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Minutes of November 2, 2006

November 16th, 2006

Carroll Planning Board
Meeting Minutes
November 2, 2006

"These minutes of the Town of Carroll Planning Board have been recorded by its Secretary. Though believed to be accurate and correct they are subject to additions, deletions, and corrections by the Planning Board at its next meeting when the Board votes its final approval of the minutes. They are being made available at this time to conform to the requirements of New Hampshire RSAS 91-A:2."

Members of the Board present: Chairman John Birknes, John Sweeney, Evan Karpf, Ernie Temple and Bill Wright

Members of the Public: Joan Karpf, Tom Hildreth, Ken Kelley, John Warren, Lisa Covey, Jim Covey, Bill Smalley, Melissa Grima, Lee Hallquist, William Rines, Dick Simmons, Marilyn Simmons, Thomas Gately, Paul L. Sampson, Jeff Duncan, Nancy Fontaine, Bonnie J. Moroney, Karen Moran, Rick Brown, Jack Catalano, Jeffrey Simmons

Minutes taken by Maryclare Quigley, Secretary: Pledge of Allegiance

Meeting called to order at 7:00 PM

The Board reviewed the minutes of October 5, 2006. Page 4, add the word "with" line four of paragraph two, between work and Dr. Chairman Birknes entertained a MOTION to: accept the minutes as corrected. Evan Karpf made the motion and John Sweeney seconded. All were in favor and the minutes were approved unanimously.

The first item to come before the Board was the continuation of the Public Hearing for John Warren's subdivision on Route 115. It was noted that Evan Karpf reviewed the road with the Road Agent, Billy Rines. The length of the driveway has been changed so it does not go onto Lot 2 -- it stops at the house on Lot 3. Jeff Duncan was asked about the pitch, and he advised that Mr. Warren has addressed it. Dr. Karpf asked about State approval for the driveway to Lot 2. Mr. Warren does not have it as he is not ready to do anything with the lot yet. However, there is a 16 foot right of way on the original deed. Chairman Birknes reiterated that the purpose of Billbarb Road is for access to lots 4 and 5, which was in agreement with all parties. Mr. Warren advised that Lots 1, 2 and 3 all have frontage on Route 115. The Chairman asked Mr. Rines the status of Billbarb Road, and Mr. Rines advised it was constructed in accordance with town specs for a private road. Dr. Karpf asked about a sign for the road. Mr. Rines will help coordinate getting one through the state, and Mr. Warren will be responsible for the cost.

Chairman Birknes confirmed that the signed copy from Mr. Warren's neighbors regarding the end of the road flaring onto their property has been notarized and received

Dr. Karpf made a Motion to: accept the plans with the corrections Mr. Warren made and to approve the subdivision. John Sweeney seconded, and the motion passed unanimously. Chairman Birknes declared the subdivision approved.

Dr. Karpf reported about his research on Crawford's Purchase. He has been in touch with three State Legislators and has to go to Colebrook for copies of the Deed. He hopes to have more information to report at the December meeting.

The next item was the Public Hearing for Cellco Partnership d/b/a Verizon Wireless for Wireless Telecommunication Facility on Harmony Hill Road, Map 418, Lot 13. Chairman Birknes opened this by having members of the Board read letters (most of which were in opposition, with one in support) and a newspaper clipping (advocating the possibility of locating said tower on or at a town building) received from the Twin Mountain Snowmobile Club and other residents. Tom Hildreth, attorney for Verizon and Ken Kelly, site acquisition specialist, were then introduced. Attorney Hildreth gave an update on the project since the meeting in September. The site of the tower was changed slightly to eliminate the need for a variance from the ZBA - so the radius now falls entirely on the property noted. He gave an overview with pictures of cell towers in various other locations in New Hampshire, and said that once a tower has been established in a town, subsequent ones are readily accepted. He also had charts showing the growth of the industry and maps generated to show the coverage area and the various levels of the strength of the signal. The proposed location on Harmony Hill is intended to create connectivity between it and the so-called "East site" at Mount Washington Hotel. Therefore, though it may be considered for a future site, the town-owned property on New Straw Road is too far north for this purpose. Again, while it may be considered in the future, a site at the State Police barracks is too far west.

Numerous pictures taken from various locations and angles during the two balloon tests, in September and in October, were circulated. Cell towers had been superimposed into the pictures, using the 180' monopole in the pictures taken in September, and the latticeŽtype pole in those taken in October. They used the different types of poles for comparison. Attorney Hildreth reiterated the various reasons for choosing sites which included working with the natural topography in an area as well as being aware of other surroundings, structures, etc, that people already live with. He told of a number of towns where towers are located and the residents don't even see them anymore nor have they affected the value of property in those towns.

