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Minutes of Town Board Meetings

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Minutes of 9/7/2017

September 18th, 2017

Carroll Planning Board


September 7, 2017

7:00 PM

“These minutes of the Town of Carroll Planning Board have been recorded by its Secretary. Though believed to be accurate and correct they are subject to additions, deletions and corrections by the Planning Board at its next meeting when the Board votes its final approval of the minutes. They are being made available at this time to conform to the requirements of New Hampshire RSA 91-A: 2.

Members Present: Chairman Ken Mills, Bonnie Moroney, Selectman’s Representative Brian Mycko, Michael Hogan, Richard Krapf and Alternate member John Gardiner

Members of the Public: Fire Chief Jeremy Oleson, George Brodeur, Wayne & Geri Garneau, Ron & Sherry Waring, Mike Paige, Jerry Ponds, Syed Nuruzzaman, B. Dexter Lafavour, Linda Webb, Patricia Licthenwalder, June Marihugh & Carol Carlson Cunningham

Minutes taken by: Rena Vecchio, Secretary

Pledge of Allegiance: 7:00 PM

The Chair Ken Mills asked if the board was ready to approve the minutes of August 3, 2017. Richard Krapf made a motion to: approve the PLBD minutes of August 3, 2017, as written. Brian Mycko seconded and the motion passed with 5 ayes and 1 abstaining. Michael Hogan was not at the August meeting and therefore could not vote.
The Chair asked the secretary if she could get a copy of the July 6th minutes, as the board had not voted on those yet. After checking the members that were at the meeting in July, it was noted they did not have a quorum from that meeting and would not be able to vote on them.
The Chair said they would continue to table the minutes of July 6th.

Carol was before the board for a Site Plan Review for Carlson’s Motor Lodge, Route 302 W, Map 206, Lot 5, for an Expansion of Use. There is a 15’x 24’ cottage that she wants to expand.
The Chair asked the secretary if the ad had been placed and the abutters noticed. The answer was yes. But she said there were no maps for the board to go by. The Chair said then the application would be incomplete and would not be able to be heard tonight. Chairman Mills told her to work with the secretary and then to go by the Site Plan Regulations. There has to be plats or maps made showing the cottage with expansion, driveway, septic, etc.
Ken said that the application will be reviewed again on Thursday, October 5, 2017, at the Carroll Town Hall, 7:00 PM. There were no abutters present.

B. Dexter Lafavour, Horizons Engineering, was before the board for Echo Lake Investments/Syed Nuruzzaman, for a Change of Use. In 2005 the subdivision for Solar Springs was approved for single family dwellings with wells. They now want to change the single family to two family dwellings with town water. The Chair said that is was Map 206 Lot 058 and 058, 1-9 and Lot 053.
Chair asked the secretary if the ad had been placed and abutters notified. The answer was yes. But she said she did not have all the checks. The application fee and the 2 checks for the Registry of Deeds had not been submitted. Lafavour said he thought maybe he didn’t have to pay for those as the boundary lines were not changing and therefore he would not have to pay for anything else. It was brought to his attention that he was there for a Site Plan Review. The original subdivision was approved with single family dwellings and now they wanted to change that to 2 family dwellings. Also the original approval was for wells, they now want town water. The Public Works Supervisor will need to be contacted about the water lines and needs.
Chairman Mills said the application will be reviewed again on Thursday, October 5, 2017, at the Carroll Town Hall, 7:00 PM.

Subdivision Regulations, Site Plan Regulations and the Zoning Ordinance: North Country Council has them. They will be looked at again and be brought before the board when they are ready. This brought talk on having an application that would be much smaller for smaller projects that would come under Site Plan Review. There was also talk of having 2 meetings for every application. The applicant would go the first time to have the application deemed complete or not complete. The next meeting would be to approve or not.
Cohousing: The secretary has contacted New Hampshire Municipal Association with no results as such. Then contacted Town Counsel and was advised to contact Peterborough, NH as they have one. She has a phone call in to them and is waiting to hear back..
Message from Town Counsel: Everyone needs to go thru the secretary and put on the agenda for everything. There can be no showing up for a consultation without being on the agenda.

Michael Hogan made a motion to: adjourn. Brian Mycko seconded and the motion passed. The meeting ended at 8:15 PM.