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Minutes of Town Board Meetings

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Minutes of 06/11/2007

June 15th, 2007

Carroll Board of Selectmen
Meeting Minutes
June 11, 2007
"These minutes of the Town of Carroll Select Board have been recorded by its Secretary. Though believed to be accurate and correct they are subject to additions, deletions and corrections by the Select Board at its next meeting when the Board votes its final approval of the minutes. They are being made available at this time to conform to the requirements of New Hampshire RSA 91-A:2."

Minutes recorded by Susan Kraabel, Secretary

Board members present: Bonnie Moroney, Allen Strasser, Rena Vecchio

The meeting was called to order at 7:04 PM.

Members of the public present: Roberta McGee, Thomas Gately, Michael Gooden, Evan Karpf, Joan Karpf, Eleanor Brauns, Carmine Fabrizio, Ann Fabrizio, Jim Covey, Jeff Duncan, Bill Smalley, John Trammell, John Burt, Keith Bergeron, Judy Cookson, John Goodney

Pledge of Allegiance

The board announced the approval of bills and signing of checks.

Chairman Moroney moved to accept the minutes of the June 4, 2007 meeting as written. Selectman Vecchio seconded, and the motion was passed 2-0 with Selectman Strasser abstaining because he had not attended the meeting.

The report from Stan Borkowski is posted on the bulletin board.

The NIMS training was discussed, and the secretary has spoken to the office staff and highway department workers, and they were in favor of doing the training online rather than having someone come on site. Bill Dowling told the secretary he didn’t think he had to take the training, and John Goodney agreed with that. Chairman Moroney expressed concern that people would not actually do the online training, and was told that they had agreed to it. Both Jeff Duncan and Mr. Goodney said the online training is not difficult, and far less time consuming. The secretary will send a notice to employees and we will monitor progress regularly.

Selectman Strasser, having looked at Carroll Economic Development Corp. paperwork, stated that the CEDC was to hold a meeting every year in June, and made a motion to call Jay Ouellette to ask when such meeting was to be held. Chairman Moroney seconded the motion, and it was passed unanimously. The selectmen would like to see some activity take place in the industrial park, and discuss this with the CEDC members.

The secretary reported that she’d received an email from Joan Karpf and one from John Birknes regarding land use board membership. Ms. Karpf’s listed members and their arrival dates on the ZBA, while Mr. Birknes had only approximate dates for Planning Board members. Selectman Strasser moved to table discussion of terms for these boards until next week when more research has been done. He volunteered to make up a list. Chairman Moroney seconded, and the motion was passed unanimously.

Insurance on the cog train was the next subject. LGC Property Liability Trust quoted a rate of $.566 per thousand if the town were to own the train. Selectman Strasser said from a liability standpoint it would be better if the town owned the train rather than the Chamber, as there is restricted liability of $150,000 as a municipality. Jim Covey said the cog owners would be willing to gift the train to either the Chamber or the town. Selectman Strasser said he thought it would not cost us much more for the insurance because the cost for our insurance is based on either the assessed valuation or the budget. If it were based on the $150,000 it would only be $84.90. Chairman Moroney asked if the town were to take ownership, would the Chamber maintain it, and Mr. Covey said yes. Chairman Moroney suggested we asked what would happen if 2 children were injured at the same time, should we have insurance to cover $150,000 twice. The secretary will call and ask. Mr. Covey said the train would be sort of at the bottom of the hill, with track wrapped around the hill and on an incline to replicate what the cog has. It would be an engine with the coal bucket behind. He said in Windham the state DOT was going to give the town money to move a train down in a similar situation, and he would call the DOT to see what kind of grant money is available for our purposes. He said he has spoken to the operations manager from the Conway train who offered a coach to put near a visitor’s center here in town. We could put mannequins inside to show what went on here 60-70 years ago. He said they have conceptual drawings to show people in town. The board chose to table this issue until we get the insurance issues clarified.

Officer Rick Brown, after discussing police detail fees with a possible client, asked if the selectmen would approve an administrative fee of $2 per hour to be added to the $31 rate for an officer. Chairman Moroney moved to approve the fee, Selectman Vecchio seconded the motion, and it was passed unanimously.

The following items were approved and signed.

Property tax warrant – first issue - $2,238,760.48
Certificate of Occupancy – Paul Martin
Yield Tax Warrant – Farina, Steele, Bretton Woods Land Co.
Yield Tax Certification (amended)– Bayroot
Yield Tax Abatement (Logger calculation error)- Bayroot
Primex Multi-Year Agreement Workers Comp Insurance
Driveway Permit – Travers

Chairman Moroney read the letter from NH DES regarding the application for annual payment of the state water grant #95-0381010. The total grant is $289,882.78, and prior payments received are $129,635. This application for Fiscal Year 2008 is $9,162. According to the letter, since Bill Wright is no longer the representative authorized by the governing body to act on behalf of the public water system on the original application, we must fill out an updated authorization. The secretary will contact DES for the proper paperwork and the selectmen will then complete the application process.

