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Minutes of Town Board Meetings

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Minutes of 03/24/2008

March 29th, 2008

Carroll Board of Selectmen
Meeting Minutes
March 24, 2008
"These minutes of the Town of Carroll Select Board have been recorded by its Secretary. Though believed to be accurate and correct they are subject to additions, deletions and corrections by the Select Board at its next meeting when the Board votes its final approval of the minutes. They are being made available at this time to conform to the requirements of New Hampshire RSA 91-A:2."

Minutes recorded by Susan Kraabel, Secretary

Board members present: Bonnie Moroney, Rena Vecchio, Christopher Hancock

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM.

Members of the public present: Roberta McGee, Bill Smalley, Mike Gooden, Billy Rines, Tom Gately, Steve LaFrance

Pledge of Allegiance

The board announced the approval of bills and signing of checks.

Chairman Moroney moved to accept the minutes of March 17, 2008, as written. Selectman Vecchio seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

The report from Stan Borkowski is posted on the bulletin board.

Steve LaFrance said he’d been reading old minutes recently and noticed some discussion of the possible Lennon Road water line expansion. He came to remind the board that he, through Horizons Engineering, had done a study in 2006 on this project. He brought a USGS map that shows the loop of the possible extension, and talked about the topography and pressure problems in some areas of the expansion route. He estimated the job would cost slightly over a million dollars, and that there are not many homes that would be affected. He also felt that there would be pressure problems on part of Lennon Road for firefighting purposes. When asked about adding another water tank to alleviate such problems, Mr. LaFrance said that would be even more expensive. Some discussion took place about the former Lennon Road landfill.

Mr. LaFrance then asked who does our monthly water checks, and was told it was Scott Hayes of Iron Mountain Water. Mr. LaFrance asked if he had talked to the town about disinfectant byproducts. Because some byproducts are known to be carcinogens, the DES and EPA are requiring additional sampling. Mr. LaFrance offered his services to file a Stage 2 Disinfectants & Disinfection By Product Rule Standard Monitoring Plan. This should be done by April 1, 2008. He said it would cost approximately $1,500. Chairman Moroney moved to have Bill Rines call Scott Hayes and ask him about this. Selectman Vecchio seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously.
The last thing Mr. LaFrance brought up was DES Junkyard Standards – Best Management Practices. He said the legal definition of a junkyard is two or more unregistered vehicles on a property. This year towns have to license junkyards, and must have an application and questionnaire for them. He said Horizons could help with these items. He said DES wants towns to monitor how people are operating their business.

The letter to Nancy Mayville of NH DOT for reimbursement of bridge related costs was read. We are asking for a total of $347,157.52, which represents 80% of engineering study, design and bid services and 40% of the construction cost. Chairman Moroney made a motion to sign the letter, Selectman Vecchio seconded, and the motion was passed unanimously.

Bridge funding was discussed next. Connecticut River Bank has been contacted and the secretary will follow up on terms and timing of a short term loan. We anticipate needing at least $325,000 and may want to borrow as much as $500,000.

A request for information for the CIP program was brought up. Selectman Vecchio was unsure of how she could add information for the CIP based on the form which talked about equipment only. It was felt that she could express her opinion of what capital expenses would be appropriate for the next six years, and it didn’t have to talk about specific equipment. It was reported that Lori Hogan had expressed an interest in being part of the group preparing the CIP, and Tom Gately said she has experience with CIP’s in Lincoln and is also chairman of the Budget Committee here in town. Evan Karpf will be advised of her interest.

Dr. Karpf, unable to attend the meeting, asked that an announcement be made that there will be a roadside cleanup day on Sunday, May 18th. He’s coordinating this with Stacey Boone at the Mt. Washington Resort, and hopefully there will be a barbeque at the end of the day.

A Water Warrant for the Marcklinger property was approved and signed. It was noted that we’d turned on her water without pre-payment even though the property is facing foreclosure.

The proposed installation of a landfill monitoring well on Curtis & Beckie Pike’s property was discussed. They have asked for an easement across town property in order to access a garage they’d like to build, but the selectmen have no authority to grant one. This would have to be done at Town Meeting. The selectmen questioned the urgency of installing this well, and asked that the secretary ask someone from Provan & Lorber to come to a meeting to talk about this.

Selectman Vecchio said in light of recent reports across the country about contaminated water, she was concerned with the water quality in town. She said in years past the Water Quality Report received by residents had more detail than the most recent one, and she’d like to know more about our monitoring process. Mr. Rines said they’ve come up with better methods of regulating the chemicals in our water, flushing the system, and he’s confident our system is much better. He will ask Scott Hayes to come talk to the selectmen.

Current oaths of office for Linda Dowling (Trustee of the Trust Funds) and Sabrina Rines (Supervisor of the Checklist) were approved and signed.

PSNH pole license documents for a pole on Rte. 302 at the Base Road were approved and signed.

The group was reminded that there will be a meeting Tuesday, March 25th at 6:30 pm to begin developing a Hazardous Mitigation Plan. This must be in place in order for the town to receive FEMA funds in the event of a disaster.

Mr. Gately announced that the Budget Committee had met last week and new officers are Lori Hogan, Chairman, Tom Gately, Vice-Chairman, and Bonnie Moroney, Secretary. Committee assignments for the selectmen were discussed, and for the time being no changes will be made. It was requested that there be a report from the Safety Committee at next week’s meeting. Chairman Moroney also asked that next week’s agenda include an update on the water meter status.

It was reported that the Mt. Washington Hotel Resort Public Workshops had been temporarily suspended. They will do some additional planning and then resume the sessions.

At 8:25 PM, as there was no additional business, Chairman Moroney declared the meeting ended, and moved to go into executive session regarding legal matters, town aid, and personnel. This was seconded by Selectman Vecchio. The board was polled, and went into executive session.

At the close of executive session, Chairman Moroney made a motion to return to public session and seal the minutes from executive session; Selectman Vecchio seconded and the motion passed unanimously

Action Items:

Industrial Park land use - CEDC
Chamberlain property
Policy/Procedures Manual
Trail Crossing Agreement – waterline
Town Hall Decking
2/11/08 Minutes approval
Prop/Liability Insurance options
Relocation of Old Bridge
FEMA Required Classes
Town hall locks