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Minutes of Town Board Meetings

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Minutes of 10/17/2016

October 24th, 2016

Carroll Board of Selectmen
Meeting Minutes
October 17, 2016

“These minutes of the Town of Carroll Select board have been recorded by its Secretary. Though believed to be accurate and correct they are subject to additions, deletions and corrections by the Select Board at its next meeting when the Board votes its final approval of the minutes. They are being made available at this time to conform to the requirements of New Hampshire RSA 91-A:2.”

Minutes recorded by Maryclare Quigley, Secretary

Board members present: Paul Bussiere, David Scalley, Brian Mycko

The meeting was called to order at 7 p.m. by Chairman Bussiere.

Members of the public present: Michael hogan, Dianne Hogan, Debbie Szauter, Imre Szauter, Brad Houston, Jeremy Oleson, Michael Gooden, Ed Martin, Joan Karpf

Pledge of Allegiance

The Board announced the approval of bills and signing of manifests.

Regarding the minutes of October 3, 2016, Selectman Scalley had a correction: he said he meant to say (and thought he did), that they could put a warrant article in to ask the public about paying a compensation for those fulltime employees not taking the medical insurance -- not to put an article in about health insurance at all. The Secretary will try to check the tape and will make this correction if it was actually what was said, but otherwise she can't change anything. Therefore, Chairman Bussiere made a Motion to: Approve the minutes with the correct, if that's what was said; otherwise, approve the minutes as written. Selectman Scalley seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

The first budget presentation was from Brad Houston for the Health Officer. He said there are no changes for 2017 and when asked said they had been busy with trash and bear complaints.

2016 2017
01-4419.10-100 H O Salary 500.00 500.00
01-4419.10-300 H O Travel 200.00 200.00
01-4419.10-301 H O Dues 75.00 75.00
01-4419.10-302 H O Supplies 50.00 50.00
01-4419.10-303 H O Training _50.00 _50.00
Totals 875.00 875.00

The Chairman thanked Mr. Houston.

Next was Joan Karpf with the budget for Conservation Commission. Mrs. Karpf also said there are no changes for 2017. She also advised they will not be putting in the warrant article for any money left at the end of the year, so any not spent will go into the General Fund, and that when she goes to the annual conference, she will inquire how the money in their Special Revenue Fund might be spent. She gave an example if we need more land for water to help with a conservation effort or such, if there is anything in that regard.

2016 2017
01-4611.10-300 CV Member. NHACC 236.00 236.00
01-4611.10-301 CV Workshop (An.Conf.) 115.00 115.00
01-4611.10-302 CV Operating Exp. 20.00 20.00
01-4611.10-303 CV An.LCIP Monit. (Flats) 4.00 4.00
01-4611.10-304 CV ARLAC Donation 50.00 50.00
(Ammon River Advisory Com) ______ ______
Totals 425.00 425.00

Chairman Bussiere thanked Mrs. Karpf.

Michael Hogan presented the proposed budget for the Planning Board as the Chairman was away.
2016 2017
01-4191.10-100 PB Secretary 6,000.00 11,520.00
01-4191.10-101 PB Board Member Salaries 840.00 840.00
01-4191.10-625 PB Postage 100.00 300.00
01-4191.10-626 PB Office Supplies 300.00 300.00
01-4191.10-627 PB Advertisements 200.00 200.00
01-4191.10-700 PB Legal Expenses 2,000.00 4,000.00
01-4191.10-701 PB No. Country Council Dues 2,100.00 2,100.00
01-4191.10-702 PB Circuit Rider Expenses 1.00 1.00
01-4191.10-800 PB Registration Fees 1.00 1.00
01-4191-10.802 PB Engineering 1.00 1.00
01-4191.10-802 PB Computer Repair & Equipment 200.00 200.00
01-4191.10-900 PB Miscellaneous 1.00 1.00
01-4191.10-901 PB Code Enforcement Officer 500.00 500.00
01-4191.10-902 PB Training and Travel 700.00 700.00
01-4191.10-903 PB Maps/Geog.Info.Tech/Comp.Software 1,900.00 2,700.00
01-4191.10-904 PB Master Plan 100.00 100.00
01-4191.10-905 PB Good/Welfare 1.00 1.00
__________ __________
Totals 14,945.00 23,465.00

