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Minutes of Town Board Meetings

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Minutes of 5/7/2018

May 11th, 2018

Carroll Board of Selectmen
Meeting Minutes
May 7, 2018

“These minutes of the Town of Carroll Select Board have been recorded by its Secretary. Though believed to be accurate and correct they are subject to additions, deletions and corrections by the Select Board at its next meeting when the Board votes its final approval of the minutes. They are being made available at this time to conform to the requirements of New Hampshire RSA 91-A:2.”

Minutes recorded by Maryclare H. Quigley, Secretary

Board members present: David Scalley, Brian P. Mycko, Bonnie J. Moroney

Members of the public present: Greg Hogan, Michael Hogan, Dianne Hogan, Debbie Szauter, Imre Szauter, Jason Sullivan, Rob Gauthier

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairman Scalley.

Pledge of Allegiance

The Chair announced the approval and signing of the manifests.

Selectman Moroney made a Motion to approve the minutes of April 23, 2018. It was seconded by Selectman Mycko and passed unanimously.

Chairman Scalley had asked for a discussion about a late fee on town credit cards which were recently instituted. It was explained the fee had been assessed because the membership of $99 had not been paid—the Treasurer had spoken with the bank and this was to be waived. However, because of timing, the late fee was charged to our account, which also was being credited back to us. The Chairman was fine with this, as he had mistakenly understood the fee to be on a purchased charge.

The Secretary told the Board when the Building Project failed, the Community Room Use Policy which had previously been approved, should have been rescinded, but had not been. Therefore, Selectman Mycko made a Motion to: Rescind the Community Room Policy approved in November, 2017. Selectman Moroney seconded and the Motion passed unanimously.

The following was approved and signed:

Certification of Yield Taxes Assessed and Warrants – Pilossof; Weekes
Oath of Office – Andrew Smith, ZBA Alternate
Water Warrant – Arnold
Water Warrant – Hogan
Property Tax Abatement – Morrow

A letter read by Chairman Scalley from property owner, Adam Luth, (attached) was in response to Jack Catalano’s request to stop the shooting and target practice at the gravel pit above the Rec Area. While Mr. Luth is opposed to shutting it down, as he sees it as an asset to the Town, he does agree that perhaps a schedule of use could be put in place. Selectman Moroney cautioned that it is not a “firing range” and feels the town would not want to call it that as it could give the town a huge liability issue. It was suggested putting a sign of hours for use. Selectman Mycko said he feels it needs to be made known that it is “not a firing range.”

Further discussion ensued and when asked, Greg Hogan, Public Works Supervisor, said he sees both sides, as it would be an annoyance to campers with the noise, etc., but that it is a good place to use. Discussion of gating the entrance to the actual pit came up; but that won’t necessarily keep people out as Greg said someone has already driven around it, and now he has to repair the ruts. He also mentioned that there had been a lot of trash and they put up signs which have helped to reduce it, but have not completely stopped it, so they have to clean up frequently.

Dianne Hogan asked if we are opening to problems if we put up signs when it is open and closed. It was mentioned there is a gate at the beginning of the road to the Area which we could again lock at night and unlock in the morning. In the past, the Police took care of this.
Rob Gauthier asked that by discussing as we are, have we now acknowledged that it’s there and that maybe we’re already “owning” it. The Board asked the Secretary to talk with Legal at NHMA and find out what our position/liability might be now.

Follow Up:

Profile Cable Consortium – Rob Gauthier reported that he had gone to the meeting, but that he really didn’t know anything about it, so he asked those in attendance. It was his understanding that it was more about getting a local channel into the schools in the Littleton area. He asked about the White Mountains Regional High School and was told though they were still trying to get a line there, there hasn’t been enough money to do so. He questioned if our town assessment of $56 for a year was even worth paying. The Secretary pointed out that it is through this Committee that cable franchise fees to the town are negotiated and that the current agreement had expired. She noted that around $12,000 comes to the Town from this. Mr. Gauthier said he had not known this and that does make a difference. He stated they have hired an attorney for the negotiation. He advised the Board he could not make the next meeting but would be open to attending future meetings. The Board thanked Mr. Gauthier for agreeing to do this.

PD Lease Renewal – The new agreement was ready for the Select Board to sign. This was as previously discussed with the 2% adjustment for inflation. Selectman Moroney made a Motion to: Sign the agreement. Selectman Mycko seconded and it passed unanimously. The Selectmen proceeded to initial each page and sign the agreement with the Secretary as the witness.

Tax Deeded Property – Tabled

PLB/ZBA Office -- Chairman Scalley said he had spoken with Rena Vecchio and Chief Oleson. He said he will be meeting with Greg Hogan and Chief Oleson to talk about it and where it might be put—in a corner of the kitchen or in the old front hallway. Chairman Scalley stated that there hadn’t been any money put in the budget for this, so that will also be a consideration.


