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Minutes of Town Board Meetings

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Minutes of 10/22/2018

October 25th, 2018

Carroll Board of Selectmen
Meeting Minutes
October 22, 2018

“These minutes of the Town of Carroll Select Board have been recorded by its Secretary. Though believed to be accurate and correct they are subject to additions, deletions and corrections by the Select Board at its next meeting when the Board votes its final approval of the minutes. They are being made available at this time to conform to the requirements of New Hampshire RSA 91-A:2.”

Minutes recorded by Maryclare H. Quigley, Secretary

Board members present: David A. Scalley, Brian P. Mycko, Bonnie J. Moroney

Members of the Public Present: John Gardiner, Ed Martin, Greg Hogan, Mike Gooden, Paul Bussiere, Imre Szauter, Debbie Szauter, Dianne Hogan, Michael Hogan, Cpl. Hennessey, Ben Jellison, Jeremy Oleson, Tadd Bailey

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairman Scalley.

Pledge of Allegiance.

The Chair announced the approval and signing of the manifests.

Selectman Moroney made a Motion to approve the minutes of September 24, 2018 and seconded by Selectman Mycko. The Motion passed unanimously.

Imre Szauter reported on behalf of the Building Committee. They met on October 11, with 17 members and Project Manager Allan Clark in attendance. He noted they had returned to morning meetings as no members of the public had attended the evening meetings in July and September.

Discussion included wording for the 2019 warrant article; updating their brochure and deciding to hand-out rather than mailing; update, print, and distribute supporting documents, i.e. Questions & Answer; seeking endorsements for the project from businesses and the Chamber of Commerce.

Mr. Szauter said it is becoming clear that they need to create a “cost of doing nothing” proposal which would give voters a better understanding of costs by delaying the approval. Tadd Bailey (PD Sgt.) created a police department brochure which were handed out for review. It is felt this would support the fire department brochure to better inform everyone about these vital services provided to the community. They have received a proposal to create a short video highlighting our current buildings and the new Franconia Public Safety building. They would like to hear from the Select Board and the owners of the police station building regarding the filming. Justin Roshak of Salmon Press has offered to meet with them about this project. The Select Board concurred with the idea of filming but suggested they be kept short to keep peoples’ interest. The Board asked Mr. Szauter to speak about filming the police station with Greg Hogan as he and his wife own that building.

Mr. Szauter, Fire Chief Jeremy Oleson and Allan Clark attended the Bretton Woods Property Owners Association annual meeting on October 13 at the Omni Mount Washington Hotel. He thanked the Vice Chair, Mike Finn and Committee Member, Terry Penner, for arranging for their brief presentation.

Mr. Szauter noted they have not spent any of the $25,000 allocated by the Select Board. He announced their next meeting would be Thursday, October 25, at 9 a.m. at the Town Hall.

The Board thanked Mr. Szauter for the report and for his work.

Budget presentations with the Treasurer’s budget given by the Secretary in the absence of the Treasurer, Annette Marquis. Mrs. Marquis said that if anyone has any questions, to please feel free to call her.
2018 2019
01-4130.10-134 Deputy Treasurer 325 330
01-4130.10-135 Treasurer 5,100 5,200
01-4130.10-201 Treasurer Training & Travel 625 500
01-4130.10-202 Treasurer Office Supplies 150 200
--------- ---------
$ 6,200 $6,230

Stipend and Supplies lines have increased by $155 but with Training and Travel line decreasing by $125, the net increase is $30. The Treasurer requested that the Select Board consider purchasing a laptop for the Department. Accounts are currently reconciled on her personal computer. She believes a town computer would be better business practice and increase the presence of the Treasurer as duties could be conducted in the town office more frequently. Thus, she asked that $1,800 be added for this. Selectman Moroney asked about the balance in the Computer Technology Capital Reserve Fund. As the amount wasn’t available, the Board said they would revisit this at the next meeting when this is known.

Ben Jellison presented the Moderator Budget. He said there will be fewer elections next year and that they now have a good handle on the cost of the machine and its supplies, both of which have helped to reduce the budget.
2018 2019
01-4140.10-130 Supervisor Sitting 800 500
01-4140.10-150 Moderator 750 750
01-4140.10-160 Assistant Moderator 500 500
01-4140.10-200 Supervisor Expenses 200 100
01-4140.10-201 Advertisements 725 500
01-4140.10-202 Moderator Expenses 800 300
01-4140.10-203 Moderator Travel/Training 100 100
01-4140.10-204 Election Training 200 150
01-4140.10-300 Ballot Clerks 900 400
01-4140.10-302 Voting Equip/Ballot Supplies 1,000 1,500
01-4140.10-303 Ballot Counting Equipment 4,000 2,000
----------- -----------
$ 9,975 $ 6,800

Chairman Scalley made a Motion to: Approve the Moderator Budget. Selectman Moroney seconded and it passed unanimously.

