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Minutes of 8/17/2017 APPROVED

September 5th, 2017

Town of Carroll Building Committee Meeting Minutes
August 17, 2017 @ 9:00 a.m.
Carroll Town Hall

Members and guests present: Tadd Bailey, Allan Clark, Mike Finn, John Gardiner, Janet Nelson, Jeremy Oleson, Terry Penner, Peter Stewart, and Imre Szauter

The Building Committee (the “Committee”) meeting began at 9:04 a.m. and was recorded.

Attendees stood and recited the Pledge of Allegiance.

A draft agenda was distributed and a sign-in sheet was routed around.

Attendees introduced themselves.

The draft minutes of the August 3, 2017 meeting were discussed. John Gardiner made a motion, seconded by Mike Finn, to approve the minutes as written. The vote in favor was unanimous.

Peter Stewart opened a discussion on a conceptual drawing he distributed, in which he suggested a campus layout on the west portion of the town’s parcel to accommodate a public safety building for the police and fire departments and a town hall building to house town administrative offices, the library and a community room. He included a new access point (driveway) from US 302 past the current Town Hall, leading into several parking areas for town employees, public safety services staff, and the public. The parking areas are separated by green spaces that may serve as public gathering or recreational areas and/or storm water detention areas. The current Town Hall is shown in the conceptual drawing, with an access driveway off the new driveway to the campus.

Peter Stewart detailed his thinking on the campus layout, focusing on emergency vehicle ingress and egress, separation of parking areas for employees and visitors, traffic flow, and potential future expansion of the campus. He solicited feedback from attendees on the conceptual drawing.

John Gardiner mentioned that public parking for access to the police department and fire department lobbies should be in front of the public safety building. Peter Stewart stated he anticipated that, so he planned multiple public parking spaces in front of the police department portion of the building.

Terry Penner asked about traffic flow. Peter Stewart stated that the driveway would be 24 feet in width, which could accommodate two-way traffic, but he envisioned one-way traffic flow in a counter-clockwise direction around the center green area would work best. He also mentioned that angled parking spaces would provide for more efficient parking. Peter Stewart stated that the current conceptual drawing shows 65 parking spaces, based on the assumption that town offices and the community room would not be open and in use at the same time for something large such as town deliberative session. If that assumption is not correct, then about 100 parking spaces would be needed.

The community room is shown on the west side of the Town Hall, with the largest number of public parking spaces adjacent to it. Peter Stewart mentioned that the parking area south of the fire department apparatus bay could be expanded if more spaces are needed.

Peter Stewart stated that he and Allan Clark discussed an alternative layout with the assumption the current Town Hall would be razed prior to construction of the new campus. He stated that the campus would be moved closer to the main road (US 302) and the fire department apparatus bay would have a shorter driveway with straight access to the road. But he and Allan Clark believe the state will not authorize two driveways accessing US 302 so close together. Additionally, the slope of the driveway to the fire department apparatus bay may be too steep if the public safety building is closer to the road.

John Gardiner asked about provisions for the current snow mobile trail. Allan Clark stated that the snow mobile trail could be placed in the setback area between the property line and the public safety building.

Terry Penner asked if EMS functions were included in the design. Jeremy Oleson stated that EMS was considered part of the fire department and as such, all vehicles and personnel would be housed in the fire department portion of the public services building. Allan Clark stated that all fire, EMS and EOC/EMD (Emergency Operations Center/Emergency Management Director) functions will be housed in the fire department area of the public safety building.

Terry Penner asked if the separation between the fire department and police department functions within the public safety building are required by code. Peter Stewart responded that fire- and life-safety codes are different for each department, so an appropriate fire wall will separate the two departments.

Imre Szauter asked about future expansion of the campus, if the need arose for another building, such as a dedicated library. Both Peter Stewart and Allan Clark confirmed that expansion could take place on the eastern portion of the campus, minimizing the amount of site preparation for another structure.

John Gardiner asked if a traffic signal would be requested for the new driveway. Allan Clark said no, the state would likely not permit another traffic signal so close to the US 3 and US 302 intersection. Discussion took place about flashing/warning lights that would be activated when an emergency vehicle departs the campus.

John Gardiner asked about sidewalks and a crosswalk at the driveway access to the campus, in case pedestrians should want to access the campus from the south side of US 302.

Peter Stewart walked through the draft floorplan layout of the fire department portion of the public safety building and sought feedback from Jeremy Oleson. Jeremy Oleson said that for now, the layout appears fine.

Allan Clark stated that for planning purposes, the new campus and the fate of the existing Town Hall should be treated as separate issues. If the Committee is comfortable with the concept drawing as shown, future uses or the demolition of the existing Town Hall would not significantly impact the master plan for the parcel.

Allan Clark highlighted the advantages of the campus concept as provided by Peter Stewart, including two separate single-story buildings, better utilization of the land with provisions for future expansion (buildings and/or parking), and preserving the ridge and the wetlands area on the parcel for possible future recreational uses. He also stated the concept allows for double-loading the fire department apparatus bay, separates the police department Sally Port from the public travel portion of the campus, allows easy access to the police and fire department lobbies from the public parking area in front of the public safety building, clear signage for employee/safety personnel/public parking areas, and a center green-space area about 100 feet by 130 feet for whatever uses the town desires. Allan Clark mentioned the placement of the community room on the west side of the Town Hall, with a large public parking area adjacent to it, provides convenient access for Select Board/Planning/Zoning meetings, town deliberative session, voting activities, and other uses authorized by the Select Board. He concluded by asking if this conceptual plan is acceptable to the Committee.

John Gardiner stated the conceptual plan is acceptable to him. He asked about the distance of the proposed driveway to the US 3 and US 302 intersection.

