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Minutes of 07/05/2007

July 23rd, 2007

Carroll Planning Board
Meeting Minutes

July 5, 2007
"These minutes of the Town of Carroll Planning Board have been recorded by its Secretary. Though believed to be accurate and correct they are subject to additions, deletions and corrections by the Planning Board at its next meeting when the Board votes its final approval of the minutes. They are being made available at this time to conform to the requirements
of New Hampshire RSA 91-A:2."

Minutes taken by Susan Kraabel, Secretary Pro Tem

Board members present: John Birknes, Evan Karpf, Charlie Cohn, Connie Oliver, John Sweeney, Rena Vecchio

Members of the public present: Eric McMurray, Mike Brunetti, Walter Elander, Edith Tucker, Pat Corso, Mark Vander-Heyden, Denise Vander-Heyden, Matt Dieterich, Billy Rines

Meeting called to order at 7:04 PM

Pledge of Allegiance

The Board reviewed the minutes of June 7, 2007. Dr. Karpf made a motion to accept the minutes as written. Connie Oliver seconded. The minutes were approved with Rena Vecchio abstaining because she had not attended the June meeting.

The public hearing for the Alfred Picconi subdivision/lot line adjustment on Map 204 Lot l Zone R-B began with Chairman Birknes reading a letter from Russell and Jenny Jones, abutters who were unable to attend. They stated their only objection to the subdivision would be if the house lot is less than four acres. Chairman Birknes asked if the board was in agreement with Provan & Lorber’s recommendations of January 16, 2007. Mark Vander-Heyden pointed out that most of Provan & Lorber’s comments dealt with the original subdivision which had roads to subdivide several lots in the back. This new subdivision will create a lot for the existing house and one other. Town water exists to the house plus it has a septic system in place. The state has already approved the house lot for subdivision. Chairman Birknes said both lots would be on a public way with over 200 feet on each side of the land remaining. There is plenty of room for future use. Charlie Cohn moved to approve the minor subdivision as brought forth on the plan. Ms. Vecchio seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously. Chairman Birknes stated since both lots are on a public way, no surety is required, and that lot 2 of the subdivision will be 3.10 acres (considerably larger than required by zoning). The other lot will be 22.66 acres. The mylar was signed by Chairman Birknes.

The next item considered was the application of Jeff Simmons for a minor subdivision Map 418 Lot 14, at the end of Harmony Hill Road. The land fronts along Rte. 302, over 400 ft plus and 360 ft. around. It’s across from the former Mooseland Grill. The new lot would be served by town water – the line to be extended at the owner’s expense, it would be over an acre and with proper frontage. There would be a right of way for the snowmobile trail. A perc test has been submitted to the state, with a letter from the town stating that water would be available if the owner, at his expense, extended the water line. Chairman Birknes questioned the availability of town water, and was shown the letter from the town. Discussion took place about whether the zoning ordinance required a lot in R-B must be 2 acres if town water is not currently available. It was determined that that is required only in the rural zone, and thus not a problem for this minor subdivision. There is a 25 ft. right of way from Harmony Hill Road across Lot 1 for the driveway to Lot 2. Chairman Birknes asked that Mr. Vander-Heyden check with Bill Rines and Jeff Duncan before the public hearing for servicing the new lot, since there is no access from Rte. 302. Mr. Rines said the water line is 8” to the hydrant, then ¾” from there. Mr. Simmons would need to put a larger line in. Chairman Birknes asked that Chief Duncan be consulted to see if he would have necessary access for fire safety. Evan Karpf questioned where electricity would come from, and was told there were two possible sources. Dr. Karpf made a motion to accept the application for a minor subdivision, Charlie Cohn seconded, and the motion was passed unanimously. The public hearing was scheduled for August 2, 2007 at 7 PM.

Matt Dieterich said he, Mike Brunetti, and Pat Corso came to the board for a general discussion because they have questions regarding their forthcoming plans for the Dartmouth Brook phase. He gave a brief rundown of where the resort is on their schedule. The interior renovations are about 90% complete, and the restoration of the golf course is underway. They expect the work to be complete by October, and a six month grow in period planned. The spa is expected to be complete by October 2008, the pool by next summer, and repairs from the April 2007 storm to be done soon.

