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Minutes of Town Board Meetings

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Minutes of 02/25/2008

February 28th, 2008

Carroll Board of Selectmen
Meeting Minutes
February 25, 2008
"These minutes of the Town of Carroll Select Board have been recorded by its Secretary. Though believed to be accurate and correct they are subject to additions, deletions and corrections by the Select Board at its next meeting when the Board votes its final approval of the minutes. They are being made available at this time to conform to the requirements of New Hampshire RSA 91-A:2."

Minutes recorded by Susan Kraabel, Secretary

Board members present: Bonnie Moroney, Rena Vecchio

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM.

Members of the public present: Mike Gooden, Tadd Bailey, Roberta McGee, Bill Rines, Ann Fabrizio, Carmine Fabrizio

Pledge of Allegiance

The board announced the approval of bills and signing of checks.

Chairman Moroney moved to accept the minutes of February 18, 2008, as written. Selectman Vecchio seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

There was no report from Stan Borkowski.

Chairman Moroney announced that we had received amortization schedules for the refinance of the USDA loan. Connecticut River Bank, at 3.59% interest, shows that if we make the same 2 payments per year that we have been ($22,905 each payment), the new loan would save $69,442.22, and the loan will be paid in 2023. If we choose to make payments in the amount $22,315.95 for the same term as the original loan, the town would save $52,438.65. Chairman Moroney moved to continue paying $22,905 each payment to take advantage of the additional savings. Selectman Vecchio seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously.

The secretary presented a Wetlands and Non-Site Permit from NH Department of Environmental Services relating to the Old Town Road Bridge replacement project. Since the selectmen had not had a chance to read it, and it requires signatures from them as well as the contractor, it was suggested the item be tabled. Chairman Moroney moved to table this until at least the next meeting. Selectman Vecchio seconded the motion, and it was passed unanimously.

The two selectmen looked at the letter from the Local Government Center Property Liability Trust regarding insurance renewal for July 1, 2008. We are just ending a previous 3 year renewal agreement, and this one calls for a 9% increase for the coming year, and no more than 9% in the following two years. Since we have Worker’s Comp and Unemployment coverage through Primex, it was suggested we ask about their property and liability insurance.

The following items were approved and signed.

Water Warrant – Stapleton
Water Warrant – Travers
Abatements due to over billing on 2007 first issue tax billing – Bretton Woods Land, BW Club LLC, CNL, DS Contractors, Georgitis, Giovanni Monticello, Ouellette, Rosebrook Water, Temple, Whitcombe
Abatements granted by Commerford Nieder Perkins – Olszower, Bretton Woods Telephone, DiPaolo, Garneau
Abatements denied by Commerford Nieder Perkins – Garneau, Vancoppenolle
PSNH Pole Licenses – 335/13-1, 6B/24X, 336A/10Z, 3342/5,6
Northern NH fire Mutual Aid Pact for 2008
World Surfer Cable Franchise Transfer from Bretton Woods Telephone Co.

Chairman Moroney asked if anyone knew about the FEMA courses that will be required of employees and selectmen for eligibility for disaster funds. The secretary will contact John Goodney to see if he knows about training sessions, since the two courses are not offered on line.

People were reminded that Thursday at 6 pm the selectmen will be meeting with Mt. Washington Resort owners and Bernie Waugh regarding the land offer agreement. Then at 7 pm Atty. Waugh will be presenting the Municipal Law Update.

Chairman Moroney said the Women’s Discussion Group will once again have Candidates’ Night to have townspeople become more familiar with those running for office this year. In addition, they’ve asked anyone who wants to speak about a particular warrant article to attend. The session is scheduled for March 4th at 7 pm.

Chairman Moroney said the Recreation Committee is looking for helpers on March 5th at 7 pm. They will be stuffing plastic eggs for the kids’ Easter Egg Party. Apparently there are not enough parents to help, and Chairman Moroney said they don’t want the kids to lose out. Wine & snacks will be served for anyone who comes to help.

Ann Fabrizio asked if anyone knew if something will be done to Rte. 3 North in Whitefield, as the road is in terrible shape. Billy Rines said this is a state road and the state and Whitefield have issues as to who is going to pay for replacing the water lines under the road. So far road work is not on the schedule.

At 7:55 PM, as there was no additional business, Chairman Moroney declared the meeting ended, and moved to go into executive session regarding legal matters and personnel matters. This was seconded by Selectman Vecchio. The board was polled, and went into executive session.

At the close of executive session, Chairman Moroney made a motion to return to public session and seal the minutes from executive session; Selectman Vecchio seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

Action Items:

Industrial Park land use - CEDC
Chamberlain property
Bank change/loan refinance/PDIP
Policy/Procedures Manual
Management Discussion Letter
Municipal Law Update meeting
Trail Crossing Agreement – waterline
Town Hall Decking
2/11/08 Minutes approval
Prop/Liability Insurance options
Wetlands Permit – Old Town Rd. Bridge
ISO Classes