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Minutes of October 31, 2006

November 7th, 2006

Carroll Budget Committee
Minutes of the October 31, 2006 meeting

In attendance: Linda Dowling, Chair; Carmine Fabrizio, Karen Moran, Bonnie Moroney. Excused: Ken Mills, Tom Gately, Pam Walsh. Others present: Evan Karpf, Joan Karpf, John Goodney, Bill Dowling.

Chair called the meeting to order at 7:00.

Bonnie motioned to accept the minutes of the 10/24/06 meeting, Carmine seconded, all in favor.

Chair contacted the Moderator regarding the Elections and Registrations portion of the budget. He is not responsible for the budget, suggested perhaps the elected supervisors of the checklist would know. Karen will contact Sue K at the office and get detail gl printout so the committee can review the budget and actuals for reasonableness.

Evan Karpf discussed the budget for 2007 of the Planning Board. Board meets monthly, has 7 members including 2 alternates. Board reviews major applications for site plans, developments, Mount Washington resort plans, etc. Master Plan line item is a new account. Discussion ensued about the legal expense line item. Leave within the Planning Board budget, is only combined into one legal account for the DRA MS-7.
Chair asked if the selectmen simply used last year’s budget for this year’s budget. (Although the budget worksheet showed different figures) Evan said he had provided a detailed budget request.
Planning Board fees include engineering and application fees, mylar, certified mail, etc, with most of those offsetting the expense side.
Provan & Lorber review subdivisions and some site plans. Stan Borkowski is the code enforcement officer
Account 4191.10-903, Maps, refers to map overlay of property lines for things like the aquifer protection warrant that passed in March 2006. Discussion followed about the Planning Board map costs and the Tax map costs in account 01-4150.10-250. They are probably related.
Evan suggested that he would consider a fee increase proposal such that subdivisions would pay for themselves.
New account called Good/Welfare is a “donation” account.
Chair offered to make photocopies of Evan’s proposal at a later date. Joan also had a proposal for the committee for the Zoning Board. A recess was called at 7:30 while photocopies were made. 7:40 called back to order.

Joan Karpf discussed the Zoning Board of Adjustment, saying they do not meet monthly, rather as needed. Secretary salary was based on an average $ per 2 hour long meeting. 5 member board salary set at 12 months, $10 per member per meeting or $600 per year. Chair asked if alternates could vote, if they can and/or should attend meetings, if they are paid if not needed. Joan indicated alternates do not have to attend, and if not needed, would not be paid, even if they attend. Bonnie provided chair with the NH Planning and Land Use Guide for 2005-2006.

Chair asked about the time spent by the ZBA secretary during her regular working hours, and if that is segregated. Discussion ensued about the minimal amount of time involved.

Joan indicated the postage expense for the ZBA would involve mailing information to abutters. Further discussion about the legal expense line item, as with the Planning Board.

Chair asked Evan about possible warrant articles, despite Committee having no authority over them. Evan suggested perhaps 3.

Evan and Joan had new budget items for the Conservation Committee and the Health Officer. Chair stated that was not on the agenda. Karpfs then excused themselves.

John Goodney for the Emergency Management section indicated the radio line item of $100 could go away, as he had a radio from the Fire Department of which he is a member. He suggested the following:
01-4290.10-100 Director Salary $300
01-4290.10-200 Training $200 down from $800 because he said most training is free.
01-4290.10-201 Expenses $500 for office supplies, travel expenses including mileage.
John then excused himself from the meeting.

Bill Dowling presented the transfer station budget for 2007
01-4324.10-100 Supervisor $26,520 for 40 hours = $12.75 per hour
01-4324.10-101 Attendant $9,635 for 17 hours = $10.90 per hour
01-4324.10-102 Recycle salaries $10,000 Bill is talking with the MWH regarding recycling only, and this salary would be used to bale etc.
01-4324.10-200 Licenses $300 Bill, Billy Rines, Scott, Greg, Lenny @ $50 per license
01-4324.10-202 Training $1,427 Bill said this is mileage to Concord for seminars. Karen asked how many are attended, answer was go to sessions that look interesting.
01-4324.10-203 Telephone $1,000-Bill indicated he is making more calls in an attempt to find alternatives for disposal for when NCES closes in 2016.
01-4324.10-300 Recycle MSW Haul-$125 per trucking trip x 52 weeks
01-4324.10-301 Recycle Bulkywaste Haul $700 6 trips for chairs, couches, mattresses, etc. $125 per trip, but that calculates to $750.
01-4324.10-302 Tires represents the annual container rent
01-4324.10-303 C&D Trucking $750 6 trips at $125 each
01-4324.10-304 Tipping Fees-$27,000 @$67.50 per ton, estimated 400 tons-cost of actual disposal
01-4324.10-400 Site Work $2,145.50-Bill indicated there are 5 trailers at the old landfill site which he intends to use for storage at the recycling center site for things like plastic containers, electronics, the bobcat, sweeper, snow blower,. Also intends to buy cement blocks to make a wall which can be filled with crushed glass.
01-4324.10-401 Equipment Purchase $14,622-Bill outlined a long list of items to purchase:
cylinder evacuator $755 then can be sold for steel
carbon filter system for above $350
oil filter crusher $3,955 which can then be sold and $2,500 would be reimbursed from NH Used Oil
hand wipes $280
oil mats for absorbing any spills
baling wire $852
rubber gloves $64.75
do-no-enter sign $120
stop sign $79
lock-out/tag-out $260
portable scale $5,500 so actual weights for tv, tires, etc can be verified to disposal invoices
cutting edge for the bobcat and a broom for the sweeper $3,995

The total for above equipment purchase was summed to $16,211. (without any cost recorded by secretary for the oil mats). It appears that the requested equipment purchase is NET of the anticipated reimbursement for the oil filter crusher.

01-4324.10-402 Equipment Repair and Maintenance $684 for oil and grease etc of all machinery
01-4324.10-404 electricity $5,340
01-4324.10-500 Association Dues $1,550 includes $1,500 North Country council already included in other account, so should be $50 for Northeast Resource Recovery Association annual dues $50.
01-4324.10-505 Container Lease $2,160 3 containers at $60 per month
01-4324.10-515 Supplies $514.95 Register forms and metal machine for credit card usage, folders for contracts etc, computer ink, paper towels, cleaning things etc.

01-4324.30-100 Recycling Miscellaneous $1,252 NCES