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Minutes of Town Board Meetings

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Minutes of 10/27/2008

November 2nd, 2008

Carroll Board of Selectmen
Meeting Minutes
October 27, 2008

"These minutes of the Town of Carroll Select Board have been recorded by its Secretary. Though believed to be accurate and correct they are subject to additions, deletions and corrections by the Select Board at its next meeting when the Board votes its final approval of the minutes. They are being made available at this time to conform to the requirements of New Hampshire RSA 91-A:2."

Minutes recorded by Maryclare Quigley, Secretary

Board members present: Bonnie Moroney, Christopher Hancock

The meeting was called to order at 7:03 PM.

Members of the public present: Roberta McGee, Mike Gooden, John Trammell, Kelley Trammell, Bill Dowling, Carmine Fabrizio, Ann Fabrizio, Tom Gately

Pledge of Allegiance

The board announced the approval of bills and signing of checks.

Chairman Moroney made a Motion to: accept the minutes of October 20, 2008, as written. Selectman Hancock seconded and the Motion passed unanimously.

Stan Borkowski’s report was not received. Secretary noted that last week’s report was received during the meeting and was thereafter posted and copies made for the Selectmen.

The following items were approved and signed:

Certificate of Occupancy – Steadman, DS Contractors, Inc.
Town Hall Use Permits – Hancock, 11/08; Recreation Committee, 12/14

Discussion took place regarding a petition by Curtis and Beckie Pike for a land swap between the Town and themselves. It was originally brought up last week and Chairman Moroney suggested that it be held until Bill Dowling, Manager of the Transfer Station, could be present to speak about it. Mr. and Mrs. Pike are abutters of the Transfer Station property on New Straw Road and are requesting the Town transfer approximately 1.8 acres fronting New Straw Road to them in exchange for approximately 1.8 acres of backland currently owned by the Pikes. The Pikes’ reasoning for this transfer is that according to a report from New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services, manganese concentration from groundwater monitor wells exceeds quality standards. These wells are within twenty feet of the Pikes’ backland property, so they are assuming that in the future there may be contamination of their property. Mr. Dowling reminded the Board that in January, 2008, the Town had received a number of special conditions from the State. One was that the Town would submit a plan that would determine if the present down gradient boundary of the groundwater management zone was appropriate. This was done and they were going to put a monitoring well on the property but it was decided it was not needed. Mr. Dowling stated his only feeling about the exchange is if it is approved, the Town will own the property and will be able to put in a well in the future if necessary. Mr. Dowling noted that manganese occurs naturally and can come from a high concentration of iron that man puts in the ground, such as from batteries. All properties on the road are on town water and the State feels none are adversely affected. However, this is monitored closely and the State will reconsider their position if the amounts change. Chairman Moroney asked Mr. Dowling if he felt it would be advisable to make this swap and he agreed that it probably would be. He reiterated that the State would have to approve the exchange and a new management plan would have to be written. It was noted that the Pikes would be responsible for paying all costs related to this.

Mr. Dowling then spoke about the Transfer Station. First, he stated that he would like the Board to approve that he be allowed to pay anyone who brings in 40,000 pounds of paper products, cardboard, junk mail, etc. (He mentioned the Hotel and the Ski Area as being possibilities). This would be half of what the market pays when he sells it and would be paid once or twice a year depending on the market; and would come out of the Special Revenue Fund. Chairman Moroney made a Motion to: Approve payment based on the criteria set by Mr. Dowling and Selectman Hancock seconded. The Motion passed unanimously.

Mr. Dowling advised the Board of the Warrant Articles he has prepared: maintenance of the old landfill, household hazardous waste, tipping and trucking of bulky waste, trucking of construction debris, and pay-per-bag.

Mr. Dowling proceeded to speak to the issue of “pay-per-bag” trash disposal. Discussion ensued as to the belief that recycling would increase if this plan is approved. Chairman Moroney said she had received emails from Lee Hallquist regarding this and that she had assured him she would make his opinion known. It is Mr. Hallquist’s believe that pay-per-bag is a fee and that residents should have the opportunity to vote fees up or down. He believes mandatory recycling should be adopted and that pay-per-bag would penalize those people who do recycle, as well as those people on fixed incomes. He explained that he has instituted recycling at his motel, and further, that people can get used to it and make a habit of doing so. It was decided that mandatory recycling and pay-per-bag should both be on the ballot and/or warrant. It was noted that pay-per-bag prices will be $1.50 for 33 gallon size and 75 cents for the 15-17 gallon size and they come ten per sleeve (pack).

