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Minutes of Town Board Meetings

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Minutes of 08/13/2007

August 18th, 2007

Carroll Board of Selectmen
Meeting Minutes
August 13, 2007
"These minutes of the Town of Carroll Select Board have been recorded by its Secretary. Though believed to be accurate and correct they are subject to additions, deletions and corrections by the Select Board at its next meeting when the Board votes its final approval of the minutes. They are being made available at this time to conform to the requirements of New Hampshire RSA 91-A:2."

Minutes recorded by Susan K. Kraabel, Secretary

Board members present: Bonnie Moroney, Allen Strasser, Rena Vecchio

The meeting was called to order at 7:03 PM.

Members of the public present: Roberta McGee, Eleanor Brauns, Carmine Fabrizio, Ann Fabrizio, John Burt, Jeff Duncan, Tom Gately, John Trammell, Bill Smalley, Lori Hogan, Harold Garneau, Karen Moran, Billy Rines, Dale Shakespeare, Mike Gooden, Jim Covey, Don Gadbois, Meredith Gadbois, Selwyn Lane, Karen Carew, Steve Kraabel, Susan L. Kraabel

Pledge of Allegiance

The board announced the approval of bills and signing of checks.

Chairman Moroney moved to accept the minutes of the August 6, 2007 meeting as written. Selectman Vecchio seconded and the motion was passed unanimously.

Stan Borkowski’s report is posted on the board.

David Ikasalo, who had asked to be placed on the agenda to speak on the subject of the town sweeper, did not appear.

Three bids were received for the Fire Department construction project in the area formerly housing the police department. Chairman Moroney read all three bids as follows.

Ram Contracting submitted a bid for replacing the roof in the amount of $9220.00. His separate bid for renovating the old police station was in the amount of $63,883.00
Norris Davis Electric submitted an all-inclusive bid in the amount of $74,900.00.
DS Contractors, Inc. submitted a detailed all-inclusive bid in the amount of $89,833.60.

Selectman Strasser said they would normally go with the low bid, but they’d like to check with Jeff Duncan before awarding the project to anyone. Chief Duncan stated he’d like to walk through the bids to see if they match the specs. Selectman Strasser moved to table the matter until next week. Selectman Vecchio seconded the motion, and it was passed unanimously.

Selectman Strasser opened the Water Commissioners’ meeting by showing some numbers he’d come up with. He stated he’d met with our auditor Karen Carew in the afternoon, and the water department deficit at the end of 2005 was $34,400, at the end of 2006 it was $65,000 and his estimate for the end of 2007 is $96,000. He stated one of the reasons for the deficit is we’ve held off raising rates in anticipation of putting the meters online, but there are currently 100 meters that are inoperable. And we’ve never funded anything for capital reserves. Selectman Strasser said he’d met with Don Borror of the DRA on July 15, and the water must pay for itself. He said we need another of these meetings prior to billing in 2007. It’s his feeling that we could make up the deficit this year, because he expects tax reductions that would offset the water increases. He said he and Bill Wright had come up with a method of raising hydrant fees, but the budget committee eliminated them. He also feels there’s no way we can do the Lennon Road extension at $46,000 per year to fund it.

Karen Carew explained that she’d come up with approximately the same numbers, but using a different method. She detailed as follows.

2007 Appropriations for operating expense $91,801
2007 Debt Service 45,810
2006 balance due to the general fund 175,672

2006 cash balance (110,516)
2007 anticipated revenue ( 99,000)
2007 State water grant ( 9,000)

Balance needed to fund operations and
eliminate balance due to general fund $ 94,767

Ms. Carew said the town has budgeted for the debt service, and Karen Moran said the water loan is an obligation of the town, and that’s why the budget committee made their water decisions, assuming that the anticipated revenue would cover the operating expenses. Ms. Carew stated that the current water charges are not enough to cover the operating expenses and cover the debt as well. She also said the balance owed to the general fund does not have to be paid in one year. She said in setting rates for 2007, we need to consider three things: the operating expense of approximately $92,000, the debt payments of almost $46,000, and the amount to be paid back to the general fund. Dale Shakespeare asked about the accumulation of $175,672 owed by the water department to the town, and when it was last audited. Ms. Carew said the debt has been accumulating over several years, and will be audited each year going forward. Jim Covey asked if the general fund can forgive this debt, and Ms. Carew said she thought it could, but we should check with the DRA and Town Counsel. Ms. Moran asked for a reference that says the water fund should be paying the debt. Selectman Strasser said it’s an enterprise fund and has to pay.