Mr. Hogan explained there are several lines that have increased: Secretary, which is an increased wage and has increased hours. He said they figured it at $15/hour for 16 hours/week. The Legal line is changed to reflect actual use; Maps, to stay on top of changes and which is also for our GIS software; and computer. Mr. Hogan said he feels the Select Board need to look at bringing the Secretary and Planning Board back to the Town Hall and office as it's opinion that it should go back to being part of the duties of the Selectmen's Office. He said they need to look at costs and it was noted that most of work is based on applications that come before the Board. It was stated that even if that is the case, there will still have to be a budget for the Secretary. Selectman Scalley noted he was at the last meeting with North Country Council and they are very helpful.

Chairman Bussiere thanked Mr. Hogan.

Dianne Hogan then presented the ZBA budget.
2016 2017
01-4192.10-100 BA Secretary 1,000.00 6,000.00
01-4192.10-101 BA Board Member Salaries 300.00 300.00
01-4192.10-625 BA Postage 50.00 50.00
01-4192.10-626 BA Office Supplies 100.00 100.00
01-4192.10-627 BA Advertisements 50.00 50.00
01-4192.10-700 BA Legal Expenses 1,000.00 1,000.00
01-4192.10-801 BA Engineering 1.00 1.00
01-4192.10-900 BA Miscellaneous 1,800.00 1,000.00
01-4192.10-901 BA Training and Travel 250.00 500.00
________ ________
Totals 4,551.00 8,951.00

Mrs. Hogan said the Secretary line has increased so much because the Chairman had been doing the work but will not do it after March, so they will have to hire a secretary. After brief discussion, it was noted the Miscellaneous line encompasses the ZBA's share of the GIS software and it was decided that should be a separate line, so a new line will be added with $800 and the Miscellaneous line will be reduced to $200.

The Chairman thanked Mrs. Hogan.

Ed Martin, Chairman of the Cemetery Trustees presented their proposed budget.

2016 2017

01-4195.10-100 CE Cemetery Salary 1.00 1.00
01-4195.10-101 CE Cemetery Trustee Chair Salary 300.00 300.00
01-4195.10-102 CE Cemetery Trustees (2) 400.00 400.00
01-4195.10-200 CE Cemetery Maintenance 2,300.00 2,300.00
01-4195.10-201 CE Cemetery Improvements 1,200.00 1,200.00
________ ________
Totals 4,501.00 4,501.00

Mr. Martin spoke about his budget and the page turned in previously: this gave the breakdown of Straw, Crawford and Rosebrook Cemeteries regarding maintenance and improvements as well as the maintenance and updating of their lots card files and ledger, the record-keeping part of their duties. He said they expect about $450 surplus in maintenance as mowing was down due to the lack of rain They plan to use this money to remove birch trees that are on the fence line as they are worried if there is much snow, they could lose that fence. He said they have already spoken with the abutting landowner and are all set to do the work. He said the proposed budget is the same as they are in "maintenance mode" with all projects completed. Chairman Bussiere asked if they have a drawing or something that shows the lots and Mr. Martin said they have this in their catalogue and card files. When asked about the number of lots available and if they have enough space for a while, he said they do and said they had gained quite a bit of space with cremations. Mr. Martin said there is a complete copy of everything in the Town Hall, as the Town Clerk has it in the safe. In answer to a question regarding locating a grave, he said people can go on the computer as we are enrolled in "". Mr. Martin was thanked for his presentation.

Parks and Recreation budget was presented by Michael Hogan. Mr. Hogan said they appreciate all the help they have received with all of their projects throughout the year. He said they have done well and have built up their Revolving Fund substantially. As a result they have dropped their budget from $26,000 to $22,000 by using $4,000 from the Fund. Mr. Hogan reiterated this is due to a lot of hard work by a lot of volunteers. He said they have tried to do a lot of different things and if they don't feel they make enough money, they change and do something else. He said picking up costs through their Fund helps the town budget and he would like to see it become more self-sustaining. He said future plans being talked about are to enlarge their area with a warming hut, a pavillion, more storage, etc. He also said they need to work with the Snowmobile Club on winter ideas and all felt it would be possible for them to work together.

