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Minutes of Town Board Meetings

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Minutes of 11/13/2017

November 20th, 2017

Carroll Board of Selectmen
Meeting Minutes
November 13, 2017

“These minutes of the Town of Carroll Select board have been recorded by its Secretary. Though believed to be accurate and correct they are subject to additions, deletions and corrections by the Select Board at its next meeting when the Board votes its final approval of the minutes. They are being made available at this time to conform to the requirements of New Hampshire RSA 91-A:2.”

Minutes recorded by Maryclare H. Quigley, Secretary

Board members present: Brian Mycko, Paul Bussiere, David Scalley.

Members of the public present: Tom Gately, Tess Gately, Wayne Mycko, Patti Mycko, Evan Karpf, Ken Mills, Rena Vecchio, Dave Ernsburger, Tim O’Neil, Michael Hogan, Dianne Hogan, Debbie Szauter, Imre Szauter, Jason Sullivan, Mary Sullivan, Jeremy Oleson, Ron Wareing

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairman Mycko.

Pledge of Allegiance

The Chair announced the approval and signing of the manifests.

Two representatives from the Mount Washington Regional Airport introduced themselves, Tim O’Neil and Dave Ernsburger, and proceeded to make their presentation. Mr. O’Neil said they would like to get Carroll involved in the Airport as some of their larger beneficiaries are in this town. He talked about some of their accomplishments in 2017, including runway crack repair; installing a camera system to monitor landing and tie-down fees, which has helped to create a base line for accurate utilization data without hiring an employee. The upgrades are also intended to show users of the Airport what they need to do, as well as to help make it more welcoming and friendlier. Mr. O’Neil said the FAA mandates certain things, so they have to do them, and charging fees for tie-downs is one example. He reiterated that they hope the Town will rejoin the IMA (Inter Municipal Agreement).

Mr. Ernsburger spoke about their plans for 2018 regarding operations and facilities, growth, marketing and possible future expansion. Some of these include working on land shuttles/ transportation; enlarging training area for the National Guard, looking into what would be good for them and for the Airport; as well as trying to reach those who would use the facility. He said they have identified some sources for grants which could be used among other things, for building a new hangar for visiting aircraft. When asked about fees from the Town, they said they are based on the number of residents and felt it would be in the vicinity of $1,100 to $1,200. The gentlemen said they would like a rep from the Town of Carroll also. They invited anyone to reach out with questions at any time. The Board thanked them for the presentation and Messrs. O’Neil and Ernsburger thanked the Selectmen for their time and departed.

Imre Szauter reported that the Building Committee had not met since the last Selectmen’s meeting as the one scheduled for October 9th had been postponed due to the heave usage of Police and Emergency Services with the October 30th storm. Mr. Szauter noted that the Committee had been invited to attend the Twin Mountain/Bretton Woods Chamber of Commerce meeting on November 14, to provide more details on the project and exchange questions and answers with the business community. He advised their budget balances remaining are: on the line item, $1,480.23; and, from the Warrant Article, $31,710.19. Mr. Szauter also announced the Committee’s fourth Information Session will be held on Thursday, January 18, 2018, at 7 p.m. in the Town Hall. He said this focus of this session will be project cost and property tax implication. The next scheduled meeting is Thursday, November 16, at 9 a.m. The Board thanked Mr. Szauter.

At this time, Chairman Mycko noted the minutes had not been approved and entertained a Motion. Selectman Bussiere made a motion to approve the minutes of November 6, 2017. It was seconded by Selectman Scalley and passed unanimously.

Because of an error with the town-owned water meter that went back several years which resulted in overpayment, as previous owners of the property, Mr. and Mrs. Gately were given a settlement and release agreement to review. The Selectmen will return to this item later in the meeting.

The following was approved and signed:

2017 Equalization Municipal Assessment Data Certificate – DRA

Claire Gritzer, Chair of the Trustees of the Trust Funds, was unable to attend the meeting but had submitted her budget, so the Selectmen were able to go forward with it.

01-4130.10-138 Trustees of Trust Funds $ 1,006
01-4130.10-140 Trustees Education/Seminars 700
01-4130.10-141 Trustees Supplies __ 150
TOTAL $ 1,856

This was essentially the same as 2016 and the Selectmen expressed their thanks that Mrs. Gritzer had sent in the 2018 budget proposal.

