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Minutes of Town Board Meetings

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Minutes of 05/07/2007

May 14th, 2007

Carroll Board of Selectmen
Meeting Minutes
May 7, 2007
"These minutes of the Town of Carroll Select Board have been recorded by its Secretary. Though believed to be accurate and correct they are subject to additions, deletions and corrections by the Select Board at its next meeting when the Board votes its final approval of the minutes. They are being made available at this time to conform to the requirements of New Hampshire RSA 91-A:2."

Minutes recorded by Maryclare Quigley, Secretary Pro Tem.

Board members present: Bonnie Moroney, Allen Strasser, Rena Vecchio
The meeting was called to order at 7:08 PM.

Members of the public present: Roberta McGee, Thomas Gately, Lee Hallquist, Michael Gooden, Devyn Hogan, Lori Hogan, Dale Shakespeare, Jim Covey, Lisa Covey, Claire Gritzer, Kelly Trammell, John Trammell, Jeff Duncan, Doug Bews, Kathy Saffian, Evan Karpf, John Foster, Donna Foster

The board announced the approval of bills and signing of checks.

The minutes of April 30, were brought up. Regarding the lease for the temporary police station, it was noted that Lori Hogan did not make any wording changes. Chairman Moroney moved to approve the minutes with the correction noted. Selectman Strasser seconded, and the motion was passed. Selectman Vecchio abstained, as she was not at the meeting.

Chairman Moroney brought up the minutes of the meeting on April 2, 2007. After the Board returned to Public Session from Executive Session, when John Foster brought in a petition regarding the Architectural Design Review regulation, Chairman Moroney believed that the Board not only agreed it should be taken to the Planning Board, but that they had voted their approval of it. Selectman Strasser couldn�t recall doing so, but did say that they agreed verbally with it and that Chairman Moroney would present it.

Chairman Moroney established that Stan Borkowski�s report had been received and was posted on the bulletin board.

Note was made that Mr. Borkowski had sent a letter to Naturally New Hampshire regarding the litter of building materials from her property as a result of the Nor�easter on April 15 and 16, and Mr. Borkowski requested that the Selectmen be given copies of Laila Fekay�s response, which Chairman Moroney read aloud. Essentially, she said there was no litter, but that in the future, she would be sure to have the contractor secure materials at all times. It was stated most of it had been blown onto many other properties. Mr. Borkowski will be asked to write another letter about getting the litter cleaned up as soon as possible, and he will also be asked for a copy of his earlier letter to Ms. Fekay for the file. After discussion, Selectman Strasser made a motion that Mr. Borkowski write a letter directing her to clean this up and giving her five days to do so. He also stated that if she can�t see the litter, the neighbors will be asked to show her because a lot of it is on their property that she has to clean up. Thomas Gately brought up that there is also a pit (most likely a cellar hole for another building) that Mr. Borkowski referenced in his letter and which was also ignored. Mr. Gately is concerned about the depth of this unprotected hole and the fact that it has about 18 inches of water in it. Coming into the warm weather, there could be an additional problem with mosquitoes.

Chairman Moroney confirmed to Selectman Vecchio that the letter had been sent to John D�Urso regarding the second trailer on his property on Little River Road.

John Foster asked that discussion of his deed be tabled further until his surveyor is able to return to the property. There are discrepancies in the deed regarding the placement of pins which need to be corrected.

Chairman Moroney advised that she had been to the Recreation area with the Highway Dept. members regarding trees in the center of the parking lot. Concerns of this being a safety issue dropping off and picking up children and increased traffic from the development of the new ball field were aired. Discussion ensued regarding clearing the area which will not only allow better visibility but also give more parking. Selectman Vecchio suggested that parking be directed, to which end Lori Hogan said the Recreation Committee agrees and asked the Board to consider designating or defining parking in some way, and added that the Committee will define a drop-off/pick-up policy with the parents. Selectman Strasser made a motion to have Billy Rines, as he is the Road Agent, set up a parking plan with appropriate signs and markings to ensure that it is safe. Chairman Moroney seconded, and it was passed unanimously.

