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Minutes of Town Board Meetings

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Minutes of 8/26/2019

September 5th, 2019

Carroll Board of Selectmen
Meeting Minutes
August 26, 2019

“These minutes of the Town of Carroll Select Board have been recorded by its Secretary. Though believed to be accurate and correct they are subject to additions, deletions and corrections by the Select Board at its next meeting when the Board votes its final approval of the minutes. They are being made available at this time to conform to the requirements of New Hampshire RSA 91-A:2.”

Minutes recorded by Kirsten T. Hodgdon, Secretary

Board Members present: Bonnie J. Moroney, David A. Scalley, Robert W. Gauthier, Jr.

Members of the Public present: Imre Szauter, Jeremy Oleson, Allan Clark & Tadd Bailey,

The meeting was called to order at 6:03 p.m. by Chairwoman Moroney.

Pledge of Allegiance.

The Chair announced the approval and signing of the manifests.

Selectman Scalley made a Motion to: Approve the minutes of August 12, 2019. Selectman Gauthier seconded and the Motion passed unanimously.

Selectman Scalley made a Motion to: Approve the minutes of August 19, 2019. Selectman Gauthier seconded and the Motion passed unanimously.

The Board asked for a building project update. Imre Szauter stated the Task Force had met once since the last Selectmen’s meeting and that Project Manager, Allan Clark will be giving a more in-depth update later in the meeting. He stated the only thing he had to discuss with the Board was the security cameras for the project. Mr. Szauter explained that cameras have been provided and he would like to attach one next to the window of the Historical Society and the other will be on the job trailer, when needed. He asked for permission to link the base station for the cameras to the internet router in the Town Hall. The Board had no objections.

He briefly explained how the storage of the images worked but said he was going to be doing further research into different package options. He said he would discuss this at the next Task Force meeting so more accurate information could be brought to the next Selectmen’s meeting.

Allan Clark presented the Board with an updated project budget for the new buildings. He stated the last time he presented a budget the project was running about $60,000 over budget and that it is now, approximately, only $10,000 over budget. He is confident this number will continue to drop as real pricing comes in and the project will likely finish under budget without making any major cuts.

Mr. Clark stated that Ricci Construction is willing to start work immediately if the Board agrees to sign the contract, which he has reviewed multiple times, and feels it is very well put together and documented. Selectmen Scalley stated he feels the same but did ask if Ricci Construction would be willing to start work while the contract is reviewed by the insurance company and legal. He stated nothing seemed like it threw a red flag but just to cover all bases. Mr. Clark did not oppose that. He stated Ricci Construction has their bonds and insurance so the Board would just need to make those motions.

Selectman Gauthier made a Motion to: approve and sign the contract pending review from Primex and Town counsel. Selectmen Scalley seconded and the Motion passed unanimously.

Selectman Scalley made a Motion to: allow Ricci Construction to start work under the assumption that the contract has been approved and signed pending review by Primex and Town counsel. Selectmen Gauthier seconded and the Motion passed unanimously.

The Secretary presented a letter that was written to the Ammonoosuc River Local Advisory Committee requesting that they send a letter to NHDES stating any concerns they may have or that they have no concerns in regards to the new building project. This is the last piece needed for the Alteration of Terrain permit to be issued.

Selectman Gauthier made a Motion to: allow Chairwoman Moroney to sign and for the Secretary to e-mail the letter addressed to the Ammonoosuc River Local Advisory Committee in regards to the Alteration of Terrain permit. Selectmen Scalley seconded and the Motion passed unanimously.

Police department lease-end repairs and flower box mowing, which were on the agenda, were tabled until the next meeting.

Follow Up:

Wright Property – Chairwoman Moroney stated she left another message for the lawyer from the State. She received a call back from her assistant stating she was getting caught up from vacation and they would reach out again shortly. Chairwoman Moroney said she has not received a call back and will reach out again on Thursday, when she is in the office, if she doesn’t hear anything before then.

Snow Thrower – Greg Hogan was not in attendance so this item was tabled until the next meeting.

