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Minutes of Town Board Meetings

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Minutes of 09/06/2007

September 15th, 2007

Carroll Planning Board
Meeting Minutes

September 6, 2007
"These minutes of the Town of Carroll Planning Board have been recorded by its Secretary. Though believed to be accurate and correct they are subject to additions, deletions and corrections by the Planning Board at its next meeting when the Board votes its final approval of the minutes. They are being made available at this time to conform to the requirements
of New Hampshire RSA 91-A:2."

Minutes taken by Susan Kraabel, Secretary Pro Tem

Board members present: Evan Karpf, Connie Oliver, John Sweeney, Charlie Cohn, Ernie Temple, Rena Vecchio, Donna Foster

Members of the public present: Erik McMurray, Walter Elander, Edith Tucker, Jeff Duncan, Alex McConnell, Matt Dieterich, William Rose, Leslie Bergum, Erik Bergum, Mike Brunetti

Meeting called to order at 7:00 PM

Pledge of Allegiance

Vice Chairman Evan Karpf reviewed several pieces of correspondence. The NH Office of Energy & Planning sent a notice of the 2007 Fall Planning & Zoning Conference on October 13, and the registration material will be in the office. The Municipal Law Lecture Series will have three sessions at the White Mountain Regional High School on September 19, September 26, and October 3. Registration material will be in the office. Dr. Karpf read a letter from the NH Division of Historical Resources regarding the proposed Dartmouth Brook Development. This letter deals with archaeological sensitivity in the area, and the fact that a survey has not been done. The letter informs that surveys are required and they are not considered an option. An email from Tom Hildreth regarding the suggested bond amount for eventual removal of the cell tower on Harmony Hill Road was read. There proposed amount came from Green Mountain Communications, Inc. in the amount of $21,695.

The minutes of August 2, 2007 were reviewed, and Dr. Karpf had corrections. On page 2 a reference to Mr. Vander Heyden should have named Mr. Elander. On page 3 he noted an omission of his questioning whether speed limits would be posted in Dartmouth Brook and the answer that they would be. On page 4 the statement that Bethlehem had already hired an RF engineer would be changed to read that they would consider the suggestion of hiring Mr. Maxson. Charlie Cohn moved to accept the minutes as corrected. Ernie Temple seconded the motion, and it was passed with Rena Vecchio abstaining, as she had not attended the meeting.

Dr. Karpf stated that they originally planned to consider the application for the BW Alpine Club Site Plan Review, but the town is required to give notice to abutters and publish a notice in the paper, and this has not been done. They will instead have general discussion on this subject and also the moving of the spa/conference center addition.

Matt Dieterich said they understand the notification process and would like to walk through the plans for the Alpine Tent. They are proposing a Sprung structure southeast of the base lodge and adjacent to the Hobbit building. This will be a club structure for owner members only. There will be ski storage, private dining, a higher level of service for members. Though this structure will be in use for 2 ski seasons only, they will be permitting it as a permanent facility.

Mr. Dieterich said this building is designed to meet snow loads and wind standards for the area. It has an aluminum superstructure and its exterior is tedlar, layers with PVC, and insulated. The inside will be plush, and he showed examples of Sprung buildings either formerly or still used in the area – Attitash, Cranmore, Owl’s Nest, etc. These buildings are accepted regionally and meet NH codes for fire and electric. The building will be 110 ft. by 50 ft., and 23 ft. 8 5/16 in. high, will have a skylight plus interior lighting. When questioned, Walter Elander said they will withstand winds of 100 mph. As part of the process, the beginner slope will be relocated and a new drop-off area for valet parking will be created. Mr. Cohn asked what would the classification of this building be, a tent or something else. Mr. Dieterich said Stan Borkowski said it would be Class B Assembly having to do with the number of people it will hold and the type of construction. There will be a water and sewer connection with ADA compliant bathrooms attached in a trailer (3 women’s rooms, 2 men’s rooms, 2 urinals). The building will be sprinklered, there will be 2 emergency accesses, and a hydrant on the side of the Hobbit building. Mr. Dieterich said they’d consulted with Jeff Duncan about emergency access. Donna Foster asked about maximum capacity, and was told there would be 150 seats and valet parking for 50 cars.