Bill Smalley and Chief Trammell went to their new location to assess the needs for moving the police station into it, and Sgt. Smalley presented a quote (attached) for the various walls, wiring, generator, etc. Chairman Moroney requested the generator be separate as Chief Trammell is working on getting a grant for it. Sgt. Smalley assured the Selectmen that everything will be built so it can be removed and perhaps used elsewhere, but in any case, the town will own all of it. In addition to the construction amount, Sgt. Smalley also recommended the amount for wiring a generator which they hope to eventually have. Selectman Strasser made a motion to transfer $12,000 into a new account for the temporary police department construction. Chairman Moroney seconded, and it passed unanimously.

Discussion ensued about the money being used for the work on the temporary building and Chairman Moroney explained that it essentially is the insurance money, but that it is being moved around. Selectman Strasser suggested that they should actually create three new accounts: one for rent, one for the work on the temporary building, and one for the fire department work on the old building. They reiterated the money will be from the insurance claim on the damage to the police station and that which had been included in the budget to cover benefits for the firefighter position that did not pass. Selectman Strasser said he would speak with Don Borer of the DRA regarding how the monies available may be spent.

Selectman Vecchio asked about the building being vacated and if anything is to be done with that now. Chairman Moroney advised that once it is empty, the plan is to tear everything out to the rafters and then decide where to go from there, whether to turn the building over to the fire department or what. While there has been talk that the police cannot return because of space, etc., Selectman Vecchio questioned the advisability of doing much beyond the lease without going back to the voters. With the article for hiring an engineering firm for a building that would include the police department defeated, as well as an article to put money into a capital reserve fund defeated, she believes the voters have said no to a new building, and wants to be certain that not too much beyond the lease is done without going to the Town for a vote. When asked, Chairman Moroney agreed that the LGC should be contacted to find out the legalities of the police not returning to the building and turning it over to the fire department. It was also general consensus that doing the demolition to the police portion of the building to keep the mold from spreading is very important. This brought up the question of who would be doing the work.

Selectman Vecchio brought up her concerns regarding protecting whoever may do the work at the station. She said since the Town is aware of the mold problem, she believes they must take whatever precautions are available for the workers. Further discussion took place about the building and ways of cleaning led to the discussion of general responsibility for all of the Town�s buildings. Chairman Moroney explained the former Safety Committee now known as the Joint Loss Management Committee consisting of one person from each department, has begun inspections of the various buildings and are trying to set priorities for issues that need addressing. Hopefully, this will allow them to establish a program for getting and staying on top of things. This has also helped to begin the process of who is responsible for each of what Selectman Strasser said are three major areas in town � roads, water, and buildings. Dr. Karpf expressed his hope that there will be long term plans for addressing future problems, also.

Selectman Strasser voiced his agreement that it should be Town employees who do the work of clearing out the police station, rather than volunteers as had been previously considered, because of insurance and safety issues. (It was stated that they should wear respirators while doing the job.) Because of the concern of mold issues and safety, and after discussion, Chairman Moroney made a motion to contact Mr. Francouer of RPF Co. about coming to talk to the Board. Selectman Vecchio seconded and it passed unanimously. With regard to the new building, Selectman Strasser made a motion to allow construction to start and to limit the cost to $10,575. Chairman Moroney seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.

Activity reports from the Water Department and Highway Department were reviewed. Chairman Moroney explained that a meter-reading test has begun � a variety of users have been chosen and the meters were read on April 26, and these same meters will be read again in a month. She explained that they could not use a formula given to them by the representative from Iron Mountain Water without knowing the general usage first. Hopefully, this will give the information they need. Selectman Strasser commented that they need to work on repairing the meters that remain out of order. After general discussion on water rates and usage, Selectman Strasser said he will write another letter to the Bethlehem Selectmen about the taxes on the Little River Road tank, as municipal water supplies should not be taxed, and there are new members on it since his first letter. Their reasoning came from the fact that our water rates are much less expensive than theirs, and Selectman Strasser will point out that the Town had been essentially subsidizing the Water Department, but no longer is.

