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Minutes of Town Board Meetings

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Minutes of 12/22/2008

January 3rd, 2009

Carroll Board of Selectmen
Meeting Minutes
December 22, 2008

"These minutes of the Town of Carroll Select Board have been recorded by its Secretary. Though believed to be accurate and correct they are subject to additions, deletions and corrections by the Select Board at its next meeting when the Board votes its final approval of the minutes. They are being made available at this time to conform to the requirements of New Hampshire RSA 91-A:2."

Minutes recorded by Maryclare Quigley, Secretary

Board members present: Bonnie Moroney, Christopher Hancock

The meeting was called to order at 7:10 PM.

Members of the public present: David Ikasalo, Jeff Duncan

Pledge of Allegiance

The board announced the approval of bills and signing of checks.

Chairman Moroney made a Motion to: accept the minutes of December 15, 2008, as written. Selectman Hancock seconded and the Motion passed unanimously.

Stan Borkowski’s report was not received.

Discussion of Mr. Borkowski’s duties as Building Inspector and Code Enforcement Officer prompted Dave Ikasalo to say that he had applied for a building permit last year, but had never received the actual permit to display. He asked why that was. There wasn’t anyone present who could answer, though the Secretary suggested it might have been the fall of 2006 that it was applied for. Mr. Ikasalo was quite positive that it was more recent, so Jeff Duncan offered to check the book where they are filed. When Mr. Duncan was unable to find one, the Secretary said she would follow up on it and get back to the Board and Mr. Ikasalo.

Mr. Ikasalo then went on to say that he had come to an earlier meeting to talk with the Selectmen about his property taxes. Chairman Moroney had said the Selectmen work very hard and do the best they can, while also saying that it is not the Selectmen who set the taxes or the tax rate. She had noted again that there continues to be an empty spot on the Board, as since Rena Vecchio resigned her seat in May to take a position in the office, in spite of numerous and varied attempts to fill it, no one has signed on. Mrs. Moroney said maybe Mr. Ikasalo would wish to consider it. Mr. Ikasalo said he had learned a lot by coming to the meetings since his first time, and he would like to accept the offer to sit on the Board until March. He said that he wants to see how he and the current Selectmen work together and if he finds he has a positive impact and can do a good job, then he might try running in March. Chairman Moroney said the Board would look into what it would entail if he comes on temporarily in terms of bank signatures, etc. They will let Mr. Ikasalo know after they have been advised. Chairman Moroney thanked Mr. Ikasalo for his interest and input.

The following items were approved and signed:

Town Hall Use Permit Application -- (This was not specified publicly as it is for a surprise party)
Certificate of Occupancy -- Meyer
Property Tax Abatement -- Hogan (Police Station)
Water Abatement -- Twin Mountain Family Limited (Northlander Motel)

The Secretary advised the Board that the Town had heard from Nancy Mayville of the State DOT, and that we should receive our bridge reimbursement check before the end of the year. This will be in the amount of $318,494.

Fire Chief, Jeffrey Duncan, came with a letter from Twin State Task Force asking that the Town sign an authorization for our emergency services to go as mutual aid on statewide emergencies as may be requested. Mr. Duncan gave the example of the recent ice storm in the southern part of the State -- if he had equipment and people available and help had been requested, then he would have been able to send it. The question of reimbursement was asked, and Mr. Duncan said that if it were declared an emergency by the State or Federal government, then they would reimburse. If it were otherwise, such as a catastrophic fire, there is no set answer as it remains unclear whose responsibility it would be. However, Chief Duncan feels the cost would be minimal, and the benefits would definitely outweigh it. He noted if there were to be something in our area he, also, could ask for assistance. Chairman Moroney made a Motion: to sign the authorization form. Selectman Hancock seconded and it passed unanimously.

Chief Duncan next brought up the subject of Direct Deposit. He had brought it up some time ago, and was directed to the Treasurer. Her response at the time, was that we were unsure about which bank we were going to be with. It was decided to look into setting it up, and if the Treasurer is the person who needs to do this, Chairman Moroney said to ask her to go ahead and set it up now.