Ken Mills presented the Planning Board Proposed 2018 Budget. After discussion about format, etc., it was as follows:

01-4191.10-100 Secretary 18,900
01-4191.10-101 Board Member Salaries 840
01-4191.10-625 Postage 300
01-4191.10-626 Office Supplies 300
01-4191.10-627 Advertisements 200
01-4191.10-700 Legal Expenses 25,000
01-4191.10-701 No. Country Council Dues 2,500
01-4191.10-702 Circuit Rider Expenses 1
01-4191.10-800 Registration Fees 1
01-4191.10-801 Engineering 1
01-4191.10-802 Computer Repair & Equipment 600
01-4191.10-900 Miscellaneous 1
01-4191.10-901 Code Enforcement Officer 1
01-4191.10-902 Training and Travel 700
01-4191.10-903 Maps/GIS/Software 800
01-4191.10-904 Master Plan/Regs/Ord/etc. $ 2,500
TOTAL $52,445

Discussion ensued about getting various regulations updated which was to have happened in 2017 with a contract having been signed to work with North Country Council. However, the Planning Board was informed that the person with whom they were to work was leaving their employ and a replacement had not been named. Because of this, the Planning Board is trying to get released from the contract so they may hire another consultant. It was noted by the Select Board Secretary that we must either spend the money that’s in the budget for this project in 2017 or have a signed contract from somewhere else, so we may encumber the funds. This discussion also led to one in which it was asked if the Town should remain as a member of North Country Council and Rena Vecchio, the Planning Board Secretary, was asked to inquire about what the Town gets for the membership. In the meantime, Mrs. Vecchio suggested not eliminating NCC as she felt there are many areas where we are helped. Discussion of the Code Enforcement Officer also took place and Selectman Scalley, who also serves as temporary Building Inspector/CEI, said that showing the budget in Planning and Zoning as well as the Inspection lines and the Warrant Article were not only confusing but that the true cost was not easily seen. It was decided to leave $1 in the lines in each of Planning and Zoning budgets, to keep them open, but to show the full amount in Property Inspections. The Computer line was increased slightly as a new computer is needed and as the Secretary is the same for the ZBA, the total cost will be split between the two Boards.

Selectman Scalley then spoke as ZBA Chair to update the ZBA budget which had been presented at a previous meeting. These included adding a line for the new computer being split between the Planning Board and the ZBA at $600 each and adding a line for Zoning Ordinance update for $2,500 which will also be split with the Planning Board.

In line with the above, Selectman Scalley then spoke as the Building Inspector, to update the Property Inspection Budget. He said it is necessary to increase this budget in order to be able to find someone to do the job and these are in line with many other towns and areas. The 2018 Proposed Budget follows:

01-4240.10-200 Property Inspections/Salary 26,000
01-4240.10-201 Timber Inspections 500
01-4240.10-203 Third Party Review 1,000
01-4240.10-204 PI Training 500
New Line Travel/Mileage $ 1,500
TOTAL $29,500 *
*This budget will be offset with a Warrant Article to withdraw $16,000 from the Planning Special Revenue Fund for this purpose. So the total being paid by taxation is $13,500.

Follow up items:

Building Permit Application and Fees – Table. Selectman Scalley said this continues to be worked on and is in hopes of finalizing within this year. Evan Karpf asked about fees and permits and Selectman Scalley said this is still to be worked out and that we cannot collect enough in fees to cover all costs. They are looking at a limit of value or scope for permit requirements, but they also are looking at safety which complicates the process.

Rules for Use of Community Room – Tabled, noted it would be ready by the end of the month.
The Select Board received a first draft done by Imre Szauter. While they acknowledged having received it, they had not had the time to read thoroughly for discussion. It was noted that Mr. Szauter and Maryclare will get together and prepare/update another draft which will be sent to the Selectmen before the next meeting.

Water Asset Management - tabled


Mr. and Mrs. Gately indicated they had reviewed the “Settlement Agreement and Release” and were ready to sign it. It was explained this is for reimbursement of $6,384.85 for overpayment of water due to the water meter problem found with the current property owners. Therefore, Selectman Scalley made a Motion that Chairman Mycko sign on behalf of the Town. Chairman Mycko seconded and it passed unanimously.

Mr. Gately spoke as a previous budget committee member and advised the Selectmen to use warrant articles sparingly. He said the Board is careful with the town money and he said they do a good job.

Chief Oleson inquired about the credit cards that we are awaiting and the Secretary said the bank is waiting for our 2016 audit. She had been in touch with the auditors about receiving our final copies.

Chief Oleson also said he had spoken with the County regarding a Fire Agreement such as the Ambulance Agreement we already have with them. This would certainly help when it comes to emergency services for the Unincorporated areas. Chief Oleson also advised the board that both overtime lines (for Ambulance and Fire) will be maxed out this week and said he has to go on just about every call. The Select Board agreed not to stop service.

Michael Hogan spoke as a recent member of the former budget committee and referred to the figures for Legal fees. He felt it would make more sense if the Board looked at a period of time to get a history, i.e. five years’ worth so an average might be taken and thus keep the budgets on more of an even keel and thus from having such fluctuations. He said it would then be “taking action” rather than “reaction.” It was stated this might be a good idea, but as Ken Mills said, something like this is too difficult to predict as there are too many unknowns. Selectman Scalley said we know what’s coming for the next year so we’re budgeting for it.
The next meeting will be November 13, 2017 at 7 p.m.

There being no further discussion, Selectman Scalley made a Motion to adjourn the meeting. Selectman Bussiere seconded and the Motion passed. Chairman Mycko declared the meeting ended at 8:45 p.m.