none but will if have to)

Bonnie said the board can put dates when they can run the business if they feel it necessary. The owner will have to come before the board if there are expansions or changes of use. If the business changes from seasonal to year around, she will have to come before the board. Michelle said she is not sure of the hours yet. But if she wanted to be open for winter she would have to come back to the board.

The Chair asked if there were any other public questions. The public discussion ended.

Brian Mycko made a motion to: approve the Site Plan Review Application from Michelle Palys, 360 Route 302 West, Twin Mountain, NH, Map 206, Lot 4, with the following conditions:
1. That the location of all buildings on abutting properties within 50 feet of property lines and locations of all intersecting roads or driveways within 200 feet property lines be shown on the sketch/map.
2. Permits from town and the state on signage.
3. Written review by the Fire Chief to be done,
4. Copies of all state permits to be brought to the in to the town office/PLBD.
Bonnie Moroney seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

Next on the agenda was Dave Scalley for a consultation. He is coming before the board in May and wanted to make sure he had everything he needed. Dave wanted to note that he was before the board as an applicant not a selectman.

Dave will come before the board in May for a Site Plan Review and to have his mylar signed for subdivision granted in 2011.

Richard Krapf made a motion: to accept the document from Horizons Engineering dated September 10, 2015, stating that there is no further inspections required on the Third Party Review for Hunt Properties/Ruby Way. Brian Mycko seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

Richard Krapf made a motion to: adjourn. Bonnie Moroney seconded and the motion passed. The meeting ended at 10:15.