Next was a request by John Vancoppenolle of Above the Notch Motel, Route 302 East, regarding reducing the speed limit in the whole area and removing the passing lane in front of the Motel. He explained that vehicles go at a very high rate of speed and he has witnessed numerous occasions when vehicles had to veer nearly off the road to avoid being in accidents. He believes it is a very dangerous portion of road and had contacted the State about it. He was told by Greg Placey from DOT that the Select Board should send a letter signed by each Selectman that they all agree it is something that should be looked at. Mr. Vancoppenolle noted that there had been a Chamber of Commerce meeting recently where he brought this up, and Sean Doll, new Chamber President, also agreed the speed limit should be reduced. After Chief Trammell was asked to attend tonight’s meeting about this subject, he spent a total of eight hours over a period of time, observing the traffic. The speed limit is 50 mph and Chief Trammell noted that the average speed was 60 plus mph, and he agreed speed is definitely an issue. It would be his recommendation to reduce the speed limit to 40 mph from Cherry Mountain Road right down through to the stone church. With the number of businesses already in the area and the build-out of Bretton Woods, as well as the possibility of a fire station being built there in the future, he believes this is a necessity. It was suggested to get the business owners to join in, and to inquire of Mr. Placey if letters from everyone would help. Chief Trammell offered to write a letter with his statistics if the Board thought it would help. Chairman Moroney made a Motion to: Write a letter to the State to reduce the speed limit to 40 mph on Route 302 East from Cherry Mountain Road to the Church of the Transfiguration (the stone church); and to remove the passing zone due to the number of vehicles and pedestrians. Selectman Hancock seconded and the Motion passed unanimously. Chairman Moroney requested that Mr. Placey be asked if it would behoove the Town to have the businesses send letters also, or just the Town with the Chief’s observations.

The matter of payment #6 for Bayview Construction was looked into and though a check had been written and signed to cover this, payment of the invoice had not been voted on at the last meeting. Therefore, by email, Chairman Moroney made a Motion to: Pay Bayview Construction Invoice #6 in the amount of $38,690.55. Selectman Hancock seconded and it passed unanimously.

It was noted that the Action Items are still either in process or currently on hold.

Chairman Moroney announced that the new doors have been installed on the front of the Town Hall and stated that this should help greatly with the heat.

It was noted that a call had been placed to Stiles Fuel regarding prices and Vickie recommended holding off a bit longer, until after the Election. The price has dropped substantially and Vickie feels it will continue to do so. We will check back with her in a week. It was also suggested that the website, “,” which shows current pricing in all the towns, be looked at. Mike Gooden said he would bring in a copy of the latest printout.

Tom Devin, electrician, responded to a request for a price for a generator including hook-up, for the Town Hall. His estimate is $35,000 to $37,000, as follows:

$21,000 -- Generator
11,000 -- Hook Up
3,000 -- Service Contract
1-2,000 -- Pad

Chairman Moroney said a warrant article must be written. Once a generator is installed, the Town Hall can be considered an emergency shelter. The Fire Station was suggested, but it would not be large enough as in the event of an emergency that would be used as the command center. Cots, blankets, etc., will eventually be collected and ready if the need should ever arise. The example of a major storm and power outage on a holiday weekend was used -- this would involve a lot of people who would need someplace to go. While the hope is that it wouldn’t have to be used, being prepared is a necessity.

Chairman Moroney stated that they will be looking at writing warrant articles for the generator as well as mandatory recycling and the newly allowed revolving fund, which would be used for police details, among other possible articles. Other departments are looking into this also, so research is needed on these.

As there was no further business, Chairman Moroney declared the meeting ended at 7:55 p.m.
and moved to go into Executive Session for personnel matters. The Board was polled and went into executive session.

At the close of executive session, Chairman Moroney made a Motion to: Return to public session and seal the minutes from executive session. Selectman Hancock seconded and the Motion passed unanimously.

There being no further discussion, Chairman Moroney made a Motion to: adjourn the meeting. Selectman Hancock seconded and the Motion passed unanimously. Chairman Moroney declared the meeting ended at 9:00 p.m.

Action Items:

Industrial Park land use - CEDC
Policy/Procedures Manual
Town Hall Decking