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Minutes of Town Board Meetings

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Minutes of 10/6/2016

October 13th, 2016

Carroll Planning Board
Meeting Minutes

October 6, 2016

“These minutes of the Town of Carroll Planning Board have been recorded by its Secretary. Though believed to be accurate and correct they are subject to additions, deletions and corrections by the Planning Board at its next meeting when the Board votes its final approval of the minutes. They are being made available at this time to conform to the requirements of New Hampshire RSAS 91-A: 2.

Members Present: Chairperson Ken Mills, Richard Krapf, Bonnie Moroney, Michael Hogan

Members of the Public: Ben Oleson, Alessandro Foti, Ron Waring, Gardner Kellogg, Mike Carbonneau and Dave Scalley

Minutes taken by: Rena Vecchio, Secretary

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM.

Pledge of Allegiance

From 6:00 to 7:00 members of the Planning Board and the public listened to a presentation from Ben Oleson, North Country Council, on Site Plan Review and Subdivision Regulations.

Chairman Ken Mills opened the Planning Board meeting at 7:00 PM. Due to a lack of a quorum for the minutes September 1, 2016, the Chair asked for the minutes of said meeting to be tabled. Bonnie Moroney made a motion to: table the minutes of September 1, 2016. Michael Hogan seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

The Chair asked the board if they could please take the Voluntary Merger first as it would take little time but it was not in the order of the agenda. The board concurred. Before the board was a Voluntary Merger for Francis E. and Linda R. Gilmore. The board reviewed the paperwork. Bonnie Moroney made a motion to: accept the Voluntary Merger for Francis E. and Linda R. Gilmore, Map 405, Lots 015 and 016, Old Cherry Mountain Road, Bretton Woods, N.H.. Michael Hogan seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

The second item on the agenda was for a Site Plan Review for Alessandro Foti for a development of year round rentals in Bretton Woods, N.H., Map 419, Lot 16, 1800 Route 302 E. Gardner Kellogg handed out the maps showing 1 cabin and 3 yurt inspire cabins and explained things to the board. The rentals in the beginning were going to be yurts but have changed to yurt inspired cabins. Mike Carbonneau had maps detailing the septic.

The Chair told the board that they would go thru the Submission Requirements of the application first. The hard copy of the requirements will be attached to the minutes in the office. Part of the property is in Current Use. They are taking care of that and are aware of the requirements.

Michael Hogan made a motion to: accept the application as complete. Richard Krapf seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

The Chair opened the Public Hearing for the Site Plan Review. Dave Scalley said he believed the application for sign would go to the state and not the town. There were no other questions or comments. The Chair closed the Public Hearing.

Ken Mills asked if the board had any other questions. There were none. Richard Krafp made a motion to: approve the Site Plan Review for Alessandro Foti, Map 419, Lot 016, 1800 Route 302 E, Bretton Woods, N.H. for one cabin and three yurt inspired cabins, with these conditions:
1. Fire Review by the Fire Chief
2. Fire Chief to review the ingress and egress
3. Signage in regards to the State and Town requirements
4. DES approval
5. Current Use (tax collector to selectman)
Michael Hogan seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

Under other on the agenda Chairman Ken Mills wanted to address the letter sent to the Planning Board from Jim and Jeanne Stapleton on August 30, 2016. The letter was sent the day before the September meeting and the board had no time to answer at the time. The board at that time decided to put the letter on the agenda for the October meeting.

The Chair had the answers to the questions asked by the Stapleton’s in the letter itself. A hard copy of the letter and responses will be attached to the minutes in the office. Michael Hogan made a motion to: send a copy to the Stapleton’s and to post the letter with the responses. Richard Krapf seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

Dave Scalley told the board that the state made him change the driveway to his property on his property on Route 3 S. He will give the secretary a copy of the state’s permit.

Dave Scalley approached the board asking questions on a piece of property and the need to come before the board on a previously approved Site Plan. The Chair researched the Zoning Ordinance and then with the board’s approval they decided the applicant would need to come before the board.

Richard Krapf made a motion to: adjourn. Bonnie Moroney seconded and the motion passed unanimously.