The Board then turned their attention to Warrant Articles. The first was brought by Becki Pederson, Town Clerk. Chairman Moroney read as follows:

“To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Board of Selectmen to sell certain town-owned property shown on Tax Map 405 Lot 15, approximately 0.210 acres, located on Old Cherry Mountain Road. Said property will be sold by the Town upon such reasonable terms and conditions as may be negotiated and agreed by the Selectmen and to authorize the Selectmen to execute all documents and take all other actions reasonable and necessary to carry out the purpose of this vote.”

Ms. Pederson told the Selectmen this is a very small piece of land, but at least one abutter has expressed interest in it. (The original owner was not paying taxes on it and told Ms. Pederson the family did not want the property.) Chairman Moroney made a Motion to: accept this article and that the Selectmen recommend it. Selectman Hancock seconded and it passed unanimously.
Chairman Moroney then read three Articles from the Police Department.

“To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of six thousand dollars ($6,000.00) for the purchase of two handheld portable 2-way radios for the Police Department.”

“To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of four thousand seven hundred dollars ($4,700.00) for the purchase of one vehicle 2-way radio for the Police Department.”

“To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of thirty four thousand five hundred dollars ($34,500.00) for the purchase of a new police cruiser and associated equipment. Twenty five thousand dollars ($25,000.00) to come from the Police Cruiser Capital Reserve Fund, and the balance of nine thousand dollars ($9,000.00) to come from taxation.”

It was noted that the radios are so old, that parts cannot be obtained for them; and that there are frequencies that they should be able to access but cannot, also because of the age of the radios. It was also pointed out that when the newest vehicle was purchased, a new radio was not purchased, the old radio from the former vehicle was installed.

Chairman Moroney made a Motion that: the Selectmen accept and recommend each of the three Articles. Selectman Hancock seconded and the Motion passed unanimously.

Next, Chairman Moroney read two Articles from the Recreation Committee. The first, to convert their Special Reserve Fund to a Revolving Fund:

“To see if the town will vote to establish a Recreation Revolving Fund pursuant to RSA 35-B:2 II. The money received from fees and charged for recreation activities, service and use of facilities shall be allowed to accumulate from year to year, and shall not be considered to be part of the town’s general fund unreserved fund balance. The town Treasurer shall have custody of all monies in the fund, and shall pay out the same only upon order of the Recreation Committee Treasurer. These funds may be expended only for recreation purposes as stated in RSA 35-B. This fund to be established by a transfer of the balance in the Recreation Special Revenue Fund.”

The second, for an appropriation to the Special Revenue Fund:

“To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate Thirty Thousand Dollars ($30,000) for the 2009 Twin Mountain Recreation programs including the winter ski program, town parties, and the summer recreation program. The appropriation will be from March 2009 through March 2010. This appropriation will be raised from the Recreation Special Revenue Fund established at the 2004 Town Meeting for this purpose. No money will be raised from new taxation. Upon passage of the establishment of the Recreation Revolving Fund, this article will become null and void.”

It was stated that this Article is to cover if the former article does not pass. Chairman Moroney said this is for the checking account which was established in 2007, and she questioned if this has to be done every year. Discussion ensued also if the amount should be $30,000 or $10,000 to increase the account to $30,000, rather than asking for the whole amount. Chairman Moroney asked that both questions be researched before the Board votes on them.

Chairman Moroney then read the last Article for consideration at this meeting.

“To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Two Million One Hundred Eighty Thousand Dollars ($2,180,000.00) for the construction and original equipping of a new Police Station Building and to authorize the issuance of not more than $2,180,000.00 on bonds or note in accordance with the provision of the Municipal Finance Act (RSA 33) and to authorize the Town of Carroll Select Board to issue and negotiate such bonds or notes and to determine the rate of interest thereon. This requires a Three-Fifth (3/5) ballot vote. Tax impact is $.68 per thousand.”

