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06/12/08 ZBA Minutes

July 7th, 2008

Carroll Board of Adjustment
Meeting Minutes
June12, 2008

“These minutes of The Town of Carroll Board of Adjustment have been recorded by its Secretary. Though believed to be accurate and correct they are subject to additions, deletions, and corrections by The Board of Adjustment at its next meeting when the Board votes its final approval of the minutes. They are being made available at this time to conform to the requirements of New Hampshire RSA 91-A:2”
Members of the Board present: Joan Karpf, Leslie Bergum, Pam Walsh
Members of the Public present: Michael and Jean Cresta, Valerie Balch, Ray Richford and Mark Vander-Heyden
Meeting called to order at 7:02 PM with the Pledge of Allegiance.
The minutes for May 8th were tabled because Joan Karpf was the only member that was present for that meeting.
At 7:07 Mark Vander-Heyden arrived. Joan Karpf asked him if he would like to give his intent and presentation. She stated that at the end of the presentation she would open the Public Hearing for questions and concerns. All questions and dialogue were to go thru the board.
Mark Vander-Heyden, Surveyor, was in for an Area Variance on behalf of the Bergeron property on Lennon Road, Map 407, Lot 030. The Bergerons wish to subdivide their land into two lots, one of which would be 3.10 acres (with the house) and the other which would be 15.17 acres. They have a prospective buyer for the larger lot but it does not have 200 feet of frontage on the main access road as required for the rural zone. Mr. Vander-Heyden’s plan shows there is an area which has 82.32 feet of frontage on Lennon Road, which they are proposing as the access.
At this point the presentation ended and Joan Karpf opened the Public Hearing
The Crestas asked how many homes were to be built. Mark Vander-Heyden said it was too early to tell. He said he was only here for the subdivision for one buyer. Joan Karpf said that according to the ordinance it was technically possible to build seven homes. Leslie Bergum said it all depends though on the access to the land, and meeting setback and frontage requirements. This would all be subject to the Planning Board review if it were to be further subdivided.
It was asked how much frontage the Bergerons had on the property they intended to keep. Mr. Vander-Heyden replied that they had 400’of frontage but that it could not be used because along this frontage was their home, garage and some wetlands. It just wasn’t possible to go thru their land although he did say he had drawn out some other puzzled up options that he said did not make sense.
Valerie Balch then spoke on her concerns for her water rights. She said the water she gets is from the back end of the 15 acres. She is afraid that if more homes are built she may lose her water rights. Mr. Vander-Heyden assured her that once you have water rights, they stay with you. The over-burdening of the water line also came up and the feeling is that it could happen, but it’s highly unlikely. It was also brought up that when a neighbor fills his pool it can affect their water supply for a day.
Joan Karpf asked the abutters to show the board where they lived in relation to the access road in question. Facing the proposed road, the Crestas abut the road on the immediate left and Valerie Balch abuts in the immediate right. Both the Crestas and Valerie Balch went on to point out where they said the road would go thru extremely wet grounds. They said it is always wet and in fact the cellars are wet. Leslie Bergum asked if they thought there were vernal pools or actual wetlands. The Crestas believed they were wetlands because the more you dig, the more water you find.
Ray Richford wanted to know if a road was going to be built, would it have to have 3 rods from the center on either side. He felt they would not have enough room on the proposed access road because it narrows from 80’ to 50’. A question was also asked if there was access to the 15 acres from Rte.115. No one believed there was.
Joan Karpf asked if anyone had any questions for the public. The Public Hearing ended at 7:33. Joan Karpf and Leslie Bergum both said that they have to look into seeing how wet the lands are at that road/right of way entrance and if they constituted “wetlands.”
Joan Karpf made a motion to deliberate and Pam Walsh seconded it. The vote was unanimous.
The next meeting was set for July 10th.
Pam Walsh made a motion to adjourn, Leslie Bergum seconded. The meeting ended at 7:35