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Minutes of Town Board Meetings

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Minutes of 09/08/2008

September 15th, 2008

Carroll Board of Selectmen
Meeting Minutes
September 8, 2008

"These minutes of the Town of Carroll Select Board have been recorded by its Secretary. Though believed to be accurate and correct they are subject to additions, deletions and corrections by the Select Board at its next meeting when the Board votes its final approval of the minutes. They are being made available at this time to conform to the requirements of New Hampshire RSA 91-A:2."

Minutes recorded by Maryclare Quigley, Secretary

Board members present: Bonnie Moroney, Christopher Hancock

The meeting was called to order at 7:09 PM

Members of the public present: Roberta McGee, Mike Gooden, Tom Gately, Leslie Bergum, Bill Dowling, Carmine Fabrizio, Anne Fitzgibbon, John Fitzgibbon, Susan Kraabel, John Goodney, Ben Jellison

Pledge of Allegiance

The board announced the approval of bills and signing of checks.

Chairman Moroney made a Motion to: accept the minutes of August 25, 2008. Selectman Hancock seconded and the Motion passed unanimously.

Stan Borkowski�s report was received and posted.

The following items were approved and signed:

Water Warrant � Gray
NIMS Resolution -- A document stating that the Town of Carroll has accepted the National
Incident Management System as the Basis for Incident Management. By doing so, it
enables the Town to be eligible for state and federal funding, both for enhancing local
readiness and for the after effect in the event of a disaster.
Change Order for the new bridge. Chairman Moroney read the letter from Hoyle and Tanner,
engineers for the project. They explained this was a change requested by the bridge
contractor and would reduce the final cost to Bayview Construction by $2,263.
The Fourth Invoice for the bridge, at $81,955.35.

The Secretary noted that Stan Borkowski had inspected the property on Harmony Hill Road that had been a safety concern as brought up by Sgt. Smalley the previous week. Mr. Borkowski said he couldn�t say the two buildings represent a hazard to the public, but that one should probably be cleaned up as it was showing deterioration, and both should be secured. He said that he had closed the basement access to the better house and noted that bears had also been in the vicinity. He will write a letter to the owner.

Leslie Bergum reported that the River Management Advisory Council had given unanimous approval for the nomination of the Upper Reach of the Ammonoosuc River. So it is now onto the Commissioner for hopefully final approval. Chairman Moroney thanked Mrs. Bergum and the Local Advisory Commission for their work on this.

Chairman Moroney brought up that the Ladies Discussion Group will be doing a Clothing Help Day on Saturday October 25. They are asking people to bring in gently used winter clothes and
boots as well as office attire on Saturday, October 18th, and Monday, October 20th to the 23rd. These will be sorted and organized and then anyone who needs anything may come on the 25th. If people wish, they may bring a non-perishable food item for our food pantry. The ladies are hoping that a lot of people will take advantage of this Help Day.

Next was the Recreational Trails Program Bi-annual Progress Report for DRED. This is regarding the installation of the new recreation bridge along with the new vehicle bridge over the Ammonoosuc River. As the Town received a grant for the recreation bridge, this helps keep the State apprised of the progress. Harold Garneau, who was instrumental in securing the grant, assisted in completing the report, which was greatly appreciated. Chairman Moroney made a Motion to: Sign the report. Selectman Hancock seconded and it passed unanimously.

Anne and John Fitzgibbon, residents on Little River Road in Bethlehem, on the town line of Carroll, came as they would like to have access to water from the Town of Carroll. The water line, with a tap already on it, runs across their property, and when they purchased the land in 2005, they were assured there wouldn�t be a problem with their getting this water. In 2006, it was voted by the town that the water line would not be extended beyond the boundaries of the town for any new users. Discussion ensued and it was agreed that as the tap had been installed prior to the vote, it should be considered a pre-existing hook-up. It was also noted that that the water line is not being extended. Therefore, Chairman Moroney made a Motion to: Have the Water Department complete the hook-up at Mr. and Mrs. Fitzgibbons� property and Selectman Hancock seconded. The Motion passed unanimously.

Mike Gooden spoke on behalf of the Historical Society and expressed their appreciation for all of the support they received for their yard sale on Labor Day weekend -- both for the items they received to sell and for the people who came and bought! Mr. Gooden also wanted to make sure everyone knows their new ornament, The Crawford House, has been received and can be purchased at the Town Office.