John Gardiner presented the budget for the Library. He noted they had increased the Director Salary by $.50 an hour to $14 per hour, or an increase of $570 for the year. He also noted the telephone line has increased based on current costs.
2018 2019
01-4550.10-100 Librarian Salary 10,845 11,250
01-4550.10200 Telephone 675 840
01-4550.10-201 Books 1,450 1,450
01-4550.10-202 Subscriptions 500 500
01-4550.10-205 Miscellaneous 125 125
01-4550.10-208 Capital Items 150 150
01-4550.10-210 Computer/Software 200 200
01-4550.10-215 Audio/Video 450 450
01-4155.10-218 Dues/Training/Seminars 150 150
01-4550.10-220 Office Supplies 300 300
01-4550.10-222 Mileage 125 125
----------- ----------
$14,970 $15,540

Selectman Moroney made a Motion to: approve the Library Budget. Chairman Scalley seconded and it passed unanimously.

Mr. Gardiner then presented the Emergency Management Budget. He spoke briefly about the October, 2017 storm and noted that the Town has been reimbursed from the government for about $11,000 for expenses due to that. He thanked Jeremy Oleson and Greg Hogan for their work on the Federal requirements for the reimbursement. It was also noted that we have received slightly more than $43,000 to go toward replacing the culvert on School Street due to storm damage. It was clarified that we have to replace the concrete tiles that are currently there.

Speaking to the budget, Mr. Gardiner said a salary has been added for the Deputy Director. It has been the Police Chief so there was unfunded, but he will be retiring before the end of the year, and we believe he will be taking a more active role in 2019. He said he has increased equipment acquisition by $250; we don’t have any supplies, we really don’t have anything so we’ll be starting at zero. He went on to say they don’t have any identification to speak of and people are a bit hesitant, so he got a jacket and vests to identify them as being from the Town. He further noted that while they don’t have anything, (cots, blankets, etc.), currently there is no place to keep them, but hopefully there will be soon. Mr. Gardiner also advised that we’ll be needing to look at our Hazardous Mitigation Plan soon. He said we haven’t corrected a lot of the deficiencies due to the current buildings.
2018 2019
01-4290.10-100 EM Director 1,000 1,000
01-4290.10-101 EM Deputy Director Salary 1 750
01-4290.10-200 Training/Mileage 500 500
01-4290.10-201 Radio Equipment/Repair 1 1
01-4290.10-202 Emergency Operations Ctr. 500 500
01-4290.10-203 Equipment Acquisition 500 750
01-4290.10-204 Emergency Op. Plan Updates 1 1
01-4290.10-205 Grants 1 1
---------- ---------
$ 2,504 $ 3,503

Selectman Moroney made a Motion to: Approve the Emergency Management Budget. Selectman Mycko seconded and it passed unanimously.

The Secretary then presented the budget for the Trustees of the Trust Funds in the absence of the Chair, Claire Gritzer. Mrs. Gritzer said she’d be happy to answer any questions anyone may have. Salaries for the three Trustees were increased a total of $50: Treasurer/Chair and Secretary by $20 each and Bookkeeper, $10.
2018 2019
01-4130.10-138 Salaries 1,006 1,056
01-4130.10-140 Trustees Education/Seminars 710 710
01-4130.10-141 Office Supplies 150 150
---------- ---------
$ 1,866 $ 1,916

Selectman Moroney made a Motion to: Approve the budget for the Trustees of the Trust Funds and Selectman Mycko seconded. The Motion passed unanimously

The last budget was presented by Ed Martin for the Cemetery Trustees. Mr. Martin said they have all the work done and are basically going into “protective and maintenance mode” now. He said they had repaired 40 headstones, replace 14 and re-set 15 leaning stones and have thus addressed all issues with the stones. He said they did the work in-house and by doing so, saved a lot of money, i.e. to work on a stone from outside was $350, now it’s $60. They have reduced the amount for mowing as they discovered after averaging several years, that they have not ever mowed the full number of times for which they budgeted. Thus, they reduced the number by one.
2018 2019
01-4195.10-100 Cemetery Salaries 0 1
01-4195.10-101 Cemetery Trustees (Chair) 400 400
01-4195.10-102 Cemetery Trustees (2) 600 600
01-4195.10-200 Cemetery Maintenance 2,100 1,800
01-4195.10-201 Cemetery Improvements 1,200 1,200
----------- ----------
$ 4,301 $ 4,001

Chairman Scalley thanked Mr. Martin and the Trustees for their hard work. Selectman Moroney made a Motion to: approve the budget for the Cemetery Trustees. Selectman Mycko seconded and it passed unanimously.

Ed Martin then spoke to the Board about using the kitchen for their Pitch Games. A group has been playing this card game for many, many years just about every Tuesday night and have decided they need to change their location. He said they will work around Town Hall schedules and commitments. He said with Election Day being on Tuesday, November 6, they will plan to start on Tuesday, November 13. He also noted they don’t play over Christmas and New Year’s. If there is a conflict, he said to just let him know and they will work us either by changing nights or cancelling for that week. Chairman Scalley said it was okay with him as long as they are flexible with the schedule. The Board concurred with the Chairman.

