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Minutes of Town Board Meetings

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Minutes of 3/26/2018

March 31st, 2018

Carroll Board of Selectmen
Meeting Minutes
March 26, 2018

“These minutes of the Town of Carroll Select board have been recorded by its Secretary. Though believed to be accurate and correct they are subject to additions, deletions and corrections by the Select Board at its next meeting when the Board votes its final approval of the minutes. They are being made available at this time to conform to the requirements of New Hampshire RSA 91-A:2.”

Minutes recorded by Maryclare H. Quigley, Secretary

Board members present: Brian Mycko, David Scalley, Bonnie J. Moroney

Members of the public present: Greg Hogan, Mike Gooden, Mike Finn, Rena Vecchio, Janet Nelson, Michael Hogan, Dianne Hogan, Debbie Szauter, Imre Szauter, Jeremy Oleson, Tadd Bailey, Lois Pesman, Linda Finn

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Selectman Scalley

Pledge of Allegiance

Chairman Mycko nominated Selectman Scalley as Chairman for the next year. Selectman Scalley seconded and it passed unanimously.

Chairman Scalley welcomed Bonnie Moroney back to the Board and thanked Paul Bussiere for the six years he sat on the Board.

Chairman Scalley made a Motion to: Sign the Oath of Office taken by Bonnie J. Moroney for a three-year term on the Select Board. Selectman Mycko seconded and it passed.

The Board announced the approval of bills and signing of manifests.

Selectman Mycko made a Motion to: Accept and approve the minutes of 3/12/2018 as written. Chairman Scalley seconded and the Motion passed.

Imre Szauter, Chair of the Building Committee, gave the Committee’s report of their meeting on March 15, 2018. He said the focus of this meeting was on the failure of Article 2. As a result of discussion regarding remaining funds, they passed a motion to recommend that the Select Board find out from town counsel or DRA if the town has the authority to use the remaining funds from the warrant article approved by voters in 2017. At this time, Mr. Szauter asked the Secretary if she had information and she said she had spoken with our DRA representative, Jamie Dow, and because the Select Board are the agents for the fund, they have the authority to withdraw money to continue a building committee. Ms. Dow said this is a case where “No means No” does not apply because the reason for the warrant article in 2018 is completely different from the reason for the warrant article in 2017. However, she said this does not have anything to do with the warrant article in 2017; that it’s because the Select Board are the agents to withdraw money, and the meanings of the articles are different from each other.

Mr. Szauter continued that the Committee agreed it had completed its assignment and would disband. They also agreed any actions relative to our facilities and if/when another building committee should be formed would be decided by the Select Board.

Regarding account balances, Mr. Szauter said no money had been spent from their budget line of $2,500 this year, and the original warrant article for $60,000 has a remaining balance of $22,272.89. He said the $37,72711 to bring Article 2 to the voters was money well spent.

Mr. Szauter said the minutes of their final meeting on March 15, 2018, have been reviewed and approved by a majority of those who attended which is confirmed by their signatures on the last page. These have all been filed with the Administrative Assistant as a permanent record in the Building Committee binder. He acknowledged the many hours of commitment that so many people, town elected and appointed officials, employees, professional staff and citizens provided in bringing the project and Article 2 to the voters. Mr. Szauter concluded his report by thanking the Board for the opportunity to serve as the Chair of the Building Committee for the last 16 months. The Board thanked Imre for all of his hard work.

Committee Assignments were next and the Board reviewed what they were and how they’d been assigned the previous year. After brief discussion, Selectman Mycko said he’d stay with the Planning Board and Chairman Scalley said he’d be fine with staying with Parks and Recreation. Selectman Moroney said that the Safety Committee meets during the day, so she wouldn’t be able to do that, but would be happy to take the Conservation Commission. Chairman Scalley said he’d take on the Safety Committee as his schedule allows him to be a little more flexible than his colleagues. Chairman Scalley also said though it isn’t a town committee, because she had called the Board’s attention to it and as it’s been quite active and is important, if Selectman Moroney could do it, he’d like her to please follow the Coalition Communities Committee and keep the Board updated. Selectman Moroney agreed to do this. Therefore, the assignments for the next year are as follows: Planning Board, Selectman Mycko; Conservation Commission and Coalition Communities, Selectman Moroney; Parks and Recreation Commission and Safety Committee, Chairman Scalley.