Chairman Birknes asked Attorney Hildreth to address the need in this area. Atty. Hildreth responded that the coverage maps show the need, the gap in coverage, and there are no other cell towers on which Verizon can locate He reiterated that they only build when it is absolutely necessary as it is extremely expensive. If they are permitted to build, they will provide space for others. Dr. Karpf asked where Verizon customers get coverage now, and was told by roaming services from U.S. Cellular. Atty. Hildreth

reminded all that the Federal Telecommunications Act of 1996 mandates every carrier provide for its own customers, and this is why Verizon is seeking to build a cell tower. The question was asked about the location of the tower as regards its proximity to the airport, and if the pole would have to be lighted. There will most likely have to be a flashing red light and a low intensity strobe light at night. In answer to another question, those in attendance were advised that the structure would not have to be enlarged if other servers were installed.

Dr. Karpf wondered when he was looking at the coverage area, and being concerned about the view of the Presidential Range, if the site might be moved to the Town Hall area. Discussion ensued. Mr. Birknes opined it may have a better chance if it is located on town-owned property. Dr. Karpf suggested the town have an independent study of locations performed. Mr. Hildreth advised he will have an analysis of the town hall location done. Further discussion of aesthetics, including the feasibility of disguising the towers, i.e. as trees, took place. Section 407.4D of the Zoning Ordinance regarding telecommunications facilities regulations was brought up. It was stated that #1 in this section, having to do with preserving and enjoying the scenery and particularly the views of the Presidential Range , etc., would be the most difficult to meet. Chairman Birknes read Section 407.5 for the record and as a reminder that it is there.

Jeffrey Simmons introduced himself and explained that he owns the last house on Harmony Hill Road, nearly at the site of the proposed tower. He wondered if the tower must be on that site, if it could be located further down near the beaver ponds, or if there is any other area on the property that it could be placed. As it is now, the site is only about 300' outside the window. He invited anyone who would be interested to come to his property and see where it would be located.

Jim Covey read a letter from the Chamber of Commerce on behalf of its 99 members opposing the site. He expressed that it is appalling to think that a cell tower could be in the view of the river and mountains. In his opinion the pictures circulated only reinforce this. He also expressed that there is not a great cry from visitors for cell service - rather that they come to get away from it. He challenged that they had exhausted all other reasonable alternative locations when they had not ever mentioned the Town Hall property.

Karen Moran suggested that using the Mount Washington Hotel cell tower as a base does not necessarily have any merit as there is no lease yet, so there is no legal agreement. She also referred to the statement about the expense of putting up a tower and asked about the costs, lease terms and/or revenue expectation. Mr. Hildreth advised that there is a 5 year lease with five 5-year renewals. Other costs are not known as it is hard to predict how many more towers will ultimately be needed. The Chairman advised that if Verizon does locate at the Mt. Washington Hotel the towers may have to be expanded.

Discussion continued about other locations and the possibility of using a number of shorter towers in the forest. The vast majority of what would be considered proper location is in the National Forest. As for shorter towers, while it may be possible in some

locations, it would not be for the Rt. 302 corridor to Mt. Washington Hotel. Jeff Duncan requested that the installers of towers provide space for public safety services. He was advised by Mr. Hildreth that they will install at their own expense of the safety services know what they need ahead of time.

Bonnie Moroney expressed concerns about the towers when other services are added and asked who is responsible to make sure the towers are removed when they become obsolete. The Chairman responded that the company is responsible for removal and the Ordinance requires a surety bond for that reason.

Jack Catalano expressed that if U.S. Cellulartan install a tower and not violate the view shed, then Verizon should also be able to do that. He said our bottom line is the view shed and it should also be theirs.

Ms. Moran also asked if they have the FCC License on file. Mr. Hildreth said they do and he will provide Maryclare with a copy.

Dr. Karpf made a Motion to: Continue the Public Hearing on the cell tower to December and hire an independent engineer and Ernie Temple seconded. The Motion passed unanimously. Chairman Birknes declared the public hearing will be continued to December and if needed, a thirty day extension will be imposed.

The next item discussed was the warrant article that John Foster was taking to the Selectmen regarding his taking over the land that was once the main road and is between his two lots. Evan advised that he called the LGC and was told the town should not give up land. Bill Wright will bring it up at the Selectmen's meeting Monday.

Evan Karpf made a Motion to: adjourn the meeting and Ernie Temple seconded. This passed unanimously, and the Chairman declared the meeting over at 9:40 p.m