Mike Finn asked if the current School Street intersection with US 302 might be preserved for vehicles seeking to proceed west on US 302. Allan Clark stated that he believes the state would not permit two intersections with US 302 so close together.

John Gardiner outlined his recent tour of the newly-constructed Whitefield Public Safety Building, which houses the police department and the administrative offices.

Imre Szauter asked about repurposing the land under the current Town Hall, should be building be razed. Peter Stewart recommended taking a closer look at preserving the gymnasium portion of the building for recreational uses. A discussion on that portion of Town Hall took place, including the issues that would have to be resolved to meet fire- and life-safety codes, adequate heating and insulation, emergency exits, and restroom and locker room facilities.

Following the August 3rd meeting, Allan Clark and Peter Stewart toured the Town Hall and the police and fire departments and spoke with employees, Tadd Bailey, Jeremy Oleson and Brad Houston. They sought to confirm the information in Allan Clark’s Preliminary Space Requirements and Cost Predictions document and ask about any additional requirements before proceeding with concept drawings. Allan Clark again mentioned that the total estimated floor space needed is about 18,000 square feet and the cost would be in the $3.6 million range.

John Gardiner asked if the campus concept would be developed in phases, with the public safety building first and the Town Hall later. Allan Clark stated that he believes the Committee and the Select Board favor moving the entire project forward in one phase, as resistance might develop to a new Town Hall once the public safety building is completed.

Imre Szauter asked about possible locations for the required septic system. Allan Clark responded there could be several suitable locations, based on the type of system installed. He also mentioned that storm water runoff would have to be dealt with, using detention basins or chambers to collect runoff.

Allan Clark mentioned that the draft layout of the police department (originally a square configuration) would have to be modified into a rectangular configuration with the current concept design. Tadd Bailey stated that would be acceptable, as the main issues of public access through a secured front lobby, the Sally Port, and the separation of juveniles and adults had been addressed.

Allan Clark asked if internal passage between the police and fire departments should be provided. Both Jeremy Oleson and Tadd Bailey agreed that with proper security (using keycard access, for example) there should be no problem with providing controlled access between departments.

Mike Finn asked about the timeframe for completion of the conceptual plan in order for it to be taken to the voters. Allan Clark stated the entire conceptual plan with the final cost must be ready for February 2018 town deliberative session. The Phase Two article that includes the construction cost must be submitted in early January for inclusion on the March 2018 warrant.

Mike Finn mentioned that the Bretton Woods Property Owners Association (BWPOA) meets in October and that perhaps the Committee should make a presentation during the meeting. In addition, he stated that there are several smaller associations in the Bretton Woods community that may be worthwhile addressing. Imre Szauter said he would work with Mike Finn and Terry Penner regarding presentations and information sharing with the groups.

Imre Szauter stated that he has been in contact with the NH DOT District One engineer responsible for driveway permits to schedule a site visit.

Allan Clark stated that he is working on the existing building analysis, and envisions the resultant short document will be useful in presenting the rationale for not repurposing/renovating either the existing Town Hall and/or the fire department building for other town functions or uses.

Imre Szauter provided an update on the recommendation to the Select Board to pay the difference between the original Kellogg Surveying and Mapping topographical survey and the updated version with features requested by the Committee. He stated that the Select Board accepted the recommendation at their August 14th meeting and the funds will be withdrawn from the warrant article account.

Imre Szauter provided an update on the hydrant pressure and flow test that took place on August 1st. The test was cancelled because of a defective gage. He is waiting for Greg Hogan to reschedule the test with EJP Inc. (Everett J. Prescott, Inc.).

Imre Szauter provided an update on Committee account balances. The advertising and miscellaneous expenses account has a $1,948 balance (out of $2,500 authorized) and the warrant article account has a $55,891.25 balance (out of $60,000 authorized).

Allan Clark stated that the next Committee meeting will be critical, as the conceptual drawing will be updated with information from today’s meeting, a review from the civil engineer should be available, and an updated Phase One project budget should be ready.

Imre Szauter offered the next Committee meeting on August 31st at 9:00 a.m. in Town Hall. Attendees agreed to the date and time. He also offered the next informational session on either September 21st or 28th. Attendees agreed the September 28th date was the better of the two, so Imre Szauter will work with Maryclare Quigley, administrative assistant, to reserve, post and advertise the informational session for September 28th at 7:00 p.m. in Town Hall.

Allan Clark asked if a mailing could be done to all registered voters in the town. Following a discussion, the Committee agreed that a mailing to all property owners would be better. Imre Szauter will check with Maryclare Quigley on obtaining a listing of all property owners. He will draft an announcement for review and discussion at the August 31st meeting and will check on postage rates for a bulk mailing. Janet Nelson offered to assist with preparation of the mailing.

Imre Szauter summarized current action items:
1) Post approved August 3rd Committee meeting minutes on the town website and Google Drive (Imre Szauter)
2) Schedule NH DOT District One engineer site visit to discuss driveway access to US 302 (Imre Szauter)
3) Schedule and advertise Committee’s 3rd Informational Session for Thursday, Sep. 28th at 7:00 p.m. in Town Hall (Imre Szauter)
4) Draft Sep. 28th Information Session announcement to be mailed to all property owners; for review at August 31st meeting (Imre Szauter)
5) Once approved, fold, label and mail Informational Session announcement (Janet Nelson and Imre Szauter)
6) Reschedule hydrant pressure and flow testing with EJP (Greg Hogan)

The next regular meeting of the Committee was scheduled for Thursday, August 31st at 9:00 a.m. in Town Hall.

Mike Finn made a motion, seconded by Terry Penner, to adjourn the meeting. The vote to adjourn was unanimous.

The meeting adjourned at 10:09 a.m.

Minutes prepared by Imre Szauter.