Selectman Strasser expressed his concern about compensatory time. He said he had been away and had not expected the agreement to be signed so quickly. He referred to Public Safety and Emergency Response � may accrue up to 480 hours of compensatory time. This creates a 23% payment when somebody leaves if they just keep accruing time, and we are not allowed to make them use it up within a specified period under this agreement. He wants to sit down with the Police Chief and go through procedures for what is being done and somehow make the compensatory work, as long as an extremely large liability is not being created for the town. He said the way this is written and the prohibition when somebody leaves, he believes with just the current four people and their salaries, the town would be giving between $8,000 and $13,000 as a going away bonus that is not funded by the town. He believes that they don�t want to create this system and he doesn�t believe his two co-Selectmen would either, that they didn�t realize this when they signed it. He believes this is a mistake for the town. He also believes there is a lot of overtime for the activity level we have, and this is one reason why he wants to re-look the issue of schedules. Selectman Vecchio stated that she believes there should be discussion with the whole Board not just Selectman Strasser. Chief Trammell reminded all that he had requested Executive Session with the Board on May 14, when he will present the document which has been prepared and which he believes will answer any questions they have.

The next item was Selectman duties. As most of these were new to Selectman Vecchio, it was decided after some discussion, including the question being asked if this could be done as part of a private meeting, to which the answer was no, that they have more time to look them over. Selectman Vecchio made a motion to table this until their next meeting. Selectman Strasser seconded and it passed unanimously.

The following documents were approved and signed.

Water Warrant � Corkery, Stapleton Properties, Janice Simmons
Intent to Cut � Gerald LeClair/New Page Corp.
Certificate of Occupancy � Guilbeault

Discussion regarding the invitation to join the group putting together a bulk oil bid ensued. The Board decided there were still too many unknowns including maintenance, to pursue this. Chairman Moroney made a motion to not accept the invitation to bid and Selectman Vecchio seconded. The motion passed unanimously.

Dr. Karpf brought up the issue of getting property taxes from the AMC. While he stated he is in favor of this, he wonders if the cost of doing so is worth it. Selectman Strasser said he knows they are willing to come up with more money and that he has been and will be talking again with Town Counsel at some point. He also advised that this is a very complex issue, and it is best left in Town Counsel�s hands.

Mr. Foster asked if the attorney is so busy he cannot find time to deal with issues, what the procedure for getting one who has the time might be, Selectman Strasser said the Board hires one. (It was explained that the lack of time is due to their office being short at least one lawyer and being extremely busy.)

Doug Bews spoke of the AMC and the possible misuse of the 501:c status for a charitable organization. He said he has found an association interested in investigating these situations. He would be happy to provide the address if the town is interested and Selectman Strasser asked him to please do so. Mr. Bews said it only takes a simple inquiry saying we have a suspicion and this company will do some research to find out if the AMC is still eligible for the status.

Chairman Moroney advised that the Memorial Day Parade will be at 11 a.m. on May 28. She said they still need a person to play Taps if anyone knows of someone. Selectman Strasser suggested that she talk with the JROTC instructor at WMRHS.

Chairman Moroney advised that a safety inspection had been done at the Town Hall and gave copies of the minutes (not approved yet) to the other Board members. This is to show what needs to be done in the building, and she asked that it be put on the agenda for May 14.

