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Minutes of Town Board Meetings

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Minutes of 10/05/2006

November 1st, 2006

Carroll Planning Board
Meeting Minutes
October 5, 2006

“These minutes of the Town of Carroll Planning Board have been recorded by its Secretary. Though believed to be accurate and correct they are subject to additions,
deletions, and corrections by the Planning Board at its next meeting when the Board votes its final approval of the minutes. They are being made available at this time to conform to the requirements of New Hampshire RSAS 91-A:2.”

Members of the Board present: Chairman John Birknes, John Sweeney, Connie Oliver and Evan Karpf

Members of the Public: Bill Smalley, Edith Tucker, Betty Gilman, Jan Francis, Lee Hallquist, Jim Covey and Billy Rines

Minutes taken by Maryclare Quigley, Secretary:

Pledge of Allegiance

Meeting called to order at 7:00 PM

The Board reviewed the minutes of September 7, 2006. Chairman, John Birknes asked that in the future the motions and how the vote went be in bold print, to make them more easily discernible. The Secretary was asked to remove the word “with” from item #2 at the bottom of page 1. Chairman Birknes entertained a MOTION to: accept the minutes as corrected. Evan Karpf made the motion and John Sweeney seconded. All were in favor and the minutes were approved unanimously.

Chairman Birknes said that John Warren was unable to attend as he was called out of town for a funeral. He advised that Mr. Warren said the original name of the road in his subdivision was meant in all innocence and that he did not know what “DILLIGAS” meant. He has since changed the name to “Billbarb Road” and it has been accepted by Cpl. Smalley.

Chairman Birknes read a letter from Al Strasser on behalf of the Selectmen regarding expanding the border in Bretton Woods to include Crawford’s Purchase as part of the Town of Carroll. This letter was approved by the Selectmen on September 25, and was also sent to the Building Committee/Infrastructure Task Force and Police Dept. Dr. Karpf suggested discussing this with the Master Plan Committee to know if it is a good plan for the town. It was also suggested that regarding public safety, the departments from Twin Mountain respond, to which Bill Smalley advised that the town has no jurisdiction once they cross the town line. The Fire Department has a contract with the County, but otherwise there is no legal obligation. When asked about the Upper Falls, Cpl. Smalley advised it is in Crawford’s Purchase, and is not covered by Twin Mountain Police, but rather is under the State Police now. In the past coverage was provided, but no longer. Connie Oliver thought the benefits would be taxes only.
According to Mr. Strasser’s letter, part of the plans for future expansion by the new owners of the Mount Washington Hotel and properties include going into Crawford’s Purchase. Ms. Oliver said it’s a beautiful area and would be a nice addition to the town.
It was mentioned that because it is an unincorporated area, property owners pay very little taxes, so they will increase. It was compared with the Balsams which pays practically no taxes as they are in an unincorporated area up north, timber taxes cover these. Edith Tucker said she believes acquiring this land will be quite a deal and it should be looked into very well before the town goes forward with it. It was mentioned again, that of the 2,300 acres, less than 9% is privately owned. Mr. Sweeney asked what the Selectmen want the Planning Board to do. Dr. Karpf said he believes a town vote would be required to undertake this step. Dr. Karpf volunteered to research the question/ possibility and will report back to the Board.

In other correspondence about a potential site for a building for the police and fire departments referring back to an agreement around 1990, signed by then-Selectmen and owners of the Hotel and properties