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Minutes of 11/7/07

November 9th, 2007

Carroll Budget Committee
Minutes of November 7, 2007

Members present: Tom Gately, Ben Jellison, Carmine Fabrizio and Bonnie Moroney
Member absent: Karen Moran, Lori Hogan, Ken Mills
Members of the public present: Evan Karpf, for the Planning Board and Health Officer, Joan Karpf, for ZBA and Conservation Committee, Claire Gritzer.

Chair called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM
Bonnie motioned to accept the minutes of 10/24/07, Ben seconded, all in favor.

Evan opened with the budget proposal for the Planning Board. He said that he was wondering if they should increase the requested amount for the Secretary, as this years
Budget is getting to higher, so it was suggested that he increase the amount with the
Budget committee.
4191.10-100 Secretary $6,500.00 requested amount to Select board was $5,000.00
4191.10-101 Board Member Salaries $4,000.00
4191.10-625 Postage $500.00 – no increase
4191.10-626 Office Supplies $300.00 – no increase
4191.10-627 Advertisements $1,500.00
4191.10-700 Legal Expenses $4,000.00
4191.10-701 No Country Council Dues $1,900.00
4191.10-702 Circuit Ride Expenses $1.00 – no increase
4191.10-800 Registration Fees $300.00 – no increase
4191.10-900 Engineering $7,000.00
4191.10-901 Misc. $200.00 – no increase
4191.10-902 Code Enforcement Officer $7,000.00
4191.10-903 Training and Travel $2,200.00 Question made about separating these.
4191.10-903 Maps $2,000.00
4191.10-904 Master Plan $1,000.00 – no increase
4191.10-905 Good/Welfare, no mentioned.
For a total of $38,401.00
Evan, said that he was not sure if Legal, Postage, and Misc. were reimbursable. He was not sure if a % of Advertisement or Code Enforcement officer was reimbursable, but did say the 100% of Engineering was reimbursable.

He next went over the Health Officer budget.
He wanted to increase the travel from $150.00 to $250.00 at the budget meeting vs. the select boards.
4419.10-100 Health Officer Salary $1.00 per the request of the committee
4419.10-300 Health Officer Travel $250.00
4419.10-301 Health Officer Budget-education $300.00 – no increase
4419.10-302 Health Officer Supplies $75.00
The welfare was discussed, and the $15,500.00 was left as is.

Joan, went over the ZBA Budget.
4192.10-100 BA Secretary $1,700.00
4192.10-101 Board Member Salaries $600.00 – no increase
4192.10-625 Postage $250.00
4192.10-626 Office Supplies $100.00 – no increase
4192.10-627 Advertisements $250.00
4192.10-700 Legal $1,500.00 went down
4192.10-900 Misc. $1.00 hasn’t been used, so took down
Total $4401.00

Joan also did the Conservation committee.
4611.10-300 Membership NHACC $150.00 – no increase
4611.10-301 Workshops $200.00 – no increase
4611.10-302 Operating Expense $150.00 –no increase
Total $500.00. It was mentioned by Joan, that any balance at the end of the year goes into the Conservations account, not back to the General fund.

Tom felt that we should table the voting of the budgets presented until next week when
there will be more members of the committee.
Tom passed out copies of the cost for the town’s annual report from Smith & Town printers, and also copies of the report from the Trustees of the Trust Fund. Claire was
at the meeting to answer any questions, but it was decided to wait till next meeting to go
over this report.

It was decided to table the revisit to the budget for travel in account 4150.10-809 and the
Training in 4150.10-805, that was on the agenda until next week.

Carmine made motion to adjourn, and Bonnie second, all in favor. The next meeting will be Nov. 14, 2007 at 7PM
Respectfully submitted,
Bonnie Moroney acting secretary