Ms. Carew said there’s another thing to consider when setting rates. All the numbers talked about this evening do not include anything for capital expansion. She said one of the things that the town is going through right now, is getting into compliance with Gatsby 34, which says that we must recognize fixed assets on our financial statements. She said once we track the assets and their depreciation, our income statement will much better reflect the cost of operating the water department.

Billy Rines said he feels the town should have one man focused on the water department, as they do in other surrounding towns. He said a year ago we were down to 40 meters not functioning, and now it’s up to 100. He said we need a higher fee for businesses that hook up to the system, as they require larger meters that can cost up to $1,500. Our current hook up fee of $1,500 is not sufficient. Recently Quizno’s paid for their own meters plus the hook up fee to the town. John Burt said it’s seven to eight thousand dollars for a well, and maybe we should raise our hook up fee. Roberta McGee asked why these meters are breaking, and was told that the water running through them carries debris; flushing hydrants and fighting fires stir up the water in the system, and it doesn’t take much to clog a meter. It was stated that although the meters have not been read over the years, the meters have been running all this time. The subject of paying Iron Mountain Water to monitor the system came up. Mr. Rines said we have no one licensed to do this, so we continue to pay someone else.

Selectman Strasser said that our rates will have to go up – our rates are far lower than the state average. Mr. Rines stated that once the meters are read, the costs will be spread more appropriately based on how much water is used. Selectman Strasser suggested we read meters once a year; we’d bill the fixed costs (a base rate) in the first billing, and the variable costs in a second billing based on water usage. He said with our current yearly billing, our cash flow is affected. We need to start paying down the deficit. He said Bob Morency has been helping to set rates, and he feels they’re too low.

Selectman Strasser asked Mr. Rines how we’re going to end up this year on costs, given that the Harmony Hill/Fieldstone Lane project took longer than expected. Mr. Rines said two things happened this year. He had asked for $15,000 in water expansion funds, and the budget committee gave him only $5,000. Also the water line break on Rte. 115 in January used up his whole overtime budget. Mr. Rines was told he should get realistic numbers for 2008 and stand up for them to both the selectmen and the budget committee. Mr. Shakespeare suggested we need professional help to get our budget items and rates in order. Selectman Strasser said Mr. Morency has begun to help, and after two years of no audit, with Ms. Carew’s help and a lot of hard work, we’re getting things straightened out. Ms. McGee asked if we shouldn’t be cutting back, be careful about things like water lines. Selectman Vecchio suggested that it’s a fact of life that taxes and costs go up. She said the selectmen are trying to work together, with the various committees and department heads to set up time lines for getting things done in town. Selectman Strasser said we need to develop a plan. He said Mr. Rines knows about putting in loops rather than dead end water lines that dump junk in the water lines, hot water heaters, and meters. We need to get rid of the 4” line on School Street that feeds into 8” lines, leading to insufficient pressure for fire protection. Then we can connect parallel lines to loop them together. Each year we can do something else. A discussion of chemicals came up. Mr. Rines said we add no chlorine to our water. Previous to his arrival we added caustic soda which is not healthy. He’s worked hard to eliminate that, using soda ash instead. He said we’ll save $6,000 this year because of that change, and still meet state standards. Mr. Rines also said we’re feeding hydrants with 4” lines, and they should be 6 inches. Flow rates are measured by insurance companies, and people pay higher rates when they come up short because of the 4” lines. Selectman Strasser asked if the selectmen would like to set rates tonight, and Selectman Vecchio said she’d prefer to wait until next week with time to think about all this. Chairman Moroney moved to table voting until next week, Selectman Vecchio seconded and the motion was passed unanimously.