Mr. Cohn asked about a possible problem with runoff into the Ammonoosuc River, and Walter Elander said it wouldn’t be a problem because there are culverts and the entire building will be on an asphalt pad. He said swales, culverts, and catch basins will catch the water. They think they’ve covered the snow melt in the plans. Mr. Temple asked about parking capacity, and Mr. Dieterich said there should be no change. The cars would have been parked elsewhere and many will take the shuttles. John Sweeney asked about the number of exits, and was told there would be four –front, back, both sides, all with double doors and emergency lighting. They have discussed entrance and egress with Chief Duncan. There will be a 60 ft. by 20 ft. deck. The skin has a 20 year warranty and the frame a 30 year warranty. It will be anchored but can be taken apart and moved.

Erik McMurray, project planner for the resort, presented the traffic circulation plan. They will use Parking Lot F for valet parking. Cars will be directed to enter past the current Sports Club, rather than the traditional road closer to the base lodge, and the club valet parking drop-off will be to the left of the base lodge as you face it from Rte. 302. There will be no valet parking for the general public. Both Connie Oliver and John Sweeney brought up the fact that people park everywhere on the road they intend to use as an entrance, and there will be no room for a fire truck. Chief Duncan said they will post No Parking signs on the roads. Mr. Cohn pointed out that security leaves at lunch time, and people then park all over. Mike Brunetti said they will have a plan for overflow parking. He also said the police are responsible for parking issues, and Chief Duncan said not always, as these are private roads. Mr. Brunetti they will come back with plans for displacement or enforcement. Leslie Bergum pointed out that when the snow builds up, the current No Parking signs are often covered and people park everywhere. Dr. Karpf asked that the issue of private roads vs. public roads be clarified for the public hearing. Erik Bergum suggested that the people who live in the area be consulted on how the traffic flow and parking problems actually work. It was also pointed out that employees park in the lot next to the Sports Club and walk across the road planned to be the main entrance, and this could be a safety issue. Connie Oliver asked if the permanent club facility would be in the same place, and was told probably not. When questioned, Mr. Dieterich said the shuttle will still drop people at the traditional spot. Ms. Foster asked about signage for the Forest Cottages, and was told there would be signs, and the path would remain the same as now. Mr. Cohn suggested we would require an engineer to look at the building plans and site plans, and made a motion to hire Provan & Lorber at the expense of the applicant. Mr. Temple seconded, and it was passed unanimously. Mr. Elander pointed out that the building plans are stamped by an engineer. Mr. Elander will take plans to Provan & Lorber to do a civil review of the site plan, utilities, sewage treatment plans,water supply etc. Mr. Elander said in their view there is no state permitting required. They are under the 100,000 square foot threshold for terrain disturbance and there are no wetlands involved. Normally on site plan Chief Duncan gives verbal approval, but Dr. Karpf requested something in writing for this. Chief Duncan also said that when the building permit process starts, he will require a Third Party Review of the plans. It was also stated that the kitchen facility would be equipped with propane, but will be a warming kitchen only. Food prep will be done at the lodge.

Mr. Bergum stated again that traffic flow presented needs help, that he doesn’t think it will work. The intersection of the Ski Area Road and the road going past the Sports Club is difficult to navigate and is probably too narrow. People go into the opposite lane, and with snow, the road shrinks considerably. Mr. Brunetti said they appreciated hearing these concerns, and would come back with new plans for the roads.

