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Minutes of Town Board Meetings

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Minutes of 5/2/2019

May 8th, 2019

Carroll Planning Board


May 2, 2019

7:00 PM

“These minutes of the Town of Carroll Planning Board have been recorded by its Secretary. Though believed to be accurate and correct they are subject to additions, deletions and corrections by the Planning Board at its next meeting when the Board votes its final approval of the minutes. They are being made available at this time to conform to the requirements of New Hampshire RSA 91-A: 2.

PLBD Members Present: Chairman Alessandro Foti, Vice Chair Michael Hogan, Selectmen’s Representative, Bonnie Moroney, Mike Finn, John Gardiner and Terry Penner

Members of the Public: Mark Vander-Hayden and Phillip Greco

Minutes taken by: Rena Vecchio, Secretary

Pledge of Allegiance


Chairman Foti asked the board if they were ready to approve the minutes of May 2, 2019. There were corrections the board wanted to make.
• Add Syed Nuruzzaman to member of Public present
• Page 1, under APPROVAL OF MINUTES, remove colon
• Page 2, 1st paragraph, last sentence reads The Omni Mt Washington has issues with the planning affordable housing for their employees. Should read, The Omni Mt Washington has issues with the planning of affordable housing for their employees and therefore suggested an additional potential business opportunity.
• Page 2, second paragraph, third sentence reads, Chairman Hogan said he opening it up……, Should read, Chairman Hogan opened it up…….
• Page 2, second paragraph, 21st sentence reads, A lot of this falls under the state statue Chapter 466. Should read, A lot of this falls under the state statute Chapter 466.
• Page 3, under SHOW OF CAUSE, first paragraph, 2nd sentence reads, Chairman Hogan said the Town of Carroll requested that Echo Lake Investments, LLC, appear to show cause because you were approved in…… Should read, Chairman Hogan said the Town of Carroll requested that Echo Lake Investments, LLC, appear to show cause because they had been approved…..
Same as above, third sentence, reads, What is your plan…… Should read, What is the plan…
Same as above, last sentence reads, Do you need it revoked or extended? Should read, Should the plan be revoked or extended?
• Page 4, second paragraph, third sentence reads, Syed said we……. Should read, Syed said they….
Same, seventh sentence reads, We will look at that. Should read, We will look at that.
Same, eighth sentence, drop last four words, to build our design.
• Page 5, second paragraph, last line, They will come back with an updated plan for the hotel, will be removed.
• Page 7, third paragraph, 6 lines from bottom reads, Alex is thinking they will not be …… Should read, Mike Carbonneau stated that they would not be……
Same, 4 lines from bottom reads, We couldn’t……. Take out entire sentence.
Same, last sentence reads, Mr. Foti said he is hoping it can be minimized. Should read, Mr Foti said he is hoping the visual impact can be minimized.

Mike Hogan made a motion to approve the minutes of May 2, 2019 as corrected. John Gardiner seconded and the motion passed unanimously.


Mark Vander-Heyden and Phillip Greco were in front of the board with a continuation of the Minor Subdivision, Map 207, Lot 031-000-002, 66 Little River Road, Carroll, NH, that was presented in April. The board accepted the application as complete and they were here for the approval if there was to be one. All of their maps and Mylar were in. The only thing that Mr. Vander-Heyden asked for was a letter from the Water Department stating that “water is available to Lot 2”, the new lot. It was a request from the NH-DES.
Chairman Alessandro Foti made a motion to approve the Minor Subdivision for Greco Family Trust, 66 Little River Road, Map 207, Lot 031-000-002, Carroll, NH, with the conditions:
1. All state permits are in
2. Letter to NH-DES from Town of Carroll Water Department
Bonnie Moroney seconded and the motion passed with a unanimous vote.


1. Subdivision Applications-Tara Bamford sent the board a copy of a new format for the subdivision application. The board went thru it, made changes and recommendations. It will be sent back to Tara.
2. Public hearing on changes to Regulations-The board approved a “90 Day on conditions” change back in March 2019. They also voted on and approved a motion to change the postings of Public Hearings from newspaper ads to posting in the town hall, fire station and on line.
3. Rules of Procedure-Rules of Procedure had not been voted on since 2017 so the board wanted to take the time to go over them-Changes were talked about and voted on.
The secretary was asked to advertise in the paper for advertising on public hearings on the “90 Days on Conditions”, the changes in posting of Public Hearings and changes in the Rules of Procedure.

Chairman Alex Foti informed the board that on June 27th the Zoning Board will be holding an work session with North Country Councils Danica Malone, to present a mix of both PLBD & ZBA discussion topics. The Chair wanted everyone to know they were invited and that PLBD issues would be brought up also.

Bonnie Moroney made a motion to adjourn. Michael Hogan seconded and the motion passed unanimously. The meeting ended at 9:10 PM.