Chairman Scalley reviewed the Non-Partisan Ballot by name and votes with the winners being:
Selectman: Bonnie Jean Moroney; Treasurer: Annette Marquis; Moderator: Ben Jellison; Trustee of Trust Funds: Claire B Gritzer; Library Trustee: Claire B. Gritzer; Supervisor of the Checklist: Linda Finn; Town Clerk/Tax Collector: Rebecca J. Pederson; Planning (2): Richard Krapf and G. Ernest Temple; Zoning Board of Adjustment (2): Aaron Foti and Janet E. Nelson; Cemetery Trustee: Michael Gooden; Planning Board (one year term): Alessandro Foti; Zoning Board of Adjustment (two year term): vacant.

Chairman Scalley continued the review of the outcome of the warrant articles: number 2, failed; numbers 3 through 38 passed.

A Motion to: Sign thank you letters to those who held offices and chose not to run again was made by Selectman Moroney. This was seconded by Chairman Scalley and passed unanimously.
The Select Board signed letters for: Paul Bussiere, Select Board; Dianne Hogan and John Trammell, ZBA; Ken Mills and Bonnie Moroney, Planning Board.

Yaya’s Market and Deli, a new business preparing to open in Twin Mountain, needs approval from the Town to obtain their Liquor License from the State of NH. As the Board had no objection to such being issued, Selectman Moroney made a Motion to: Approve and sign the letter to the State Liquor Commission allowing Yaya’s Market & Deli to receive a license to sell various alcoholic beverages. Chairman Scalley seconded and the Motion passed. Selectman Mycko abstained.

Oaths of Office was the next order of business and Selectman Mycko made a Motion To: Sign the Oaths of Office. Selectman Moroney seconded and it passed unanimously. These were for:
Janet Nelson, ZBA; Annette Marquis, Treasurer; Michael Gooden, Cemetery Trustee; Aaron Foti, ZBA; Ben Jellison, Moderator; Rebecca J. Pederson, Town Clerk/Tax Collector; Richard Krapf, Planning Board; G. Ernest Temple, Planning Board; Claire B. Gritzer, Library Trustee; Claire B. Gritzer, Trustee of the Trust Funds; Alessandro Foti, Planning Board; Linda Finn, Supervisor of the Checklist.

Chairman Scalley said he asked that Irving Propane Pricing be on the agenda as at a previous meeting they had discussed a contract with Franconia Gas which was at $1.64 per gallon, though he was still trying to get it down to $1.54 which had been discussed with the company quite a while ago. He asked the Board for permission to research other options as he had checked with Irving and their price was lower. He also noted if the Town were to also buy their oil from Irving that it might result in lower prices all the way around. The Board agreed he should look further.

Sgt. Bailey said he had advised the Board several weeks ago that the Police Department had an open position for a part-time person and he said there is another which will be open soon. He came to the meeting to let the Board know that they have a candidate who is already Academy Certified, which will save the Town money, and that they will hire Patrick Riendeau for the position. It was established that this is a position to fill in the roster when the regular officers are out for vacation, etc., and that it is not a regular part-time position.

The following items were approved and signed:

Veterans’ Tax Exemption – Sullivan; Emerson
Solar Exemption -- Emerson

Follow-Up Items:

Franconia Gas Price/Invoice – The Secretary said we are still waiting for an updated invoice with the lower amount and that we are still getting late notices on the amount that has not been paid. Chairman Scalley said he is to have a conference call on Wednesday regarding the invoices and the new rate at $1.64 and getting them pro-rated back. He asked that we hold on a little longer.


