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Minutes of Town Board Meetings

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November 5th Minutes

November 9th, 2008

Budget Committee Meeting

November 5, 2008

Member present: Mike Shea, Tom Gately, Carmine Fabrizio, Lori Hogan, Ken Mills and Bonnie Moroney

Guest: Evan Karpf

Meeting brought to order 7:09 PM

Carmine motioned to accept minutes of the Oct.29, 2008 meeting, Mike second, it was passed.

Tom opened meeting with asking Evan Karpf to present the proposed budget for the Health Officer. He said he was going to ask Maryclare about the 2008 expenditures as he didn’t think he has spent some of this
01-4419.10-100 Health Officer Salary $1.00
01-4419.10-300 Health Officer Travel $300.00
01-4419.10-301 Health Officer Budget-education $300.00
01-4419.10-302 Health Officer Supplies $500.00

Evan, then presented the Planning Board’s proposed budget.
01-4191.10-100 PB Secretary $5,400.00
01-4191.10-101 Board Member Salaries $1000.00
01-4191.10-625 Postage 100% reimbursed to town $1,500.00
01-4191.10-626 Office Supplies $200.00
01-4191.10-627 Advertisements 100% reimbursed to town.
01-4191.10-700 Legal Expenses reimbursed “for the most part” – est. 75%
01-4191.10-701 No Country Council Dues $2,035.00
01-4191.10-702 Circuit Ride Expenses $1.00
01-4191.10-800 Registration Fees $100.00
01-4191.10-801 Engineering reimbursed for the most part – set 75% $1500.00
01-4191.10-900 Miscellaneous - $100.00
01-4191.10-901 Code Enforcement Officer - $7,000.00
01-4191.10-902 Training and Travel - $1,000.00
01-4191.10-903 Maps - $1,000.00
01-4191.10-904 Master Plan - $1,000.00
01-4191.10-905 Good/Welfare - $500.00

Evan explained that Joan was ill and was not able to make the meeting tonight and she would like to reschedule. Bonnie checked and suggested Nov. 19th would be a good evening if she could make that. Evan said he would let her know, and if there is a problem she would get back to us.

Tom said he was looking at 01-4210.10-203 Third Party Review and it was about the same thing at the 01-4191.10-801 Engineering cost from the Planning Board. He recommended that we lower the Third Party to $5,000.00 and increase the Engineering to
$17,000.00. Carmine second, it passed, Bonnie sustained.

The committee then started voting on the proposed budgets from that evening.
Planning Board
01-4191.10-100 thru 01-4191.10-702 passed
01-4191.10-800 passed
01-4191.10-801 for $17,000.00 passed, Bonnie sustained
01-4191.10-900 thru 01-4191.10-905 passed

Health Officer
Tom said he saw that the Select Board had voted to put $425.00 on 01-4419.10-302 Supplies. He motioned that the budget committee put this line at $425.00, Carmine seconded and it passed.
01-4419.10-100 thru 301 passed

Bonnie asked to address the committee about a correction that the select board had made for the Fire Dept. budget. She explained that when the different dept had presented their budgets that the board had not decided what % increase they were going to propose for the wage increases. When the fire dept, had been refigured it changed a lot of this that Jeff had requested, so the select board had voted on Monday night to accept the following and were asking to have the amounts changed on the budget. They were as follows:
01-4220.10-100 FD Chief Salary - $4,000.00
01-4220.10-102 Full Time Firefighter - $40,000.00
01-4220.10-103 Firefighters Salary - $22,000.00
01-4220.10-200 EMT Salaries - $15,000.00
01-4220.10-201 Overtime - $18,000.00

Tom asked why the large increase in the over time, and change in full time fire fighter. Bonnie explained that the select board had voted to change the amount of hours that Jeff had to work before receiving over time. In the past he had to work about 52 hours before over time would start, and the board felt that that was not right , as Jeff was not on Salary, and should there for be treated like all employees, so that would be the reason for the increase. Several other questions from Carmine and Tom were made but Bonnie said that she did not know all the answers and they should wait to ask Jeff, he could clear this all up for them.

Lori asked what else we needed to go over and if Maryclare had a chance to get the answers to the questions last week. Bonnie said Maryclare had and proceeded to go over them. She said she had been speaking to Karen Moran, about the Water Operating Expense, and she had said that the figures that she had given Lori were from the old bond and she knew we had refinance it, so we needed to check on that. Maryclare checked and the way that the new bond was done, kept everything the same so our figures on 04-4711.10-200 and 04-4721.10-200 were both fine.
We had also questioned the Employee Insurance for the $162,200.00 and Maryclare said this amount was correct and the Unemployment Comp. 01-4155.10-301 was $400.00, but she had not received the bill yet. And lastly we had asked her to see about the town insurance 01-4195.10-520, and she said the $29,526.00 amount was correct also.

Tom motioned to adjourn and Ken seconded, passed at 7:55 PM
Ken will be excuse from the Nov. 12th meeting.