2016 2017
01-4520.10-100 Rec Area Counselors 20,000.00 20,000.00
01-4520.10-101 Rec Director 1,000.00 1.00
01-4520.10-200 Rec Area Telephone 400.00 1.00
01-4520.10-201 Rec Equipment & Supplies 875.00 1.00
01-4520.10-300 Rec Parties 375.00 1.00
01-4520.10-310 Rec Ski Program (buses only) 750.00 1.00
01-4520.10-320 Rec Field/Court Repair 100.00 1.00
01-4520.10-321 Rec Building Repair 1.00 1.00
01-4520.10-501 Rec Transportation 1.00 1.00
01-4520.10-806 Rec Staff Training 300.00 1.00
01-4520.10-807 Rec Town Entertainment 2,000.00 2,000.00
01-4520.10-809 Rec Advertising 1,000.00 1.00
________ ________
Totals 26,802.00 22,010.00

Selectman Scalley said the Selectmen had received an email for the number of children from town and from other towns and he’ll be getting the information from the head counselor. Mr. Hogan said the Select Board should go to the Parks and Rec Board, not an employee as he said it’s not right. He disagreed that this information should be given out and was told it is Right-to-Know and anyone has the right to ask for it. He said if this information is going to be given out, then he wants the same information on who uses the Library and the Information Booth. He doesn’t think it’s right that Parks and Rec should be singled out. When asked, he said they do charge an additional fee for children from other towns. Mr. Hogan went on to say, that this sounds like we’re becoming isolationist and as Parks and Rec has done a lot for the town, he really doesn’t want to see us going backwards.

The following items were approved and signed:

Carroll Emergency Operations Plan Update—Mapping and Planning Solutions
Certificate of Occupancy – Berube
Driveway Permit – River Rock Developers, LLC/Gould
Town Hall Use Permit Application – WMRHS JROTC/Levesque
Water Warrant – Third Quarter Billing
Water Abatement – Maher
Water Warrant – Transform Health, O’Brien, Riverside Trust
Oath of Office, Assistant Moderator – Imre Szauter

Follow-Up Items:

Building Inspector/Code Enforcement Officer -- Chairman Bussiere asked that this be removed
as the Board will put in a warrant article to increase the number of hours. Selectman Scalley
said he spoke with Stan, as asked at a previous meeting, about the increase of hours and he is
willing to work the extra hours as he feels the job needs them. A brief discussion of where
the money comes from to pay the BI/CEO and it was stated through a warrant article with
funds from Planning Special Revenue Fund and an additional small amount in each of the
Planning Board and Property Inspections budgets as a precaution to be sure there is enough.
Jeremy Oleson asked why the Board feels the need to ask the current officer about this, he
said he feels that maybe he should have spoken up before now if he needed more hours.
Chief Oleson said he feels communication is part of the problem.

Report of Safety Issues to be Addressed – Chief Oleson said he is still waiting for the final
report, but essentially it’s what they’ve already been told including some electrical issues.

Town Hall Assembly Permit -- Tied to Safety Report

Town hall Permit Application – Tied to Safety Report

Water Policy Revision – In Process. Chairman Bussiere said they are meeting again this
Wednesday, October 19, 2016 at 9 a.m.

Employee Manual – In Process. Chairman Bussiere will talk to Kelly about a PTO spreadsheet
and then we will set up a second Employee meeting.

Compensation for Employees not taking Health Insurance – Chairman Bussiere said we had
done a survey and some towns don’t do this (Bethlehem and Franconia) but most do,
including Littleton, Lancaster and Whitefield and asked the Board how they would
like to handle this. The Chairman noted it would add money to the budget. Selectman
Scalley said it would be a minor amount on the tax bill. After brief discussion, Selectman
Scalley made a Motion to: Check with Legal about compensating Fulltime Employees who
do not take town health insurance – to be sure it is allowed and that any future Select
Boards would have the right change it at any time. Selectman Mycko seconded and it
passed unanimously. Chairman Bussiere asked that when speaking with Legal to also
inquire if the Employee Manual can be locked in for three years. This was a question he
was asked.