The following items were approved and signed:

Municipal Work Zone Agreement – State of NH, Route 115 (Spring 2019)
Audit Certification Form – NH DOS, Homeland Security/Emergency Management
Intents to Cut – Warren
Water Warrant – Palys Rev. Trust; Riverside Trust
Water Warrant – Corey
Water Warrant – Carlson-Cunningham
Water Warrant – Martel
2018 Property Tax Abatement – Benz/Stan
Certificate of Occupancy – Perry

Follow up item:

School Street Culvert – On-going (Check Received) As noted earlier in the meeting, the
check has been received and is in the bank. Chairman Scalley thanked all who worked so
hard for this reimbursement.


The Secretary asked if they could set the date for the Town’s Deliberative Session. Using the same timeframe as in the past, Tuesday, February 5, 2019, would be the date. The Board agreed to set that date. The Secretary said she would let the Moderator know and get his approval.

Chairman Scalley asked Selectman Mycko about the Police Chief Search Committee. Selectman Mycko said he had put everything on hold after receiving the Chairman’s email. Chairman Scalley said he had called our insurance company, PRIMEX, and they sent information on doing a search, etc. He said they have ideas and help with the structure on how to put it all together. He said they are willing to come and help at no charge, but they will not pick the person but will help with layout of the process. He said if they want to use it, great, but if they’re all set, that’s ok, too. He said he still strongly suggests that someone from out of town be on the Committee, just to protect everyone’s interest later on. He said he knows that a current member of the Department is planning to apply and if he is the one to get the job, it would show that it was done without bias and that he is the best person for the job.

Paul Bussiere said he is on the Committee and asked Brian about the Ad. He told him it was all on hold because the Board wasn’t sure if this was the direction they wanted to go. He said he’s hearing that he’s worried about people in town recommending or picking the Chief, that he’s worried about there being bias. Mr. Bussiere said he has more faith in the people than that. He said they were successful with the first Chief and he’s sure they’ll have success again. He asked if Mr. Scalley had issues for being on the Select Board, being the Building Inspector, and being on the ZBA. He urged the Board to trust their Search Committee to do their job. Chairman Scalley said he just wants to be sure it cannot be considered a biased choice. Selectman Mycko reiterated that he stopped the ad as he wanted to be sure all was okay before he went forward. Selectman Moroney asked if the Board could see the ad and the list of places where it would be placed. Selectman Mycko said he’d send them to the Board.

Selectman Moroney asked about the future of the Town Hall meeting as she was away at the time, and was quite disappointed to learn that there were only two people in attendance not connected with the building project or another board. She said there will be another Newsletter and she will be sure to put something in it. She noted there is a follow-up meeting on Wednesday, November 14, at 7 p.m.

Michael Hogan said the first Public Hearing on the new Zoning Ordinance will be Tuesday, October 23, at 7 p.m. at the Town Hall.

Paul Bussiere notified the Board that he was called by the ZBA Attorney to appear at Superior Court on November 8, for the Beech Hill Campground case.

Jeremy Oleson, Fire Chief, spoke to the Board about the need for a shower at the Fire Station and the information which he had sent some time previously. This is in conjunction with new laws concerning the high rate of Cancer among firefighters. He said they already comply with the proper use of personal protective equipment; they have a system to ensure vehicle exhaust goes outside the building; to the best of their ability they have proper storage, cleaning and replacement of personal protective equipment. But they cannot currently ensure showers after every fire. Everything required is to ensure the removal of toxic gases and carcinogens from clothing, equipment and the personnel themselves. Chief Oleson said they are required by Law to have this and that it is covered by Workers Comp. The Board requested that Greg Hogan and Chief Oleson get together and come back to the next meeting with costs.

Chief Oleson said they recently took delivery of a new ATV trailer purchased by the Auxiliary and the Twin Mountain Fire Association. He thanked the Auxiliary for all they have done for the Department and for all the money they have raised in order to save the taxpayers money.
He said they work very hard and it is greatly appreciated.

Chairman Scalley announced the next meeting would be Monday, October 29, 2018.

As there was no further business, the Board was polled and went into non-public session, per RSA 91-A-3 for Legal and personnel at 8:38 p.m. Chairman Scalley, yes; Selectman Mycko, yes; Selectman Moroney, yes.

At the close of non-public session at 9:40 p.m., Selectman Moroney moved to return to public session and seal the minutes from non-public session. Selectman Mycko seconded and the Motion passed unanimously.

There being no further discussion, Chairman Scalley made a Motion to adjourn the meeting. Selectman Mycko seconded and the Motion passed unanimously. Chairman Scalley declared the meeting ended at 9:42 p.m.