Chief Duncan asked if we had contacted Don Borror about offsetting spending with the insurance settlement, and if we can withdraw Capital Reserve funds without a town vote. He was contacted and as far as spending insurance money to fix up the old police station, he said we still needed to stay within the total appropriations voted by the town. If towards the end of the year, we found we were going to exceed the amount, we could write to the DRA and ask for permission to overspend and explain the circumstances. Karen Carew said she was of the opinion that we could use the insurance money without any problems with the state, and she volunteered to call Mr. Borror to clarify the matter. Mr. Borror said in order to withdraw Capital Reserves, we would need to look back to see if the funds were set up or amended to say that the selectmen were named as agents to expend. If that is the case, the selectmen can vote to withdraw money. If not, the withdrawals would have to go before a town vote. No one was positive, but the opinion was that none of the funds name the selectmen as agents to expend. Chairman Moroney made a motion to allow the fire department to start fixing the station with the $17,000 received from the insurance company. Selectman Strasser seconded, and the motion was passed unanimously.

Selectman Strasser said the minutes from last week had Chairman Moroney being asked about a septic field for the fire station, and he said one of the possible sites, the east site, in Bretton Woods is right next to the septic system. The other one is a little way off, but the resort does not control the septic system, and in either case we would have to apply for hookup. He also said he’d driven Route 302, and from the western most site you are 4.7 miles from the AMC, and from the eastern most site you are 3.7 miles to the stop light in Twin Mountain, so you have a 1.3 mile overlap from the fire station in Twin Mountain with the eastern site which is near the BW septic system.

Selectman Vecchio reported on a conference she had attended last week on “selling your building projects.” The people there will come up and consult with townspeople about building projects. RightRoad Devlopment Advisors has been hired by the LGC to meet with town residents for a No Cost initial consultation (2 hours) on any project. Chairman Moroney made a motion to fill out the contact sheet for the company; Selectman Vecchio seconded, and the motion was passed unanimously.

Evan Karpf said he’d recently been to a conference on mold and poisoning. With poisoning a rising problem in New Hampshire, Dr. Karpf brought with him pamphlets, pill holders, pot grabbers, etc. with pertinent labeling for a poison center phone number. He will leave all these things at the town hall for anyone to take home. The poison center is available by phone 24 hours a day, seven days a week. They also have information about animal poisoning.

Mr. Covey thanked the three selectmen for attending the Chamber meeting this morning. He said the Chamber is thinking of forming a group to meet once a month – Chamber members and residents – to discuss ways to improve Twin Mountain. He said when the Bretton Woods village is built, it will change things in town, for the better he thought. Selectman Strasser commented that last fall when the new hotel owners were here, they suggested a part-time planner be hired by the town to work on the Twin Mountain side of town. The selectmen presented a warrant article for one, and at the deliberative session in February, the dollar amount for a planner was reduced to $1. Selectman Strasser would like to know why it was reduced. Mr. Covey said he and his wife, along with the Karpfs, recently attended a seminar, and came away feeling things could be improved for businesses in Twin Mountain. They have people to come out and assess the town to get things turned around. He said the Chamber has asked Charles Adams of Celebration Associates to fund the project at a cost of $12,000. They have no decision yet, and this could probably not be done until early summer 2008. Chairman Moroney moved to allow the new group to meet in the town hall once a month. Selectman Vecchio seconded, and the motion was passed unanimously.

John Goodney reported that as a result of Coos County being declared a disaster area, the town has applied for relief in the amount of approximately $8,300.

Keith Bergeron told the board he would like to subdivide his property on Lennon Road, and wanted to know what to do. Dr. Karp told him he would have to come to the Planning Board with his plans, and directed him to Maryclare Quigley in the town office for complete information on the process. He was told he could come in July to discuss his plans and ask questions, but that he would eventually have to fill out an application for subdivision for the Planning Board. He could bring that in July if he so chose.

More discussion on NIMS training took place. Mr. Goodney said there is interest by other towns to join us for training. This will have to be done before receiving future grant money or the next time we need disaster relief. Chief Duncan said the online training would probably be easier for our employees because it would involve less time. Two websites for the training are and Chief Duncan said at the end of the test, we should be sure to print the certificate of completion, because it takes quite some time for one to be mailed.

Dr. Karpf reminded everyone of the cell tower hearing on June 13 at 7 PM.

Chairman Moroney moved to print NIMS forms and send them with a notice to employees that the training is mandatory.

At 7:58 PM, as there was no additional business, Chairman Moroney declared the meeting ended, and moved to go into executive session regarding a personnel matter and town aid. This was seconded by Selectman Vecchio. The board was polled, and went into executive session.

At the close of executive session, Chairman Moroney made a motion to return to public session and seal the minutes from executive session; Selectman Vecchio seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

Action Items:

NIMS Training – send notices to employees
Response letter to Bretton Woods land offer
Using insurance settlement to offset police station repairs
Property tax exemptions – increase limits
Industrial Park land use
Term Limits for Planning & Zoning
Fix sign on town hall
Cog train Insurance
Grant program letter of intent by July 2