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Minutes of Town Board Meetings

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Minutes of 8/14/2017

August 22nd, 2017

Carroll Board of Selectmen
Meeting Minutes
August 14, 2017

“These minutes of the Town of Carroll Select board have been recorded by its Secretary. Though believed to be accurate and correct they are subject to additions, deletions and corrections by the Select Board at its next meeting when the Board votes its final approval of the minutes. They are being made available at this time to conform to the requirements of New Hampshire RSA 91-A:2.”

Minutes recorded by Maryclare H. Quigley, Secretary

Board members present: Brian Mycko, Paul Bussiere, David Scalley

Members of the public present: Imre Szauter, Tadd Bailey, Jeremy Oleson, Evan Karpf, Rob Gauthier

The meeting was called to order at 7 p.m. by Chairman Mycko

Pledge of Allegiance

The Board announced the approval of bills and signing of manifests.

Selectman Scalley made a Motion to: Accept and approve the minutes of 07/31/2017 as written. Selectman Bussiere seconded and the Motion passed unanimously.

Selectman Scalley made a Motion to: Accept and approve the minutes of 08/2/2017 as written. Selectman Bussiere seconded and the Motion passed. Chairman Mycko abstained as he was not at that meeting.

Imre Szauter, Chair of the Building Committee, gave the report of the Committee’s latest meeting and said new members Terry Penner and Mike Finn were in attendance. Peter Stewart of Stewart Associates Architects LLC was introduced by Project Manager Allan Clark. Mr. Stewart outlined his plans on assisting the Committee for Phase One and a discussion ensued regarding building and location options. Messrs. Stewart and Clark toured the Town Hall, Police Department and Fire Department following the meeting. He spoke with Sgt. Bailey, Chief Oleson and Mr. Szauter regarding information he had received. They are hopeful the Architect may have sketches for the next meeting. The Committee recommended, by unanimous vote, that the difference between the original cost and the actual cost for the topographical survey by Kellogg Surveying & Mapping, Inc., be paid from the funding for Warrant Article 5, as the additional work was required and had been requested by the Project Manager. It was noted the School Street hydrant pressure and flow test scheduled for August 1 had to be cancelled due to a defective gauge being used by the EJP Inc. representative. Mr. Szauter stated he had been in contact with the NHDOT District One Office requesting a site visit by an engineer to discuss a potential driveway from the west end of the town parcel to US 302. This will aid the Committee’s preparation of the application for a Driveway Permit. An entrance off Route 3 may have wetlands issues and too much material would have to be moved at a very high cost. Mr. Szauter announced expenses and balances of the Building Committee’s line items;
$2,500 budget for advertising and miscellaneous: $552 spent; $1,948 remaining.
$60,000 Warrant Article 5: $$4,108.75 spent; $55,891.25 remaining. The Committee’s next meeting is August 17, 9 a.m. at the Town Hall. As always, minutes, agendas, etc. are posted on the Town’s website. The Board thanked Mr. Szauter.

Selectman Scalley recused himself from the Board to participate as the Building Inspector in the discussion regarding previous comments. Mr. Scalley was not at a previous meeting when Evan Karpf stated that he is being treated differently than others. Evan Karpf said in this meeting he was asked for things not in the ordinance and asked where is the document that the Building Inspector says the Building Permit expires when the CO is issued. He went on to say the ordinance says a Building Permit is invalid after one year. Discussion ensued when Mr. Scalley asked Mr. Karpf what he thinks it means with his answer being as it states that it is invalid after one year of issuance. He continued with the explanation that “shall” means the “way it is” and is not “can” or “may.” It was noted the Permit may be modified and the inspector has up to 30 days to complete. Mr. Scalley stated after a year if the Permit is not used, the applicant would need to file for a new one, to which Evan Karpf agreed. Debate continued regarding that a Permit becomes invalid once the CO is issued. Mr. Scalley said all buildings, units, etc. need a CO and when that is issued the Permit ends. Mr. Karpf said he submitted a 91-A, Right to Know, request and the Selectmen’s Office responded there was no documentation so issuing the CO does not invalidate the Permit. At this point, the Secretary said the answer was only that there was “no documentation” NOT that the CO does not invalidate the Building Permit. Debate continued until eventually Mr. Scalley said they are all working on going forward and thanked Evan for his input.

The following items were approved and signed:

Veterans’ Exemptions – Fabrizio Family Rev Trust (Housekeeping item Per DRA, New Form)
Drug Paraphernalia Ordinance – Sign Additional Copies
Intent to Cut -- Pilosoff

Selectman Bussiere inquired about a Trust receiving the Veterans’ Exemption as it was his understanding that one could not. As the Town Clerk was still in her office, she was asked this question and advised it was allowed as the surviving spouse still lives there. She said she would get the information about this.

Follow-Up Items:

Town Credit Cards – Annette Marquis, Treasurer – Tabled
The Secretary said the Treasurer will be happy to go forward with this when there is a good policy approved, and this should come from the Select Board. These are being collected to give us guidance. It was stated that it would be nice to have this taken care of by the next meeting.

Bldg Permit Application and Process including Fees – Tabled. Selectman Scalley said he hopes to have something by the end of August. He said he will email when he has something ready.

Building Inspector – Tabled. Tied in with above

Fire Department Pick Up Truck Status – Repair, Payment – Chief Oleson said he has been in weekly contact with the oil filter company and he should have something from their insurance company soon. He said he doesn’t know the amount yet, but will let the Board know as soon as he knows.


Evan Karpf told the Board he went to the Consortium meeting the previous week and again there was no quorum, so he is resigning as the Town’s Rep, which he had advised would be the case the prior month. He said it’s a waste of time to go to these meetings and be unable to accomplish anything. The Board said they certainly understand and thanked Evan for his time.

Evan Karpf said he had asked a month ago about four-apartment buildings and was told the Board would look into it. Selectman Bussiere said he believes this has gone to the Planning Board and been approved; once they go through Site Plan Review it’s allowed, and also because it is in the Zoning Ordinance. Mr. Karpf asked for the ordinance that said multiple apartment buildings are all right and was told 303.3. After more discussion, it was agreed that it was a matter of interpretation. Evan thanked the Board.

Selectman Scalley recused himself as Selectman to participate as Building Inspector. He said he was wondering what to do when a builder is a multiple offender, and has been so repeatedly and how the 7-day window for correction fits in. Selectman Bussiere referred to the State Statute that provides for the timeframe. Dave asked about how to correct this going forward as he said he feels they have set a precedent when they returned money to one applicant. He was questioning what the 7 days to correct means, if it’s to apply for the permit, or what, and how many times this should happen. Selectman Bussiere said he doesn’t have a correct answer. Dave Scalley then returned as Selectman. Evan Karpf said it is important to have a plan and get feedback for people whom it will affect. He said he wants to encourage the Board to keep after getting a complete package. Selectman Bussiere said he’s been back and forth and looked at this issue from different perspectives and he has found there is a need for building permits.

There being no further discussion, Chairman Mycko made a Motion to adjourn the meeting. Selectman Bussiere seconded and the Motion passed. Chairman Mycko declared the meeting ended at 7:48 p.m.

The next meeting is Monday, August 28, 2017.