Mr. Ikasalo asked about the land this will be built on and was advised that it would be on land the town already owns, which runs from Route 302 to Route 3 N, including the Town Hall and the Gazebo/Information Booth. He also inquired about using the Town Hall building and was told it was not compliant, among other reasons. The Fire Station was also briefly discussed, and noted that this was fine as it is for the time being with the work that was done, but that several years down the road, it will have to be considered. Chairman Moroney, who is also on the Building Committee, advised there will be a presentation on the new building before the March vote. Mr. Ikasalo also asked about cost overruns, etc., and if there will be a firm contract with penalties for not meeting deadlines. Mrs. Moroney said there will be, that it will be the same as with the new bridge. She went on to say the engineering firm had been asked for cost comparisons for the past two years, next year and in two years. A brief discussion took place of a future complex including the Fire Department, Library, etc. Mr. Ikasalo wondered about the necessity for a library with the internet, and if having one is required by the State. Chairman Moroney said there are mandates for a Library if one exists, but having a Library is not mandated by the State. Mr. Duncan and the Selectmen all spoke very positiviely about having the Library, including the fact that it has free high speed internet, so if certain books are not available, people can do research online there.

Chairman Moroney made a Motion to: accept and recommend the Warrant Article and Selectman Hancock seconded. The Motion passed unanimously.

Jeff Duncan asked if an article had been written for the land donation in Bretton Woods. He was assured it was and had been sent to Town Counsel for review.

Regarding the question on the water deficit at an earlier meeting, the Secretary reported that though we will be transferring $60,000 to the General Fund from the Water Fund, it had not changed dramatically with the surcharge added the year before. This is due to the fact that a higher budget was voted on for 2008, and the rates were not increased. Chairman Moroney asked if Ed (Martin) had done a final reading of the meters before the end of the year and said the Selectmen would request that reading and any repairs be done. It was noted that reading can be done from outside--that access to the house is not necessary.

Chairman Moroney inquired if the Road Agent was planning to attend the meeting, as we will need to encumber money for the paving contract. It was agreed that he probably would not be as the crew had been plowing and salting/sanding almost around the clock since Friday night.

Regarding the Warrant Article for $52,000 that was passed in 2008, Chairman Moroney said we will be paying a lump sum of $35,000 only to the engineering company, as part of the money was for the future fire station in Bretton Woods. Chairman Moroney made a Motion to: Encumber $35,000 for the design and engineering plans for the police station to be paid in 2009. Selectman Hancock seconded and the Motion passed unanimously. Chairman Moroney noted the remaining $17,000 goes into the unreserved fund balance.

Chairman Moroney then read a letter that will go to all property owners on Mountain View Lane. The letter explains the Town plowed it last winter due to the emergency lane status while the old bridge was unsafe to use, but that Mountain View Lane is not a town road. It further states that the Town will plow the road until January 17, which should give them time to make other arrangements for having the road plowed. Several residents called the Town when the road was not plowed after the first big storm— when purchasing their properties, they had been mislead by the developer who told them that the town would take care of the road.

Chairman Moroney said several letters had been received from property owners in Bretton Woods regarding their tax bills. These will be addressed at the next meeting after we have been able to gather information on tax rates and assessed values and are able to do comparisons within the last ten years. She went on to explain the State mandates reappraising every five years, which may be carried out during the five year period. Our most recent one had been completed in two years, as demanded by the State, because the Town was not in compliance with the timeframe. Mrs. Moroney went on to say that it’s an ongoing process and will be completed again in five years – by 2012. She stated that the Master Plan and CIP (Capital Improvement Plan) need to be put into place, also. Chairman Moroney reiterated that the taxes the Town pays—School, State School, County, are all based on property values.

As there was no further business, Chairman Moroney declared the meeting ended at
8:25 p.m. and moved to go into Executive Session for legal matters. The Board was polled and went into executive session.

At the close of executive session, Chairman Moroney made a Motion to: return to public session and seal the minutes from executive session. Selectman Hancock seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

The Board had a brief discussion about their next meeting because of the Holidays. Chairman Moroney made a Motion to: Cancel the meeting on December 29. Selectman Hancock seconded and it passed unanimously.

Chairman Moroney then made a Motion to: Encumber the balance of the Highway Maintenance
fund, 01-4312.10-304, and the balance of the Sidewalk Repair fund, 01-4312.10-901, to continue work in 2009. Selectman Hancock seconded and the Motion passed unanimously.

There being no further discussion, Chairman Moroney made a Motion to: adjourn the meeting. Selectman Hancock seconded and the Motion passed unanimously. Chairman Moroney declared the meeting ended at 9:30 p.m.