Chairman Moroney asked Mr. Rines for an update on the issues brought out on the safety inspection of the highway barn. Lighting and wiring is done. There needs to be braces built before the fans can be put up. The welding curtain is done. The items from around the fuel storage tanks have been removed. We have bids on installing cold air returns. It will be done this month. The outside doors have not been replaced yet. They will be in before winter.
As far as the town hall, the electrician is preparing a quote for necessary updates. He’ll do work after highway work is done. Mr. Rines will report next week on other town hall items. He stated the General Buildings budget is on track.

Selectman Strasser began the discussion of bridge replacement funds. In January the state approved a concept design contract in the amount of $29,725 submitted by Hoyle Tanner. The contract for the final design work was in the amount of $64,136. The bridge committee thought the $64,136 was the total amount, and we passed a warrant article for $65,000, resulting in a shortfall of $30,000. Right now we need to find a way to get the extra money to pay Hoyle Tanner. Once we have receipts for these payments, the state will pay us 80%, or $76,000. In the wake of the bridge collapse in Minneapolis, the state has moved replacement of our bridge to 2008. It will still cost us 20% of the total, but will save us huge dollars in interest expense. The estimated cost of the bridge is $750,000, and the state will give us 40% or $300,000 right away. In order to build we’ll have to borrow 60% of the cost short term (need a warrant article), and then bond $150,000 when the bridge is finished and we receive the balance of the 80% from the state. Selectman Strasser is thinking in terms of a 10 year bond, which would coincide with plans to build a new fire station in 10 years. He said right away we need to request a revised contract for the final design from Hoyle Tanner, stating that we can defer payment of the final $30,000 until we can pay the rest. Selectman Strasser suggested ways to come up with this money before the end of December.

Hold a Special Town Meeting after petitioning the State Superior Court. We may include the cost of doing the fire station renovation.

Hold a public hearing under RSA 31:95-b and the warrant article from 2005 dealing with spending unanticipated funds.

Request additional funds from the DRA saying we need additional funds for the purpose approved in the 2007 warrant article for bridge replacement which was written for the wrong amount.

Include the amount in the 2008 budget, pay Hoyle Tanner in January, and if the budget is turned down, find the money elsewhere.

Write the 2008 bonding warrant article to include the final payment of Hoyle Tanner.

Selectman Strasser stressed the need to vote tonight on requesting the amended contract for Hoyle Tanner in order to get the design work done so bids for the bridge construction can go out prior to the 2008 Town Meeting.

The secretary explained what the attorney from the Local Government Center said about ways to come up with the $30,000. First, he suggested we could look elsewhere in the budget for those funds. When told we probably couldn’t come up with that much, he said we should look for as much as we could, say $5,000, and then at the end of the year write to the DRA requesting permission to over spend the budget by $25,000. The attorney explained that he is also a selectman, and he was pretty confident that if we explained that townspeople had already voted for the purpose of the extra expenditure, that the warrant article had been accidentally written in error, and that the expense was critical in getting funds so we can build this bridge in 2008 with state aid, the DRA would approve the petition. A third option is to defer payment until 2008, and hope a warrant article for the extra funds was passed, or that a line item for the additional funds in the 2008 budget would pass.

When someone asked what the $30,000 paid for, Harold Garneau said it was a design study. The state sets up the process, and if you don’t follow it, you don’t get state money. We were given a list of engineers, had to contact three of them and choose one firm. He said they estimate each year we delay building, the cost goes up 5%. In 2006 the estimated cost to replace the bridge was $681,000. With the 5% increases for 2007 and 2008, the estimated cost gets up to $750,000. He also stated that if we don’t build in 2008, the state will push our funding back until 2017. Chairman Moroney moved to request an amended contract from Hoyle Tanner to change the 2007 down payment from $64,132 to $35,000, with the remainder to be paid no later than March 20, 2008. Selectman Strasser seconded the motion, and it was passed unanimously.