Chairman Moroney wanted to have on record that she had received a call from a correspondent for the Democrat who had a few questions. While speaking, he also said he wanted to compliment the town on the meeting minutes from all the different departments--they are very complete and very good. He is able to read them and figure out what is going on. He said this is rarely the case for most of the other locations that must be covered.

Next was the beginning of the budget schedule. Department heads present their budgets to the Select Board who will then present a budget to the Budget Committee. The first of those was the Treasurer, Susan Kraabel. Mrs. Kraabel prefaced her discussion by saying the position is half paid, half volunteer and should have extra money in the salary, but felt that more money should not be asked for this year. Her recommendations are that there be no increase in salary; mileage, based on the number of trips to the bank would be $600 (she noted that Becki�s Town Clerk budget will have her own mileage as well as her own training line); and training, $200. There is currently a Town Officers Expense line that has some mileage in it, and it should be moved to the Travel/Training line this year. Mrs. Kraabel recommended separate lines for these items next year, as the existing line pertains to the Administrative Assistant, the Selectmen, etc., not just Town Officers. Chairman Moroney made a Motion to: Accept the Treasurer�s budget as presented. Selectman Hancock seconded and it passed unanimously.

Mrs. Kraabel spoke of the change from Laconia Savings Bank to Connecticut River Bank that the Town made in the winter and suggested they may want to rethink this and consider changing back. The interest rate for the sweep fund is at least 1/2 percent less than at Laconia and she feels the fees are not enough to warrant the change. Mrs. Kraabel researched the rates and fees and called Laconia Bank, whose representatives are interested in coming to speak with the Board. Mrs. Kraabel recommends looking into this after the first of the year when the loan obligation we have with Connecticut River is passed. She explained getting the line of credit for building the new bridge was a major reason for making this change. The Selectmen agreed this should be looked at further.

Next called upon was Ben Jellison, Moderator. Before he got into his budget, he told Chairman Moroney he had received today a rider for the new fire truck that adds the lease company to the surety bond in case something happens to the truck manufacturer before the truck is completed. It was also noted that the Town will also get back what money they have put into it. Chairman Moroney made a Motion to: That she sign the paperwork. Selectman Hancock seconded and it passed unanimously. Mr. Jellison said he would bring in a copy for our files.

Mr. Jellison went on to his Moderator�s budget. He stated where there will be only two elections in 2009 compared to the five this year he has reduced all of his lines. His proposed budget is $2,851, $1,900 less than for 2008. He noted that at one time, Supervisor sittings were separated from Town Meeting but in recent years they have been put on the same line, which he has continued. However, to keep the Town Meeting line open, he has done as in the past and kept $1 in it. Mr. Jellison also noted that there is a Selectman Salary line which he wasn�t sure why, and as there was no money in it, he recommended it be eliminated, which the Selectmen agreed with. Chairman Moroney made a Motion to: Accept the Moderator Budget as proposed. Selectman Hancock seconded and it passed unanimously.

Before Mr. Jellison left, the question about voting hours was asked, and if they could be the longer hours to allow people time to get there after work. Mr. Jellison replied that the hours are 8 a.m. to 7 p.m., and agreed that it would most likely be the same for voting in March.

It was noted that Lori Hogan may not have received her schedule for the Recreation Committee and the Budget Committee which would explain her absence at this meeting. She will be rescheduled to present those budgets for a later meeting.

Bill Dowling, Transfer Station Supervisor, followed with his budget. He started with his salary lines, noting that he added 5% as he had been advised. Mr. Dowling noted that he added a recycle salary for 8 hours a week, if as is hoped, the Hotel does recycling. He stated that they have started bringing cardboard which is great. He proceeded to go through his budget by the line, noting changes as necessary. The training line includes travel which he pointed out is difficult at best, to estimate the cost of fuel. He noted the telephone amount has increased because of the change in companies -- Chairman Moroney stated she had looked at the phone bills earlier and wondered about looking into other options. Regarding the MSW hauling, which is for hauling the garbage, Mr. Dowling again noted the difficulty in estimating fuel costs. He noted the bulky waste hauling fee is at zero, because that will come out of the Special Revenue fund and the same holds true for the C & D trucking. Mr. Dowling said he added 5% to Tipping Fees, for garbage, because he does not have the final figures yet, and will be able to correct up or down if necessary before the public hearing for the budget. He pointed out he had eliminated the property tax surcharge line 305, as it has been stopped. He noted he added $1,000 for site work as he wants to put a shed roof off the side of the old transfer station building in back to store the nos. 4, 5 and 7 plastics. Regarding equipment repair and maintenance, Mr. Dowling has put in zero as that also will come out of the Special Revenue fund. It was asked if warrant articles would have to be done on the Special Revenue items and Mr. Dowling said they would and he will do them. He noted the electricity line includes $4,500 to repay running the lines when the new facility was built. When asked how long this would take, he stated it was for 20 years and began in 2005. When his presentation was finished, Mr. Dowling noted his budget was down $2,213 from 2008.

