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Minutes of Town Board Meetings

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Minutes of 8/4/2016

August 15th, 2016

Carroll Planning Board
Meeting Minutes

Aug. 4, 2016

“These minutes of the Town of Carroll Planning Board have been recorded by its Secretary. Though believed to be accurate and correct they are subject to additions, deletions and corrections by the Planning Board at its next meeting when the Board votes its final approval of the minutes. They are being made available at this time to conform to the requirements of New Hampshire RSAS 91-A: 2.

Members Present: Chairman Ken Mills, Richard Krapf, Bonnie Moroney, Selectman’s Representative Brian Mycko, and Karen Saffian
Members of the Public: Dave Scalley, Jeremy Oleson, Charles & Michelle Gamache, Paul Bussiere
Minutes taken by: Bonnie Moroney, member of the board.
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM.
Pledge of Allegiance
Chairman Ken Mills opened the meeting at 7:00 PM, and said he wished to table the approval of the minutes from the July 6, 2016 meeting, as he had questions that needed to be addressed to Rena, who was not there tonight about the last page nest to the last sentence, “It was said that any conditions put on an application need to go to the selectman not the PLBD.” He believed that from the meeting it had said the enforcement of any regulations should go to the Select board. Brian Mycko made a motion to: table approving minutes until the September 1st meeting. Richard Krapf seconded and it was passed. Karen abstained as she was not at the meeting.
Site plan review for Hunt Properties LLC, May 207, Lot 36 for a public meeting. This public meeting was opened and Chairman Ken Mills asked Dave Scalley to speak about what they wished to do. Dave Scalley said that he represented Hunt Properties and they wished to erect two apartment buildings and each building will have 4 -2 bedroom units in it for a total of 8 apartments. . They would be erected behind the existing restaurant on Rte. 3, but the entrance into the units would be off of Ruby Way.
Chairman said that from there we would go into the application process and make sure that is it complete. We will go line by line, Rena included a check list with information about the application. They are; all fees have been paid, ad was put in the democrat, all the abutters were notified, and each member of the board has a copy of the applications. From there go into the public hearing.
The first item is seven paper prints at 1” = 40’ or similar scale, no larger than 22”x 34”, in size on which the following is required. These were with the packets, and marked with an X for completion.
Identifying title and that was marked on the plans, so that was completed.
Name and address of applicant/agent/developer, was also on the plans, so it was completed.
Name, number and signed seal of surveyor and/or engineer, this was also on the plans so it is completed.
Date of plan, there were several so Chairman Mills asked the applicant if the date he said it was July 2616, as address on the plans.
Scale, was also on the plans so it was complete.
North arrow also included on the plans, so was complete.
Property lines with bearings, distances, and monuments, was on plans and complete.
Total acreage was on plans and complete.
Name of all abutters, were on plans and all notices had been sent out for the public hearing.
Existing structures, roads, landscaping and other man-made features, these were all addressed on the plans, and complete. The proposed driveway was discussed and Bonnie Moroney asked Jeremy Oleson if the area of the driveway was large enough for emergency equipment. Jeremy Oleson studied the plans with Dave Scalley and said it would work with adjustments. Karen Saffian asked about curbing, walk ways and steps, going into buildings. It was discussed that that should be added as a condition as well.
Location of all buildings on abutting properties within 50 feet of property lines and location of all intersecting roads or driveways within 200 feet of property lines. These were all addressed on the plans and complete.
Location of existing and proposed property deed restrictions, easements, covenants, etc. Mr. Scalley said that there are none.
Existing and proposed grades… It was asked to Mr. Scalley how to recognize where this is on the plans, he said that the grades are less than 5% so they don’t show up on the plans.
Existing and proposed drainage systems and structures, was marked N/A for Not Applicable, because there are not drainage systems needed.
Storm drainage plan, including where …….. Was marked N/A but the committee Chairman Mills said it was on the plans for the snow removal that is part of the requirement, so this was changed to an X for Completed.
Natural features such as streams, marshes, lakes or ponds, types of vegetation, and ledge outcrops. This was marked N/A as there are none on the lot.
100 year flood elevation line and location of any wetlands. Mr. Scalley said that was marked N/A as they are not near a flood plain area.
For on-site sewage disposal, a soils map and NH Water Supply and Pollution Control. Division permit. Mr. Scalley said that the leach field and the soils were on the plans and where the septic will go but he had not gotten the plans done and approved as of yet until he knew the board was going to allow them to move forward. He said this will have to be one of the conditions. Ken Mills poled the committee for their acceptance to make this one of the conditions.
Size and proposed location of water supply and sewage facilities and provisions for future expansion. Mr. Scalley said that there will be no future expansions.
If on-site water or sewer facilities are planned, this is shown as water coming off of Ruby Way’s water line on the map.
Proposed provisions for fire protection. There is a hydrant on Rudy Way depicted on plans.
Location, type and size of all proposed landscaping and screening. Ken Mills read the regulations and Karen Saffian was concerned about seeding the property. To make this a potential condition.
Exterior lighting plan, N/A not having any
Proposed signs, N/A not having any
Proposed streets, N/A, this will be a driveway off of Ruby Way
Location and dimensions of loading spaces, N/A, there will be no loading zone needed.
Circulation plan of the interior, N/A there are on public streets, etc.
