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Minutes of Town Board Meetings

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Minutes of 10/2/2017

October 10th, 2017

Carroll Board of Selectmen
Meeting Minutes
October 2, 2017

“These minutes of the Town of Carroll Select board have been recorded by its Secretary. Though believed to be accurate and correct they are subject to additions, deletions and corrections by the Select Board at its next meeting when the Board votes its final approval of the minutes. They are being made available at this time to conform to the requirements of New Hampshire RSA 91-A:2.”

Minutes recorded by Maryclare H. Quigley, Secretary

Board members present: Paul Bussiere, Brian Mycko. Selectman Scalley excused due to illness.

Members of the public present: Imre Szauter, Tracy Marquis, Jules Marquis, Wayne Mycko, Patti Mycko, Don Monahan, Ben Jellison, Joan Karpf

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairman Mycko.

Pledge of Allegiance

The Board announced the approval of bills and signing of manifests.

Minutes of 9/13/2017 were tabled as Chairman Mycko was not at that meeting.

Selectman Bussiere made a Motion to: Approve the minutes of 9/25/2017 as written. Chairman Mycko seconded and the Motion passed.

Chairman Mycko asked for a moment of silence for the victims of the Las Vegas shootings. He thanked everyone and resumed the meeting.

2018 Budget presentations began with the Moderator, Ben Jellison. He said there are more elections in 2018 so the lines must increase.

2017 2018
01-4140.10-130 Supervisors Sittings 650. 800.
01-4140.10-130 Moderator 500. 750.
01-4140.10-160 Asst. Moderator 300. 500.
01-4140.10-200 Supervisor Expenses 100. 200.
01-4140.10-201 Advertisements 500. 725.
01-4140.10-202 Moderator Expenses 300. 800.
01-4140.10-203 Moderator Travel/Training 100. 100.
01-4140.10-204 Elections Training 150. 200.
01-4140.10-300 Ballot Clerks 500. 900.
01-4140.10-302 Voting Equip Supplies 1,500. 1,000.
01-4140.10-303 Ballot Counting Equipment 500. 4,000.
Totals $5,100. $9,975.

The Selectmen thanked Mr. Jellison for his budget and he left the meeting.

The Treasurer’s budget was tabled to the next meeting as the Secretary didn’t have it with her.

Joan Karpf presented the Conservation Commission budget, which she said is the same as 2017.

01-4611.10-300 Membership NHACC 236. 236.
01-4611.10-301 Workshops 115. 115.
01-4611.10-302 Operating Expenses 20. 20.
01-4611.10-303 Annual LCIP Monitoring 4. 4.
01-4611.10-304 ARLAC Donation 50. 50.

Totals $425. $425.

The Selectmen thanked Mrs. Karpf and she left.

Jules Marquis attended the meeting to discuss building permits. He is doing various repairs and other jobs at his property, Ammonoosuc Campground, and said he is not changing anything structural. He said he has worked in construction all his life and never had to worry about a permit, especially for an existing structure, and many require a permit only if changing the footprint. He said he spoke with someone at the Campground who has set up five towns for building inspections and he said he will be happy to come up and help us as well. Selectman Bussiere said he felt that would be a good idea. Mr. Marquis said according to his friend, permits should not be a revenue source and that building inspections should come from the tax base. Selectman Bussiere said he is reluctant to have everyone pay when a property owner wants to make changes to his own property. Mr. Marquis asked if they can finish the project that was halted because they didn’t have a permit, which he said they were unaware of needing at the time. When asked, he said they had not paid for the permit yet and Selectman Bussiere said everyone filing for a permit for commercial property has paid $200 and that currently that is the fee. Therefore, we will require payment of $200 to process the permit. Mr. Marquis said he or Mrs. Marquis will come to the office during the week with a check and in the meantime, gave the Secretary a plan for the Building Inspector to attach to the permit paperwork.

Imre Szauter, Building Committee Chairman, said the Committee had a meeting on September 28, mainly to finalize the PowerPoint presentation for use at the informational session that evening. Also discussed was developing a marketing campaign to promote the project which included a tri-fold brochure. All of these efforts of course, are to build support among the people in town, both residents and businesses alike. The next Committee meeting is Thursday, October 12, at 9 a.m. at the Town Hall.

Mr. Szauter went on to say that the meeting that evening had good attendance and good questions. He said both Allan Clark, Project Manager, and Peter Stewart, Architect, were in attendance, and that by some estimates, there were around 80 people there. He said they tried to focus on the size of the Community Room, which will accommodate 150 people, and which size did not seem to be an issue, though one discussion was to maybe add a few feet and the way to do so without giving it a “bowling alley” shape. The PowerPoint presentation and the conceptual plans have been posted to the town website. He noted 63% ($1,577.23) of the money remains in their line item budget and 65% ($39,232.50) of the money is remaining in the warrant article amount. Selectman Bussiere said he felt the presentation was very well done and Mr. Szauter was doing a great job on the Building Committee, which Mr. Szauter clarified the job is being done by all of the Committee. Chairman Mycko agreed with both gentlemen. Mr. Szauter proceeded to thank the Selectmen for the vote of confidence.

The following were approved and signed:

Oath of Office, Parks & Recreation – J. Nelson
Intents to Cut – Warren
Yield Tax Cer4tification and Warrant – Ouellette
Water Warrant – Third Quarter Billing
Water Warrant – Various: Applications, Hook-Ups, Turn-Offs

Follow-Up Items:

Building Permit Application and Process Including Fees – Tabled
Building Inspector – Tabled (tied in with above)
Twin Mountain Snowmobile Club – Tax Exempt Status. The President of the Club has brought all of the necessary and various documentation, including the Certificate from the State of NH State Department for Tax Exempt status, RSA 72:23, V. Selectman Bussiere said it is law that one vote will work if others must abstain. In this case, Chairman Mycko is on the Board of Directors of the Snowmobile Club and abstained from taking part in this vote. Therefore, Selectman Bussiere made a Motion to: Approve the Tax Exempt Status for land and building of the Twin Mountain Snowmobile Club. Selectman Bussiere voted to approve this Motion. The Motion passed.
Use Water Money Encumbered for Asset Management – The Secretary explained Greg Hogan, Public Works Supervisor, had asked at a previous meeting about using this money to have a professional study done to find out the capacity of the town’s water supply. She said she contacted our representative with DRA and the reply was that it could be used as the purpose is the same as for the original request. Selectman Bussiere made a Motion to: Use the encumbered funds for measuring the capacity of the water supply. Chairman Mycko seconded and the Motion passed. He added that this is good as we need to find out our capabilities.
Records Retention Committee – Office Staff, Library, Parks & Recreation – The Secretary
advised that the departments noted are working on the records and various items stored and that the upstairs storage areas are slated to be cleaned out by the end of the year.
Rules for Use of Community Room – Pending – The Secretary said she has this scheduled for November and that Imre Szauter has offered to work on it with her. There should be a draft for the Selectmen to review and the final copy completed and able to be approved by the Selectmen by the end of the month.

Other: None at this meeting.

As there was no further business, the Board was polled at 7:40 p.m. to go into non-public session, per RSA 91-A-3 for legal: Selectman Bussiere, yes; Chairman Mycko, yes.

At the close of non-public session at 7:49 p.m., Chairman Mycko moved to return to public session and seal the minutes from non-public session. Selectman Bussiere seconded and the Motion passed.

There being no further discussion, Chairman Mycko made a Motion to adjourn the meeting. Selectman Bussiere seconded and the Motion passed unanimously. Chairman Mycko declared the meeting ended at 7:50 p.m. The next meeting will be Monday, October 16, 2017.