Doug Bews brought up the former Economic Development Committee and the eighty acres that it established as an Industrial Park, but has no access. Since the Town seems to have no use for this, he is wondering if it would be advantageous to the Town if it were to be opened up and made available for sale. Dr. Karpf brought up that there is an attempt to establish affordable housing, which might be an incentive for town employees, and a portion of this land is being looked at for this purpose. He briefly described the project as being currently discussed though it appears not quite ready to be brought before the Town yet. Mr. Bews is concerned that this is in the Industrial Zone and wonders if it should be kept that way, that it could provide an economic base for the town. Mr. Foster believes that there are people who would be interested establishing businesses in the industrial park if it were to become active again. It was suggested that information be gathered on the Industrial Park to find out where it stands, and to go from here. This could possibly result in an article being written for the Warrant for the March voting.

Chairman Moroney read a letter from resident George Saffian, who disagrees with a �no picking� policy as proposed previously by Bill Dowling, Transfer Station Superintendent. Chairman Moroney advised that Mr. Dowling told her that after reading the RSA�s, he will be putting an article in the Warrant. It was mentioned that Mr. Dowling�s intention was not to eliminate anyone from picking up a needed piece of pipe, or such; it was to keep those people away who remove large portions of valuable recyclables and leave a mess. It is his belief that any revenue these generate should come back to the town.

Lee Hallquist asked about the so-called John Bell property on Route 3 South. It was his understanding that there should not be any more work being performed there and it appears there is. He was also concerned about having seen children playing there and the possibility of injury, as well as the fact that the large fence supposedly to block the view from the neighbors has been laying in a heap for some time and should be repaired or replaced.

Mr. Hallquist also asked if the insurance check in excess of $116,000 recently received could eventually be used to build a new police station. He was told while it might be a possibility, it would of course, go before the voters. Selectman Strasser said there are times when a portion of money such as this might be used to help offset taxes. It was suggested maybe this could be used for a new police station in order to avoid substantially raising taxes.

Mr. Covey reminded everyone of the continued public hearing for the Cell Tower on Tuesday, May 8.

Dale Shakespeare praised the Planning Board for trying to help enhance the town, but wondered if anything was being done about the economic impact on properties. Selectman Strasser said the Mt. Washington Hotel is paying for a study by an independent company and that Mr. Corso had said they would add whatever questions people may have to the study. Mr. Bews wondered if it would be appropriate to have information and charts updated for the Master Plan by them. Selectman Strasser said projections on population will be done, but that they cannot write the Master Plan for the Town. Mr. Shakespeare said that should be a concern of the Planning Board.

Chairman Moroney referred to the petition she presented to the Planning Board in April, and felt that the 85 voters who signed it were basically ignored when they voted on the Architectural Design Review regulation. She wondered what authority, if any, the Select Board might have over committees and boards they appoint regarding directing them about what to do. Selectman Strasser advised the Select Board does have authority unless there is a Statute and there is one that limits what they can do with the Planning Board and the Zoning Board of Adjustment. Discussion ensued and it was suggested that it would be best to go to the Planning Board with any questions regarding the Board.

The future of the Town was brought up in relation to the Mt. Washington Hotel and Bretton Woods development. There was discussion of the Chamber of Commerce meeting this morning, and that representatives from the Hotel were there and talked about possible future plans. It was stated that the town leaders should focus on a plan for the town and things that it can promote.

Mr. Covey said the next meeting for the Chamber of Commerce will be at the Mount Washington Hotel on June 11, and that all are invited.

Michael Gooden asked about the proposed water line for Lennon Road and Rt. 115 and wondered where it stands now. Billy Rines will be asked if he has been able to do any more research in connection with the project.

Mr. Duncan mentioned a meeting to be held on May 10, regarding the 2010 census and asked if anyone is going from the Select Board, as he feels it is very important. Selectman Strasser suggested asking Charlie Cohn as he had been involved with the census previously, or the Town Clerk, Becki Pederson.

Selectman Strasser made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Chairman Moroney seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.

There being no further business, Chairman Moroney declared the meeting ended at 9:34 p.m.