Detailed construction drawings including, this was N/A but we changed to X as it was discussed that we might make a condition to have the sidewalks, steps etc. added to the Mylar.
Vicinity sketch at 1” = 400 – this is marked at N/A
A soils classification map – this is depicted on the plans.
Provisions for solid waste disposal and collection, this was marked as N/A but the dumpster is marked on the plans.
The location of all existing and proposed deed restrictions, easements, covenants, etc. This was marked N/A as there are no deed restrictions.
The location of visual and noise reduction barriers, if any. The existing tree line is on the plans.
Copies of all applicable State approvals and permits. This was marked N/A but changed to an X as the board needs copies of the approved septic plans from the state.
Review by the Carroll Chief and Road Agent, Ken Mills stated that we need to fix this to say Fire Chief. Dave Scalley said that he has been working with Jeremy Oleson and both Greg and Scott have been over and are ok with it.
Chairman Ken Mills asked for a motion that this is a complete application so that the next phase may happen. Karen Saffian motioned that this is a complete application and Richard Krapf second and it was passed.
Chairman Ken Mills opened the meeting the public and any other questions that the board had. Brian M asked if the water line is adequate for fire suppression system. Dave Scalley said that the water department is working on fixing the existing Water Department Regulations. He said that Greg Hogan was in the process of updating that but is ok with the water line that is there. Jeremy Oleson said that the water line that is there is fine for this building project.
Bonnie brought up a form that Rena had given her about the ZBA and a Special exception that is needed for the Apartment Buildings. Dave Scalley said that he had an appointment for a meeting with the ZBA on Aug. 25th, to get the special exception. Ken Mills, said that that would be another condition that we would have to see in writing that this was approved by the ZBA. Bonnie asked Paul Bussiere is something in writing would be possible for the Planning Board and he said yes.
Charles Gamache, asked about the height and location of the apartments, as he thought that were going to be in the front of the lot, off of Rte. 3. Dave Scalley told him that they would be located behind the existing restaurant, and not on Rte. 3.
Chairman Mills, asked if there was any other discussion or questions, and if not he would close the public hearing, and so he did. He said that we need to take out time and make sure we have listed all the conditions that we have gone over. Karen said that she made a motion to accept this application with the following conditions: , the design of the sidewalks be added to the Mylar, seeding be added for landscaping, State approved design for the septic system is submitted to the board and the written notification is received that special acception has been approved by ZBA. Second by Richard Krapf. Vote was put and passed unanimously.
Paul Bussiere, said he was there as ZBA, he said he was checking to a request from a person wanting to bring horses. He said he had forwarded this information to Rena Vecchio, Ken Mills and Dave Scalley. The lawyer said that we have to state that certain things are not allowed, if that is not there is comes under “A Taking” and the board has not legal right to say a person was not able to do something. Paul Bussiere said that we need to be very specific about what we allow and don’t allow.
Ken Mills said that the congress has given land owners more rights to what they can do with their property. He said we need to go and read the new RSA’s and make sure we don’t put any new regulations and find out we are against the new law. He mentioned alternative dwellings units and that would be like added a small in-law type building to your property, as long as they follow the existing regulations that the government has set forward.
Also from the attorney about the cell tower, we never addressed the reference Special Use Permit. We never did this as we don’t have one, and were not aware that we needed to do this, so we need to have another meeting next month and open to the public to address this and the fact that we do not have this permit. Rena will put in the paper and send out notices to the abutters. It’s under a 407D, its part of the ordinance that we need to address and correct for the future. That will need to be voted on by the town at the next election.
Ken Mills said he received a notice about Lumber Harvest and that there is an informational meeting Aug. 23, 2016, if any of the members want to attend, he will get the information to them.
Correspondence, a letter from Ms. Stapleton, the letter had said she did not agree with the board’s finial decision and that she would be looking into the loss of value to her family property.
There were two people came to a meeting in Feb about putting in Yurks, and that they have purchased property and they will be coming to the board. The code enforcement office said that this should come under all the rules and regulations of a Camp Ground. Jeremy Oleson, said that this should be a special exception and going to ZBA.
Richard Krapf said that he had brought up the gentleman he had been working with to see about getting regulations and set up properly to protect us from cell towers coming in. They said that they would like to put this on the next agenda, to discuss more.
Bonnie Moroney, said she wished to bring up Stan the building inspector and that he is not coming back to the board on the conditions that we have put on, and people are moving forward doing what they want and not doing the conditions that we have put on them. Example is 302 Grill is open but never follow through with what we told her that needed to be done. Bonnie said that she wished to go to the Select board meeting and address this problem and that is needs to be addressed.
Chairman Mills brought up the Secretary position of what needs to be done, and if this board is going to continue the position needs to be set up properly. Ken Mills, said that he wants to have this addressed and an answer before the Budget process begins, so that is can be brought before the board.
Motion made by Brian Mycko to adjourn, and second by Karen Saffian, and it was passed.