Echo Lake Investments/Lepage Easement – It was noted that in the meeting minutes from August 12, 2019 the Board stated that the infrastructure improvements needed to be complete before a building permit is issued. The Board corrected their statement. What was meant to be stated was that a performance bond for the infrastructure improvements needs to be in place before a building permit is issued and that the infrastructure must be complete before a certificate of occupancy is issued. The Board also wanted to make sure they are reminded that the fees for the water study and the third-party review will need to be paid before a building permit is issued.

With that being said, the Secretary presented the Board with a letter from Cathy Conway from Horizons Engineering with the contractors estimates to complete the infrastructure work. The Board would like to see the estimate from the third-party reviewer before they make any decision as to the Bond amount. The Secretary stated she will work with the Planning Board Secretary to hopefully get the estimate and fees complete before the next meeting on September 9, 2019.

The easement deed for the water line was mailed to Mr. Lepage on August 22, 2019.

Compensation – The Board decided that Bonnie Moroney should be compensated for going through all the old documents in preparation for the move into the new buildings.

Selectman Scalley made a Motion to: compensate Bonnie Moroney $18/hour. Selectmen Gauthier seconded and the Motion passed. Chairwoman Moroney abstained.

New Municipal Building Sidewalks – It was determined this should be left for the Task Force to figure out and re-present to the Board at a later date, if needed.

Rec Field Usage – The Secretary located the Town Hall Use Permit Application & the Town Hall Use Permit. It was noted that these are what were used in the past. If anyone would like to request to use the rec field, they are advised to fill out the application and it will be presented to the Board at their next scheduled meeting. The applicant does not necessarily need to attend said meeting, but may if they choose. If approved, the Secretary will issue the permit once we have received the rider from the applicant’s home insurance naming the Town to cover any issues that may arise and the $250 deposit. It was mentioned once the new buildings are in place, a new policy will likely be written.


Selectmen Scalley stated that the Task Force will be discussing how the snow removal and parking for the Town Hall is going to work with construction beginning. He stated that he thinks rough lines will be painted in the coming days to show correct parking to prevent any issues.

Selectmen Scalley stated that Town counsel will continue to remind Mr. D’Urso that his deadline to demolish his property on Route 3 South is approaching. The Board asked the Secretary to reach out to the DRA to find out what line item we could legally use to take this down if he does not do it on his own.

Jeremy Oleson stated that there are multiple roads in town that need to be cleared in order for safety equipment to safely pass. He said he was doing some drills and the antennas were being hit by branches. This could cause serious communication issues in an actual emergency. There are public and private roads that this should be addressed on. Selectman Scalley stated that he feels that Greg Hogan should gather a list of private roads that need to cleared and that a letter be sent to those homeowners. Jeremy stated he would talk to him about this.

Jeremy Oleson also mentioned the grade of some driveways that are being put in. He thinks that a letter needs to be sent to these homeowners stating that they have built their driveways to not meet town specs and that emergency equipment may be delayed in getting to them due to this. It was asked that the Secretary reach out to Town counsel to have a letter drafted.

Tadd Bailey asked if the Fire Department was still town owned property, the Board stated yes. He then asked how it was zoned, the Board stated it was residential business. They asked why he was presenting these questions and he stated that there is someone saying that the Fire Department is on their property and he wanted to be clear it wasn’t. He stated there may be someone who is potentially interested in purchasing it when the time comes.

Chairwoman Moroney said the next Selectmen’s Meeting will be Monday, September 9, 2019, at 6:00 p.m. at the Town Hall.

As there was no further business, the Board was polled and went into non-public session, per RSA 91-A-3 for Personnel at 6:58 p.m. Chairwoman Moroney, yes; Selectman Scalley, yes; Selectman Gauthier, yes.

At the close of non-public session at 7:44 p.m., Chairwoman Moroney moved to return to public session and seal the minutes from non-public session. Selectman Scalley seconded and the Motion passed unanimously.

There being no further discussion, Chairwoman Moroney made a Motion to adjourn the meeting. Selectmen Scalley seconded and the Motion passed unanimously. Chairwoman Moroney declared the meeting ended at 7:45 p.m.