The focus of presentation tonight was the Dartmouth Brook area. Originally planned with 336 units, it will probably end up being only 220 units, with 30-40% left for open space with access from the base road. A wetlands survey has been done, and the only impact to wetlands will be for stream crossings. Mt. Madison town homes will remain at 10 units with no access to Dartmouth Brook. The cross country trails will be tied in to those existing now. There will be single family homes and condo/town homes that are designed like mansions, but will actually house multiple units. Slides were shown showing examples of architectural styles, roads, and green space. The main loop road is a 24’ road. Other roads will be 20’, 14’, and a couple 16’ roads. The intention is to have the roadways narrow as you proceed into the area – small access roads to 2 units or to go behind some of the units. Mr. Brunetti pointed out 24’ and 20’ roads, standard subdivision roads, and they would like to use 16’ one way roads.

The schedule calls for submitting documents to DES by the end of August, site plan review in September, approvals by December, sales in January 2008, and construction beginning in March.

Stating that most of these units will be second homes with not a lot of traffic, they are asking several questions. Can they use hammerheads instead of cul-de-sacs? Can they use 16’ wide driveways for 3-6 units? Can they use grassed shoulders (sub-surfaced for drivability) instead of gravel? Can they use 1 way sections for a 16’ wide road? Can they use 16’ wide paved alleyways at the rear of residential lots? They would like to talk about the use of curbs.

Chairman Birknes brought up the subject of snow removal on the narrower roads. Mr. Cohn commented on the fact that there will be rental units with extra cars and snow, and the possibility of ending up with one lane to travel on. Mr. Brunetti said there will be a minimum of two spaces per site – off site. John Sweeney mentioned the need to get fire equipment to these buildings. Chairman Birknes said there are already some hammerheads, and Chief Duncan asked for “no parking” signs at each end of the hammerhead. Mr. Elander said access for fire equipment will be built in to the plans, but the subdivision regulations don’t deal with 1 way streets. Mr. Rines cautioned about retaining right of ways wide enough at the beginning, allowing for room to correct roadway problems if necessary. The board asked that Mr. Rines and Chief Duncan be consulted during their planning stages.

Brief discussion of the proposed pedestrian village and density issues brought the statement from Mr. Brunetti that they are looking at each phase of development keeping in mind their intention to build the 980 units allowed for in the Master Plan. Walter Elander stated that they would be coming before the board for the subdivision and site plan review, and asked if those two items could be dealt with concurrently. Chairman Birknes said the board had done this in the past, and both matters could be done at the same time.

Chairman Birknes reported that Tina Silva-Shaw has verbally withdrawn her application for a minor subdivision. Dr. Karpf made a motion acknowledging the withdrawal and requesting a letter from Ms. Silva-Shaw stating the withdrawal. Ms. Vecchio seconded the motion, and it was passed unanimously. Also Jay Ouellette has verbally withdrawn his request to use the John Burt property on Rte. 3 North for a used car lot. Dr. Karpf moved to accept the withdrawal and ask the 2 parties involved to send a letter withdrawing the board approval of the used car lot. Ms. Vecchio seconded the motion, and it was passed unanimously.

Chairman Birknes reminded the group that the cell tower public hearing, previously postponed at the request of the applicant, will be continued on Wednesday, July 25th at 7 PM.

Michael King of the North Country Council has requested a joint meeting with the Board of Selectmen on August 6th at 7 PM to discuss a Capital Improvement Plan. Tara Bamford of North Country Council will also be present. Chairman Birnes requested a quorum of the Planning Board be present.

Dr. Karpf moved to send a card and maybe some flowers to Maryclare Quigley, who recently broke her wrist and elbow. Ms. Vecchio seconded the motion, and it was passed unanimously.

Chairman Birknes requested that Mr. Rines ask Chief Duncan to attend the next meeting of the Planning Board on August 2, 2007.

At 8:35 PM, there being no further business, Dr. Karpf made a motion to adjourn. Ms. Oliver seconded, and the motion was passed unanimously.