The Secretary had been given a Driveway Permit for David Moore on Grampa Harry’s Road just prior to the meeting. Chairman Scalley said the bank needs this to finalize loan documents for the property owner. It was stated that though it is a private road, this must be completed to receive the E-911 address. He noted that Jeremy Oleson, E-911 Coordinator had not yet received this and thus had not signed it, so he suggested the Board sign tonight with the condition that Chief Oleson also signs it. Thus, Selectman Moroney made a Motion to: Sign the Town of Carroll Driveway-E911-Mapping Permit for David Moore, with the condition attached that Chief Jeremy Oleson also signs it. Selectman Mycko seconded and it passed unanimously.

The Secretary had received the “Traffic Control Plan for Special Permit Vehicle” prepared for Edwards Moving and Rigging and submitted to the Town by same. This is for the transport of the transformer from Whitefield to the substation at Foster Hill Road in Littleton for Eversource. She said she had given copies as requested by Edwards to Fire, Police, Highway and EMD and brought this copy to the meeting for the Select Board to peruse. She was asked about the date for this and said one has not been set, but while they hope to do it within the next two weeks, it is weather dependent.

The last item the Secretary had was that while attending a Department of Labor workshop, it was discovered the Town is not in compliance with payday, which is Tuesday. With payroll processed on Mondays and checks and/or manifests signed by the Treasurer and Select Board Monday night, we cannot guarantee that the employees who have direct deposit or have their checks mailed will receive their pay on Tuesday. Thus, the Secretary recommended that Friday become the new payday. Everything else will remain as it is now. However, if there is a Monday holiday, the payroll will be processed Tuesday, thus avoiding the early payroll, and the Selectmen will be asked to sign that evening. Paychecks will not be disbursed until Friday. An amendment to the Employee Manual will be brought to the next meeting. It was requested by Chairman Scalley that employees be given a new Manual with the Payday Amendment inserted and that they sign for receipt. All employees will be notified in writing this week of the change which will be effective later in the month.

Selectman Moroney said she had read the Newsletter as emailed by the Secretary and Selectmen Scalley and Mycko said they had read it also. That being said, Selectman Moroney said it would be find to print and distribute when ready.

Selectman Moroney said she had seen (Sgt.) Tadd Bailey, on WMUR speaking about the high incidents of moose collisions and she commended him on his interview. She said he had done a very nice job representing the Town.

Lastly, Selectman Moroney asked where they stand on the minor kitchen changes at the Fire Station. Chairman Scalley said they have things pretty much figured out and ready and are waiting for a rainy day, as they are hoping to donate the time to keep costs down. He said he just needs to get together with Jeremy (Chief Oleson) one more time. Selectman Moroney thanked him.

The Chairman reminded everyone that Town Clean Up Day is Saturday, May 12, meeting at 9 a.m. at the Fire Station.

Chairman Scalley said he wanted to give all best wishes from the Town to all businesses reopening after the winter: “Along the River” Campground (formerly Tarry Ho); 302 Grille; KOA on Rt. 115; Beech Hill on Rt. 302 W; Living Waters on Rt. 302 E; Allegory Inn on Rt. 3 S; as well as to “Yaya’s Market & Deli” which just opened on Rt. 3 N. And he further extended best wishes to any he may have accidently missed.

Michael Hogan said there will be a Public Hearing for the Site Plan Review and Sub-Division Regulations which the Planning Board has been working on for the last several months, on Tuesday, May 8, at 7 p.m. He said they will be starting on the Ordinance to complete in time for voting in March.

Mr. Hogan went on to say, as a member of the Planning Board, he believes it’s time we talk about or at least bring up “impact fees.” He said with everything going on out East, and with it turning into a year-round resort, there is a big impact on our services, fire, police, etc. A brief discussion followed about whether it’s for building projects or otherwise, among other things. It was agreed there needs to be much more discussion about this.

Chairman Scalley said he had been approached by the new Manager at the Hotel who wants them to have lunch together so he can introduce himself. He would also like to talk about the new projects going on at the Hotel and how the Hotel and the Town might work together. The Chairman thought it could be a good thing and asked his colleagues if they felt that he should do this; they agreed that he should. Imre Szauter recommended that a representative from the re-formed Building Committee be part of this discussion, which the Board also felt was appropriate. Michael Hogan said they should be careful as it’s not the owners and at this level, it is managers who can only go so far in spending money. Chairman Scalley agreed that this is true and said this is merely at a discussion stage and no promises will be made by anyone.

Chairman Scalley said the next meeting will be Monday, May 21, 2018.

There being no further discussion, Selectman Mycko made a Motion to adjourn the meeting. Selectman Moroney seconded and the Motion passed unanimously. Chairman Scalley declared the meeting ended at 8:15 p.m.