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Minutes of Town Board Meetings

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Minutes of 7/11/2016

July 22nd, 2016

Carroll Board of Selectmen
Meeting Minutes
July 11, 2016

“These minutes of the Town of Carroll Select Board have been recorded by its Secretary. Though believed to be accurate and correct they are subject to additions, deletions and corrections by the Select Board at its next meeting when the Board votes its final approval of the minutes. They are being made available at this time to conform to the requirements of New Hampshire RSA 91-A:2.”

Minutes recorded by Maryclare H. Quigley, Secretary

Board members present: Paul Bussiere, David Scalley, Brian Mycko.

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 Chairman Bussiere.

Members of the public present: Imre Szauter, Dianne Hogan, Michael Hogan, Jim Lewkowicz, Greg Hogan, Lori Hogan

Pledge of Allegiance

The Board announced the approval of bills and signing of manifests.

Selectman Scalley made a Motion to approve the minutes of 6/27/2016 as written and Selectman Mycko seconded. The Motion passed unanimously.

Jim Lewkowicz from Weston Geophysical of Lexington, MA, spoke to the Board regarding a project his company is doing for the Air Force. They are seeking to discover how explosions affect under the ground. They are looking for permission to place a seismometer at the Town hall and at the Transfer Station, to help them measure seismic waves caused by many things including earthquakes, blasts, etc. Mr. Lewkowicz said they are putting them in Zealand, Route 302 East and on the Gould property, Route 302 West. He said they are also looking to put them on Route 115 and Route 3, but is concerned as doing anything with the State tends to take quite a long time and they don’t have a lot of time in which to do this. Imre Szauter said he would be interested in talking about locating one on his property, and Mr. Lewkowicz said he would be happy to discuss it with him.

He said they will place the sensors and at some point would drill a hole 42 to 45 feet deep and place 137 pounds of explosive at the bottom. Chairman Bussiere asked if we should notify residents of these experiments. Mr. Lewkowicz said he feels it’s not needed because it is very deep and the amount is quite low, that they won’t even feel it. When asked, he said there is no need for any shut down time at the Transfer Station. He said they chose this area because of the amount of granite and hoped-for dryness. Again when asked, Mr. Lewkowicz said there is no danger of any damage to any aquifer, nor is there any interest from Pike Industries, other than the scientific purpose. He said they have liability insurance as well as Workers Comp and will send certificates. He also said any part of the project that needs a license will be done by a licensed person. Selectman Scalley made a Motion to: Approve that Weston Geophysical install these sensors at the Transfer Station and the Town Hall and do their project as explained. Selectman Mycko seconded and the Motion passed unanimously. Mr. Lewkowicz expressed his thanks to the Board and departed.

The following items were approved and signed:

Property Tax Abatement Denied – Pearce/Connell
Property Tax Abatements – Kunath; McKone/Southworth; Muise (2); DS Contractors (2);
Scalley (4)
Water Warrant – Second Quarter Billing
Water Warrant – Various
Current Use Penalty – River Rock Developers, LLC
PA-28 Inventory of Taxable Property Form for 2017 – DRA
MS-60A, MS-232 – DRA

Selectman Scalley abstained from voting on the Property Tax Abatement Denial for Pearce/Connell and on the Property Tax Abatement votes for DS Contractors and Scalley. Thus those were approved 2 to 0 with 1 abstention. All others were approved unanimously.

Chairman Bussiere asked if our appraisers share in the burden of the interest costs on the taxes which were abated, as the Town must pay 6% interest by law on the amount overpaid. The Secretary will look into this.

The Chairman went to the Follow-Up Items:

Structural Assessment of the Town Hall – Tabled as we are awaiting the report.
Town Hall Permit Application – Tabled for above. But wish to add that Certificate of Insurance
should be attached to the form, and that Police coverage is required if there will be alcohol.
This last includes town functions. After brief discussion, Selectman Scalley made the
Motion to: Add the phrase “That Certificate of Insurance should be attached to the form,
and that Police coverage is required if there will be alcohol. This last includes town
functions.” Selectman Mycko seconded and it passed unanimously. Chairman Bussiere
said not to type a new one yet as there may be other changes.
Building Permit Process – Chairman said he asked board to review at last meeting. He said some
are enforced; others are not. When discussed with Stan, time seemed to be an issue, so
they talked about increased hours. It was stated they could put a warrant article in for a
fulltime officer with pay, benefits, etc. and it was reiterated that they weren’t sure Stan
really wanted to increase his time anyway.

It was pointed out
• With 760 plus or minus fulltime residents that there shouldn’t be a need to hire a
fulltime person
• Current person gets paid door-to-door, and no one gets that anymore
• If other towns don’t have an inspector, do we really need one?
• The current inspector does not go to a project unless asked to and has signed off on projects he hasn’t seen.

Discussion took place about the pros and cons of needing to request a site visit versus just
showing up, without a real consensus. It was suggested that the Town try getting a new
inspector and not pay travel. It was also brought up that the Building Permit has or should
have sign-offs on the back or somewhere, for various inspections, i.e. plumbing,
electrical, etc. It was asked how many hours might be reasonable, and Selectman Scalley
said he felt to enforce all the rules and regulations, etc., and to get everything up to par,
that it would most likely have to be fulltime for a while, and then maybe 30 hours

Chairman Bussiere said that former Selectwoman Bonnie Moroney had put together a
new form which could be looked at and that we also need to check on any votes by the
Legislative Body, fees and salary. This item was tabled at this time.