Dr. Karpf pointed out that we have the abutter information and time to send out notices and publish the meeting to accept the application for Site Plan Review for the BW Alpine Club on Wednesday, September 26. Mr. Temple moved to have this meeting on September 26 at 7 PM. Ms. Vecchio seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously. The applicant requested that the Public Hearing for this project be held the same night. Dr. Karpf presented a sample of a Public Notice that has wording for holding a Public Hearing on the same night (or a future date) as the acceptance of the application, and asked the board if they would approve that process for the Site Plan Review of the BW Alpine Club. Mr. Sweeney expressed concern about getting the engineering review in time, and Mr. Elander expressed the opinion that it wouldn’t be a problem. Mr. Temple moved to have the Public Hearing for the BW Alpine Club Site Plan Review on September 26, 2007, subject to acceptance of a completed application on that night. Ms. Vecchio seconded the motion. Ms. Bergum pointed out a conflict with the Municipal Law Lecture Series session. Mr. Temple withdrew his original motion, made a new motion to have the review on Tuesday, September 25, 2007 at 7 PM. Ms. Vecchio seconded, and the motion was passed unanimously.

Dr. Karpf said he’d spoken to Town Counsel and was advised that the request for an amendment to the previously approved Site Plan Review for the Mt. Washington Hotel Spa/Conference Room addition would have to go through the Public Hearing process again. Mr. Dieterich showed the board the old plan and explained that they would like to relocate the addition 15 ft. to the east of the original plan. The addition will have the same footprint, only the connector would be changed. He said this would result in cost savings and time savings, and would eliminate the need to shore up the old building. They also would have a better chance of avoiding boulders in their excavation. He said all their site specific permits are still good. There are not many changes; everything drains the same, it has the same fire status, the height is the same, views are not a problem. Chief Duncan asked if the back of the spa is level enough for access, and Dr. Karpf asked him to advise the board on his thoughts after viewing the new plans. Ms. Bergum, who sits on the ZBA, asked if they will need an amendment to the height variance approval. The secretary will call Town Counsel about this. It was suggested the review for the amendment be held on September 25th as well, and the secretary questioned having enough time to send out abutter notices, as the office is short staffed and the office is a busy one. Ms. Vecchio also stated she’d prefer to have this done separate from the Alpine Club review. There was no motion to have the review done on September 25, so the application will be considered and a Public Hearing held on October 4, 2007 at the regularly scheduled meeting.

Dr. Karpf introduced Bill Rose from North Country Council. Dr. Karpf and John Birknes met with Mr. Rose and Tara Bamford to discuss the proposed Capital Improvement Program. NCC has come up with a contract for services provided to do a CIP. The total cost is $5,000, but the town’s share will be $2,500. NCC will pay the remainder. Mr. Temple asked how long the process would take, and Mr. Rose said from 9 months to a year. Ms. Foster asked if this was just for municipal buildings, and Mr. Rose explained that it would be a long range plan for municipal buildings and infrastructure, roads, highway equipment, emergency services, etc. It was recalled that Tara Bamford was at the Board of Selectmen’s meeting to discuss this, and the impression was that she was to be the point person. Mr. Rose said he works with Ms. Bamford, but that he would be the point person. Mr. Sweeney moved to approve the contract with NCC for the CIP, subject to funding by the Selectmen. Mr. Temple seconded the motion, and it was passed unanimously. Ms. Vecchio asked that she be included as selectmen’s representative in the work sessions for the CIP, and she was assured that she would be; however, Dr. Karpf emphasized the fact that they could not create a quorum of the Planning Board in any of their sessions. Dr. Karpf asked the secretary to put him on the agenda for Monday’s meeting of the Board of Selectmen.

Dr. Karpf read a letter from North Country Council regarding training for Planning Officials on September 20 at the Rocks Estate in Bethlehem. It will include dinner, and will run from 6-9 PM.

Chief Duncan said that when the cell tower hearings were held, he thought Verizon would reserve space on the tower for emergency services, and he was told that it was not put in as a condition of approval. Dr. Karpf read the condition that states accommodation shall be made to allow the Town of Carroll to locate police and fire antennae on the tower for emergency purposes with installation expense borne by the Town but without rental or use fees for the location and use. Chief Duncan said at the second session they said they would pay for installation and we would pay for the equipment. Dr. Karpf asked the secretary to send an email to Tom Hildreth asking if Verizon will pay.

At 8:45 PM, there being no further business, Mr. Cohn made a motion to adjourn. Mr. Temple seconded, and the motion was passed unanimously.