The Secretary advised at the last meeting the Board voted to extend the voting hours on Tuesday, November 8, 2016, to 8 a.m. to 7 p.m., at the request of the Moderator and Town Clerk’s Office. The Town Clerk found out in the meantime that the only way this can be done is through a warrant article to be voted on by the Legislative Body at Town Meeting time. Thus, voting hours for Tuesday, November 8, 2016, will be 11 a.m. to 7 p.m.

Selectman Mycko read a letter of resignation from the Parks and Recreation Commission by Megan Rouillard. Ms. Rouillard said this is necessary for personal reasons and thanked all for the opportunity to work with this group. Selectman Mycko made a Motion to: Send a letter of thanks to Ms. Rouillard and Selectman Scalley seconded. This passed unanimously. The Secretary will let the Selectmen know when the letter is finished so they can come to the office to sign it as Selectman Mycko will be leaving late Tuesday afternoon for several weeks.

Selectman Scalley reminded the Board that a few meetings back he had asked about doing test spots on the land here at the Town Hall and they agreed. He said the tests are back and all is good with the land. He said they are revitalizing the Building Committee and are looking for people to help. He said he, Jeremy Oleson and Imre Szauter are on it and should include Tadd Bailey and Greg Hogan as well as Bonnie Moroney, if she wishes as she was on it previously. George Brodeur was also mentioned as having been on it previously. Michael Hogan and Ed Martin both expressed interest in joining the group. Selectman Scalley made a Motion to: Appoint Imre Szauter as Chair and said he will be the point of contact from now on. He also said the Committee can change Chairs once they meet if they wish. Chairman Bussiere seconded and it passed unanimously.

Jeremy Oleson said a memo will go out, but he wants to get the word out that from now on fog and smoke machines will not be allowed in any buildings in town. The Fire Department has been out on several calls due to alarms being set off by these machines. Additionally the smoke and fog obscure exit signs and could make getting around quite dangerous.

Chief Oleson also wanted to advise with Air B&B becoming so popular, anyone doing these, as with all rental properties, must conform to the State Code, i.e., carbon monoxide detectors, fire alarms, alarm systems, etc. He said he just wants people to be safe.

Imre Szauter said he had volunteered to look at the issue of taking on the federal insurance program. He said he talked with Doug Shearer in Lancaster who has worked with towns on this and he told him it was a “tricky situation” as there are things specific to municipalities. When asked, Mr. Szauter said Mr. Shearer has experience in this and he has information to look at. He also said he would be willing to talk with someone from town. The Board thanked Mr. Szauter.

Michael Hogan said with Megan’s resignation, we need another director for Parks and Rec. He said he is not sure what the point is about who we service from other towns, but feels they will still run camp and the ski program is coming up, so he reiterated the need to know the point of the question about who used summer camp. He also said, again that he feels it is very narrow-minded and isolating. Selectman Scalley said he disagrees that it’s becoming isolating as it is one taxpayer only and he just answering the question as asked. Mr. Hogan also reiterated that the same information on the other departments should also be given. Chairman Bussiere said he wants to check into everything.

Selectman Scalley said Megan Rouillard will be missed. She has done a lot for this town and his colleagues agreed with him.

Chairman Bussiere announced the next meeting will be October 24, 2016, at 7 p.m.

As there was no further business, the Board was polled and went into non-public session, per RSA 91-A-3 for legal 8:55 p.m. Chairman Bussiere, yes; Selectman Scalley, yes; Selectman Mycko, yes.

At the close of non-public session at 9:09 p.m., Chairman Bussiere moved to return to public session and seal the minutes from non-public session. Selectman Scalley seconded and the Motion passed unanimously.

There being no further discussion, Chairman Bussiere made a Motion to adjourn the meeting. Selectman Mycko seconded and the Motion passed unanimously. Chairman Bussiere declared the meeting ended at 9:10 p.m. The next meeting will be Monday, November 7, 2016.