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Minutes of Town Board Meetings

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Minutes of 5/9/2019

May 13th, 2019

Carroll Board of Selectmen
Meeting Minutes
May 9, 2019

“These minutes of the Town of Carroll Select Board have been recorded by its Secretary. Though believed to be accurate and correct they are subject to additions, deletions and corrections by the Select Board at its next meeting when the Board votes its final approval of the minutes. They are being made available at this time to conform to the requirements of New Hampshire RSA 91-A:2.”

Minutes recorded by Kirsten T. Hodgdon, Secretary

Board members present: Bonnie J. Moroney, David A. Scalley

Members of the Public Present: Maryclare Quigley, Imre Szauter, Allan Clark, Mike Hogan, Andrea Brochu

The meeting was called to order at 5:07 p.m. by Chairwoman Moroney.

Pledge of Allegiance.

Selectmen Scalley thanked the Building Committee for spending their day interviewing the potential Construction Managers for the new municipal building project. Bonnette Page and Stone Corporation, Conneston Constructions Incorporated, Ricci Construction Company Incorporated and Daniel Hebert Incorporated all gave outstanding presentations.

Project Manager, Allan Clark stated that all four companies put a lot of time and effort into their presentations. He said he felt they are all capable of doing the project, all have great qualities and the town can’t make a bad decision when it comes to having to choose one.

Chairwoman Moroney read a letter addressed to the Select Board from Imre Szauter, Chair of the Building Committee, recommending Ricci Construction Company Incorporated to be the construction manager for the new municipal building project. This recommendation came with a 11 – yes and 2 – no vote from the Building Committee.

Selectman Scalley made a Motion to: Accept Ricci Construction Company Incorporated to provide construction management services for the municipal building project. Chairwoman Moroney seconded and the Motion passed unanimously.

Mr. Clark asked that the Board authorize him to negotiate the details of the contract with Ricci Construction Company Incorporated and when it is complete, he will bring it back to the Board for approval.

Selectman Scalley made a Motion to: Authorize Allan Clark to negotiate the contract with Ricci Construction Company Incorporated. Chairwoman Moroney seconded and the Motion passed unanimously.
Andrea Brochu from Northern Community Investment Corporation (NCIC) was present and stated she needed a signature on the Northern Border Regional Commission Grant application that is due tomorrow. Mr. Clark also asked that there be a motion allowing him to sign the award letter on the Towns behalf, should that need to be done.

Selectman Scalley made a Motion for: Chairwoman Moroney to sign the grant application on behalf of the Town and the Taxpayers and for Mr. Clark to sign the award letter, if needed. Chairwoman Moroney seconded and the Motion passed unanimously.

Imre also thanked the Building Committee members for all of their time and dedication and all four companies for their very well thought out presentations.

Chairwoman Moroney announced the next meeting will be Monday, May 20, 2019.

There being no further discussion, Selectmen Scalley made a Motion to adjourn the meeting. Chairwoman Moroney seconded and the Motion passed unanimously. Chairwoman Moroney declared the meeting ended at 5:29 p.m.