Mr. Dowling noted that the balance in the account at Connecticut River Bank is $13,973.61 and in the PDIP account, it is $59,128.00 for a total of $73, 049.44.

Mrs. Kraabel asked if the Selectmen had talked with employees about a wage increase of 5%. Chairman Moroney said they had originally done that but that the Budget Committee had suggested that they work at 2% to 3%, so they don�t have a conclusion at this point how they will go. She expects they will wait until the end when all budgets are in to see where things are. They also want to see what other towns are doing. Mrs. Kraabel asked if she could put in a pitch for the lower pay increases. Based on conversations with employees last year and in view of escalating costs this year, she feels it may be time to scale back a bit.

Leslie Bergum asked if any of this budget would be reduced if the pay-per-bag is initiated. Mr. Dowling advised that it would eliminate the MSW hauling and the Tipping Fees. Discussion ensued as to how this could happen, and it was stated that people would recycle more when they have to pay to throw away their garbage and the sale of the bags would generate enough revenue to cover the costs of hauling. This would be discussed at a public meeting before any voting on it or implementing it. It was noted that we would check with legal if this is something that is carried through. Chairman Moroney stated with the exception of salaries which will be looked at later, she would make a Motion to: Accept lines 01-4324.10-200 through 01-4324.30-100 of the
proposed budget. Selectman Hancock seconded and it passed unanimously. The three salary lines will be added to the final meeting.

Leslie Bergum asked if Joan Karpf had been in for the Conservation Commission yet, and Chairman Moroney said she was scheduled for September 22.

John Goodney, Emergency Management Director, presented the last budget for this meeting. He explained each line and noted he added several line items to break it down for areas of need and to make it more realistic. The salary line was increased to $500 due to the number of hours he actually puts in. He also added a line for $200 as he is looking into the option of an assistant to cover during his absence, should such happen during an emergency. Training and mileage will remain at $500 which is basically for mileage, as most training is free. Mr. Goodney noted the radio purchased with the grant money from the state is not in yet, but it�s close. Because it will be new, the 201 line for radio repair will be reduced to $1, to keep the line open. Office Supplies, computer, telephone, were put in for $300 and Shelter Supplies, for starting the collection of cots, blankets, etc. will be in for $1,000. It was decided these two lines will be combined for one line, Emergency Center Supplies for $1,300. Mr. Goodney had added a line for Site Prep for $1,000, basically to cover the wiring for a generator. Discussion ensued and it was agreed that it should be removed as there may be grants for shelters. This will be looked into. Chairman Moroney asked that Mr. Goodney get a written estimate between now and mid-October for a generator and wiring that would include the size, transfer switch, anything a generator would need, for a possible warrant article. A brief discussion took place regarding computer use and access. Mr. Goodney noted that Chief Duncan has mentioned computer use in the past, but it would be a common computer which Mr. Goodney said would not be good for the secure information his files contain. It was agreed that this is an area that does need to be addressed. It was asked that Mr. Goodney also try to find out the cost of cots, etc. which will help in explaining the budget for the public. Mr. Goodney will also be looking for donations, if he is allowed to accept them. Chairman Moroney made a Motion to: Accept the proposed budget of $2,501. Selectman Hancock seconded and it passed unanimously.

As there was no further business, Chairman Moroney declared the meeting ended at
8:30 p.m. and moved to go into Executive Session for town aid matters. The Board was polled and went into executive session.

At the close of executive session, Chairman Moroney made a Motion to: return to public session and seal the minutes from executive session. Selectman Hancock seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

There being no further discussion, Chairman Moroney made a Motion to: adjourn the meeting. Selectman Hancock seconded and the Motion passed unanimously. Chairman Moroney declared the meeting ended at 9:20 p.m.

Action Items:
Industrial Park land use - CEDC
Daly property
Policy/Procedures Manual
Town Hall Decking