Solid Waste Transportation Contract AND Solid Waste Disposal were both tabled until we get
information back from Town Counsel.

Multi-year contracts were brought up and Michael Hogan said he believes there should be a warrant article that allows Selectmen to sign them if it is to the Town’s advantage.


The Secretary presented an email from the Cable Television Consortium in Littleton to which we belong, letting us know that it’s time to renew our Franchise Agreement. The Chairman questioned that this is a contract and requested that the Secretary send it to Town Counsel for review.

The email also noted that the Selectmen need to appoint a representative from the Town for this committee. Lori Hogan volunteered for this and Selectman Scalley made a Motion to: Approve Lori Hogan as the Town Representative on the Profile Cable Consortium. Selectman Mycko seconded and the Motion passed unanimously. The Board thanked Mrs. Hogan.

Selectman Mycko thanked the Town Rec Committee for the Independence Day Celebration. He said it was well attended and all seemed to go very well. Chairman Bussiere also thanked the Rec Committee and went on to thank the Police, Fire and Ambulance for doing a great job. He further stated that he feels all employees are doing a great job and thanks all.

Dianne Hogan reiterated the thanks for all who helped including Dave Scalley, Bonnie Moroney and John Foster who helped cooked, and the JROTC students from the High School, in addition to all the others too numerous to mention. She said the date for the Fireworks next year is already set for July 2. Mrs. Hogan also said there will be a follow-up meeting on Wednesday, July 13, at 6 p.m. at the Town Hall to go over the events so they can decide what was good, what might need to be changed, etc.

Michael Hogan said that Megan Rouillard, Chair of the Parks & Recreation Commission will be going on the radio to thank all who helped, contributed in any way, and all who attended.

At this point, Selectman Scalley recused himself from the Board and left the table. He said he had filed paperwork previously about the water pressure for his property on Route 3 South. He said the pipe to the property is not large enough for the sprinkler system that he is required to install. He said he’s not sure what the existing pipe is, but surmised it is probably clay. If that is the case, then the line could have to be replaced. He said currently he can only come off the line at Ruby Way but this would be a distance of 390 feet. However, if he could come off the town main at the shut off (to what is probably clay pipe) it would only be a distance of 60 feet, but it would be across Route 3. He said the Ruby Way line is 6 inches for 250 feet when it drops down to 4 inches, which he said is what he needs for the proper pressure.

Mr. Scalley said it would be a lot less expensive for the 60 feet across Route 3, than the 390 feet to Ruby Way. Greg Hogan, Public Works Supervisor, said the Route 3 connection would mean having to bore under the road or tearing it up. Discussion of costs ranged from $10K to $12K and from $18K to $20K – and included doing the job “in-house” as well as if Mr. Scalley’s own resources could/would be used. Mr. Scalley said he feels the Route 3 option would be the best one and that the Town should take care of it, as the sprinkler system is required by the Town.

Michael Hogan asked if it is the Town’s responsibility to hook up the water to our line and Chairman Bussiere responded that it is the Town’s responsibility to get him water. It was noted it is the Town’s responsibility from the curb stop to the main line. Mr. Hogan said if the line can’t handle it, then it IS the Town’s responsibility to take care of the line and we can’t keep “pushing it down the road.” Selectman Mycko asked how hard it would be to find out what the line is and Greg Hogan said it would have to be dug up, to which Selectman Mycko asked if it was worth digging up. It was stated it would be good to know what it is.

Mr. Scalley went on to say he had an invoice for $750 to do the water testing because the Town didn’t have the equipment to do it. He was asked who said the sprinkler is required and the response was the Fire Chief, because it’s in the State Fire Code. Discussion went back to the line and it was determined because there is a time issue that the Highway crew will try to dig it up tomorrow. Greg was asked if it is clay how much will have to be replaced, which he didn’t know. However, if it was found to be steel, the Board agreed they should replace the service line to the curb stop with four inch pipe.

Back to the discussion of the invoice, the question was asked if the Sprinkler system is required by the Town, then wouldn’t it be the Town’s responsibility to provide the pressure/adequate water for the building. Michael Hogan stated he believes it is the Town’s responsibility. After further discussion, Chairman Bussiere made a Motion that: the Town will pay the invoice for testing the pressure. Selectman Mycko seconded and it was approved. The comment was made that we should provide minimums if required by the Town.

Selectman Scalley rejoined the Board.

Chairman Bussiere said the next meeting will be Monday, July 25, 2016, at 7 p.m.

As there was no further business, the Board was polled to go into non-public session, per RSA 91-A-3 for legal and personnel at 9:20 p.m. Chairman Bussiere, yes, Selectman Scalley, yes, Selectman Mycko, yes.

At the close of non-public session at 9:40 p.m., Selectman Mycko moved to return to public session and seal the minutes from non-public session. Selectman Scalley seconded and the Motion passed unanimously.

Chairman Bussiere made a Motion to: Confirm their vote to settle in the O’Leary vs. the Town case from the vehicle accident involving Officer Brown in 2011. Selectman Scalley seconded and the Motion passed unanimously.

Chairman Bussiere then made a Motion to adjourn the meeting and Selectman Mycko seconded. The Motion passed unanimously. Chairman Bussiere declared the meeting ended at 9:45 p.m.