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Minutes 01/26/2017

January 26th, 2017

Town of Carroll Building Committee Meeting Minutes
January 26, 2017 @ 9:00 a.m.
Carroll Town Hall

Members and guests present: Tadd Bailey, John Gardiner, Greg Hogan, Michael Hogan, Brad Houston, Evan Karpf, Janet Nelson, and Imre Szauter

The meeting began at 9:02 a.m. and was recorded.

Attendees stood and recited the Pledge of Allegiance.

A draft agenda was distributed and a sign-in sheet was routed around.

Attendees introduced themselves.

The draft minutes of the Jan. 13, 2016 meeting were discussed. Michael made a motion, seconded by John, to approve the minutes as written. The vote was unanimous.

Discussion took place on the draft PowerPoint presentation for the Jan. 31 informational session. Attendees reviewed the presentation slide by slide.

Evan asked about including potential cost savings in the purpose and goals section.

Evan asked about advertising the Jan. 31 meeting on the Chamber of Commerce State Route 3 sign.

Under “History – Past Initiatives”, John mentioned initiatives from 2006 and 2007 that should be included in the presentation. He offered to pull them from the Town Annual Report for those years.

Michael asked about the 2011 Fire Department energy audit. Imre stated that he hoped Chief Oleson would address any questions regarding the audit at the meeting.

Imre mentioned the balance in the New Land & Building Capital Reserve Fund is $283,440.

Michael suggested placing the “Facility Costs by Building” slide before the “Facility Costs – 2010 through 2016” slide so attendees would understand what’s included in the total costs number.

Under “Projected Repairs, Maintenance and Updates”, attendees suggested adding interior and exterior photographs of the police and fire department buildings and Town Hall to the presentation.

Under “Insurance Replacement Costs (2012)”, Imre stated that using 2012 insurance reproduction costs might assist attendees in understanding how the insurance company values the buildings and their content. Michael suggested adding a total on the second slide.

Under “Other Communities”, Imre reviewed the Franconia Public Safety Building and Whitefield Police and Administration Building specifications.

Attendees discussed secure document storage and the use of digital imaging to reduce paper storage requirements. Tadd pointed out that state law dictates what must be kept and for how long.

Tadd mentioned that population numbers alone for Carroll, Franconia and Whitefield might not convey a complete picture of the community’s need for public service and administrative functions. He stated that in comparison to Franconia and Whitefield, the Town of Carroll handles many more calls for police and fire services due in large part to tourism in our community.

Attendees decided that deleting the population numbers from the slides and deferring any questions on service calls to Tadd and Chief Oleson would work better during the meeting.

Under “Proposal for New Facility”, John mentioned that availability of the funds to cover the proposed warrant article ($60,000) may be limited as town funds are invested in various securities. Imre stated that he would follow up with one of the Selectman for clarification and ask that the Selectman address the issue if it comes up during the informational session.

Michael suggested rearranging the order of the bullet points to place the offer to hold additional informational sessions in 2017 if the proposed warrant article passes before the item about the 2018 warrant article.

Under “Proposal for New Facility”, Janet asked about how Parks and Recreation might fit in. Michael explained that he envisioned making the new building a center for town functions, possibly including Parks and Recreation functions. Adding a small playground, skating rink, and other recreation functions might draw more people to the center of town.

Janet suggested emphasizing any items that are required by law so town residents realize some features within a new facility are not negotiable. This certainly applies to secure records storage for Department of Motor Vehicles files, ballots and voting equipment, employee health and financial records, police files, certain fire department records, and more.

Additional wording changes and explanations were suggested for the remaining proposal slides.

Michael suggested changing the slide title from “Questions and Answers?” to “Questions?” All agreed.

Under “Conclusions,” Janet suggested swapping bullet points 1 and 2. All agreed.

Returning from the library, John provided copies of the 2006 and 2007 warrant articles related to new facilities. Imre will add them to the “History – Past Initiatives” section.

Moving on to discuss the handout, Imre outlined what was pulled from the presentation and what was added as deficiencies with the buildings that house the police and fire departments, and Town Hall.

Tadd suggested adding two items under “Issues with Police Department Building”, those being inadequate secure storage and non-compliance with ADA standards. Attendees suggested adding non-compliance of the fire department building and Town Hall to the list, plus items provided by Chief Oleson.

Evan asked if refreshments would be provided at the informational session. Imre stated that Chief Oleson has activated the Twin Mountain Fire Department Auxiliary to provide refreshments.

Janet suggested adding the total operational cost for all years to the table in the handout. All agreed.

Imre mentioned a voluntary sign-in sheet for the informational session, should any attendees wish to provide an email address for future updates. He also asked about audio-recording the meeting. Evan suggested using the town’s video camera to record the meeting. Attendees agreed that an audio recording would be sufficient.

By agreement, the next scheduled meeting for the Building Committee is Friday, Feb. 10 at 9:00 a.m. in Town Hall.

Imre made a motion, seconded by Michael, to adjourn the meeting. Vote was unanimous.

The meeting adjourned at 10:32 a.m.
Minutes prepared by Imre Szauter.