The Secretary told the Board she had forms to complete for DRA and one the MS-232 which is Appropriations Actually Voted needs to be signed by the Board. She asked them to vote to sign it when she completes it and Chairman Scalley made the Motion To: Sign the form when it’s ready and Selectman Mycko seconded. It passed unanimously.

Chairman Scalley asked for the Board’s response to continuing the Building Committee. Selectman Moroney said she definitely wants to continue though wondered about taking some time off. She also said they should try to talk with the “naysayers.” Selectman Mycko said he agrees it should continue and also with trying to talk to the people who voted no. Chairman Scalley said he agrees and that the current Building Committee is done as they have completed the task. It’s also his thought they should take time off to regroup and then continue. Discussion ensued with various reasons given for why the article failed. Jeremy Oleson said he feels there are no “naysayers” but that some voted against it because they were lied to and didn’t know what went into this Committee. He heard that people said their taxes would go up by $800…..when in fact, for that to be true, the property value would have to be $1.2 million dollars. He said there was someone handing out literature that was complete fabrication. He stated that he felt the Committee did an excellent job getting information out. Rena Vecchio said she knew of four people who didn’t get out because of the snow and they were all yes votes. She said she’d like the Committee back in June or so, and she’d like to be on it again.

Michael Hogan said some thought it should have been a step-by-step approach or in phases, with concern about the Police Department and Fire Department. He said some are also afraid that a new Fire Department means more trucks, etc. thus extra expense. He went on to say others would have liked to attend the meetings if they were at night. Others in attendance reiterated these. Tadd Bailey commended Imre Szauter and the Committee for the job they did. He felt it was “mind-blowing” that people were still uninformed. Selectman Moroney asked about issues people may have heard that caused a no vote.

Chairman Scalley made a Motion that: They create a Building Committee at the beginning of May and try to get additional members. Selectman Mycko seconded and it passed unanimously.
Michael Hogan said some think they shut the gym so everyone would think we need a new building. It was suggested they get the letter from the Fire Marshall about why it was closed.
Chairman Scalley also said the Committee would pick the Chair from its members.

Selectman Moroney then made a Motion that: The Select Board approve $25,000 from the New Land and Buildings Capital Reserve Fund for use by the Building Committee. Selectman Mycko seconded and it passed unanimously.

Chairman Scalley noted they need some type of back-up plan as to what to do for the buildings if the project fails again. Selectman Moroney said they have already talked about the Fire Station as it will have to be taken care of before July.

Chairman Scalley said he asked the Tax Collector to do research on property with tax liens/tax deeds to try to liquidate them and get them back on the tax rolls. Some of these still have time before the Town can take them but there are two land-only properties, one on Twin View Drive and one on Woodland Acres Road. The Chairman asked that the Secretary check on what our options are for selling these.

Janet Nelson asked if there are ordinances for cleaning up property as some are in very bad shape. It was noted there is a Zoning Ordinance in place and stated the only time we had the authority to tell an owner to clean up was for safety/health reasons. Further discussion took place with a variety of ideas for reasons and incentives to fix up properties. Janet Nelson asked about the possibility of burning old buildings if asbestos is removed. Chief Oleson said basically it’s not worth it as there is a great deal of planning as it all needs to be in compliance with OSHA, DES, and many other boards.

Chief Oleson went on to speak about high taxes and the fear by some people of getting more fire equipment, etc. (as previously brought up). He said they are woefully understaffed and under-equipped for the value of this Town. He spoke of the 200 to 300 hours of training for volunteers for mid-level and that it’s 500 hours of training for firefighters. He also said we have some people at tech-level rescue. He said every thing they have is used to help people and that big trucks are needed for many, many reasons including firefighter safety—not just Bretton Woods as is so often stated. He said he apologizes for the way he communicates or approaches things but he has a passion for his job and that he fights for the Town and for the guests in Town.

The next meeting will be April 9, 2018 at 7 p.m.

There being no further discussion, Selectman Moroney made a Motion to adjourn the meeting. Selectman Mycko seconded and the Motion passed unanimously. Chairman Scalley declared the meeting ended at 8:18 p.m.