Don Gadbois told the selectmen he owns both sides of Old Town Road and he doesn’t like that the town is cutting on his property. He said a 12’ wide right of way was given to the town by Mr. Fahey, a gravel road, and the town has been trimming the roadside – grass and raspberry bushes too close to the river bank. He said he has a deed for the land between the road and the river. Mr. Rines said they haven’t done anything that we haven’t done for years. Mr. Gadbois said they used to come to him before cutting and that’s not been done now. He showed maps to the selectmen showing the width of the road, and where the cutting took place. Mr. Gadbois said when he put up a building that was 25 ft. from the road instead of 30 ft., he went to court to have the road moved. Selectman Strasser and Selectman Vecchio will meet Mr. Gadbois on Tuesday morning to look at the property. Mr. Rines asked about the sign that he talked about putting up. Mr. Gadbois said he pays the state $100 per year for the sign, and that he’s putting it up again. If he doesn’t, he’ll give up his right to the sign. Mr. Rines said that when the bridge is replaced the site will be gone.

The secretary reported that she was told by REMAX that the house on Paquette Circle has been boarded up, and the site, inside and out, will be cleaned up this week. Selectman Vecchio asked whether our Zoning Ordinance, p. 30, Section 408.5 applied – it prohibits the boarding up of windows and doors. Mr. Rines thought that because of the letter of deficiency from our health officer, Evan Karpf, the house is not in violation.

Selectman Vecchio and Mr. Rines have not yet completed the NIMS training.
The Building Committee will meet again the 2nd week of September regarding the Bretton Woods fire station site.
The secretary will ask Stan Borkowski if he’s contacted the attorney about the Chamberlain property.

The following items were approved and signed.

Certificate of Occupancy – Michael Palmer (39 Brian Way) and Merle Abbott (Hannah Loop)
Intent to Cut – Cersosimo Lumber
Current Use Tax Warrant – Rogers
Use of Town Hall Permit – Twin Mountain Christian Academy

It was reported that John Goodney’s telephone line had been severed on Thursday, August 9th, by someone doing roadside mowing. Mr. Rines will find out who was doing the mowing and get back to the town next Monday.

John Trammell suggested that anyone who hasn’t seen their “jailhouse moose” take a ride past the police station. The Karpfs donated the wooden moose wearing black and white prison stripes and people have been stopping to take pictures since it was erected.

Lori Hogan asked the town to consider a fee for non-resident use of the recreation center, with fees to go back to the recreation program. She said the rec committee and volunteers have worked very hard to fix the ball field and basketball court, and these fees could contribute to the upkeep. Chairman Moroney suggested she write up something to approve.

Ms. McGee said she and Pat Martin and Jim Sullivan met with a Groveton stone mason to get an estimate on repairing damaged gravestones. He said they had been damaged since 1999 when he last visited the cemetery, either by moose or vandals. He said he was impressed with a lot of the old stones. LGC was consulted, and the trustees can spend budget money without any further approval. They also said while the property and buildings are insured, the stones are not, as they were purchase by private parties. Ms. McGee said she thought Whitefield had received insurance money for damage to gravestones in their cemetery, so we’ll check this again.

Carmine Fabrizio commended the Police Chief on his activity report for July. He found it very informative and helpful to the town.

Ms. Hogan reported the Recreation Program had received grant money for the two new mats they’ve purchased. They are in the gym and may be used by town residents. She also said they will be receiving grant money from Coos County to fund scholarships for Carroll children for the ski program and summer camp.

At 9:00 PM, as there was no additional business, Chairman Moroney declared the meeting ended, and moved to go into executive session regarding legal and personnel matters. This was seconded by Selectman Strasser. The board was polled, and went into executive session.

At the close of executive session, Chairman Moroney made a motion to return to public session and seal the minutes from executive session; Selectman Strasser seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

Action Items:

NIMS Training Progress
Response letter to Bretton Woods land offer
Public Hearing to spend unanticipated revenue – August 20
Property tax exemptions – increase limits
Industrial Park land use - CEDC
Term Limits for Planning & Zoning
Fix sign on town hall
Chamberlain property
Local ordinances
Sweeper repair
Non-resident fees – rec center