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Minutes from Public Budget Meeting Jan. 7, 2009

January 13th, 2009


JANUARY 7, 2009

Members present: Lori Hogan, Tom Gately, Carmine Fabrizio, Mike Shea, and Bonnie Moroney

Members excused: Ken Mills

Guests: Ann Fabrizio, Linda and Bill Dowling, David Ikasalo (Ike), Arthur Veins,
Jim and Lisa Covey, Lee Hallquist, Maureen and Paul Philbin, John Trammell, Susan Kraabel, Chris Hancock, Jeremy Oleson, Tadd Bailey, Allen Strasser, William Rines, Mike Gooden, Leslie Bergum, Albert Peara, Evan Karpf, Annette Marquis, Karen Moran, and Jeff Duncan

Chairman Lori Hogan, brought meeting to order at 6:35PM requesting that the members of the budget committee introduce themselves, and also announcing that the Chamber of Commerce had brought coffee and snacks for all to enjoy.

Lori said that we would be going over the proposed budget tonight and on Jan. 20th we would be holding a second public hearing to go over all the money Warrant Articles, and Default Budget and any changes or issues that need to be readdressed from this meeting. That meeting will also be starting at 6:30PM.

Lori, said the first thing we would address is the Budget Summery, and at the bottom under operational it showed a 10% increase. We do not that the total of the warrant articles for this years vote, but it would be included on the sheet for the meeting on the 20th. At the bottom of the sheet she addressed that fact that if we pass the Revolving Acct. for the Police Details that this would remove the $30,000.00 on the budget and bring the proposed percentage down to 9%. She also addressed that the Fire Truck and the FT employee that was passed last year on warrant articles. If you take those off of the rest of the budget there would be proposed 3% increase to the 2009 budget.

We then moved on to the Proposed Budget – Detail. Lori said she would go section by section and if you had any questions or comments please raise your hand. She started with the Town Officers and the fact that that went down 1%. Al Strasser, said he felt that the Deputy Town Clerk should go lower then $15,000.00 as there has only been $5831.00
used in 2008. Bonnie said that she felt it should stay at the proposed $15,000.00 as during the course of 2008 there had been several changes in personnel in that position and time between people that reflected that smaller amount of use. Bonnie also stated that we are working to get the water meters up and running and with that a new billing format and that Becki will need somebody possibly more hours to help with that.

Lori went on to say that there was a proposed 3% pay increase put in for the town employees, but there were four exceptions, two were helper 1 and 2 with the highway dept. and the transfer station supervisor. The Select board had felt that those three were
Farther behind then they should be so they came up with a flat rate of approximately
$1.00 for each of them. And full time firefighter #1 showed a 7% increase.

Linda Dowling said she felt that we should not give a pay increase but instead don’t charge the employees for their part of the health insurance. Lee Hallquist, said that with all things the way that they are that we shouldn’t give any increases this year. Ike, said that he agreed with Lee that there shouldn’t be any increases. Jim Covey asked if the town was able to pay for an increase.

Lori, reminded people that when we start getting ready for the proposed budget it was back in late Aug. and Sept, and back then things were going ok, and ever since then things have changed constantly.

There were several other questions and comments about increased taxes and the last years warrant articles. Again people were reminded that last year things were going ok and these increases were voted on by the public, so that is part of the reason for the increase in the taxes, but also the County, state school and the local school taxes went up and that is reflected off of the assessed values of the property, the town has no control over that.

The Election and Registration section down by 40%, but Lori, stated that that happens when there are more elections on certain years and they need more help.

Financial Administration section went down 8%, this was due to the fact that we are making more of an effort to bill the Admin. Asst. and Selectman’s Office Staff, to the other dept. when they are working for them. We are trying to get a more realistic idea
Of the time and money are used for each group.

Property Assessing went down 14%, this is due to a decrease in the building that was being done. Extra money was put into the budget to cover the cost of having a new building accessed during 2008, but with a decrease in building the amount was taken down by another $5,000.00.

Legal expenses are staying the same, as there are legal issues pending and the town may need that money available.

The Planning Board went up 52%, but it was stated by Evan Karpf that most of the expense are reimbursed by the charges given to the applicants. There was an increase in the PB Secretary, and that reflects the adjusted time from the Financial Admin. Plus the proposed 3% increase.

Board of Adjustment was a 36% increase but that was mostly due to a more realistic wage for the BA Secretary, as it used $1721.51 in 2008 and had only budgeted $950.00.
General Government Buildings had an increase of 4%. This was partially do to the adjustment of labor for more realistic amounts under the Town Building and Recreation Area Labor. Also was the increase in the rental for the PD. Sue about decreasing the $40,000.00 for the heating oil. Lori said that there had been mixed feelings with the committee when they first addressed it, so she said the committee will visit this again before making a final decision. Jim Covey, asked about Energy Alliance, and if they town was looking into this. Bonnie said that the town had locked in with Stiles Fuel and
less then what they paid last year. She asked if this was the group that the Select board had been told about last year. Jim said yes. Bonnie said that they had looked into this and found that other places that needed a large amount of fuel had not signed up and were not sure they were going to last year, until they found out more about them. She said that the town had called several different carriers and several of them were not able to support our needs and others were too high or wanted to scale us by a % over their cost. Stiles came in the lowest and they also will service our systems, something some carriers will not do.

Cemeteries went down 1%.

Insurance this showed a 10% increase but Sue stated that the actual amounts are not in yet, but the most that the town insurance would go up is 9%.

Other General Government had 0% change. Karen Moran, asked what the Contingency had been used for. Bonnie said that it was used to repair one of the highway trucks something that was not expected. She also said part was used to replace a septic system
at the fire station, and replace the doors on the side of the town hall.

Police Dept. had a 6% increase, but if we pass the Revolving Revenue account for the special details then $30.000.00 would be removed from that total bringing the 5 down.

Fire Dept. had a 95% increase, it was reminded by Lori, and that part of this was the
Warrant Articles that passed last year for the new Fire Engine adding $65,000.00 and the new full time firefighter for $36,000.00. There were also increases in the EMT and Firefighters salary due to personnel policy change and an increase in the Overtime line, because the Select board had changed the 53 hours that were required for the full time
Firefighter to get over time to the regular 40 hours.

Property Inspections had a 0% increase.

Emergency Management went to 13% increase but equals $200.00 as the budget is for $1,800.00.

Highway Department had a 1% increase. Lori said that we have a contract so were able to encumber the balance of the Highway Maintenance and Resurfacing budget to be added to this year’s budget and be put on a warrant article to include some of the existing Capital reserve money to pave Straw Road.

Street Lighting was a 9% increase per the advice for possible increases.
Solid Waste Disposal was a 4% decrease. Bulky Waste Haul and C&D Trucking
were changed to $1.00 as Bill is putting in Warrant Articles to cover the cost of these.
The property tax surcharge is all done, so there will be no more for that.

Public Assistance was increased by 3%.

Parks and Recreation was increased by 10%. Lori, stated that the recreation dept needs to send the counselors to training programs, and in the past they are not added the extra time
/money to cover the cost of them taking these needed classes, as they must travel to take them. They are not asking for hour pay increase just more hours to accomplish what is needed.

Library was decreased 2%. Annette Marquis stated that the State just announced that they will not be giving the State Libraries the discount for book purchases that they have in the past. She suggested that we increase the Books and Materials line back up to $2,000.00. Lori explained that the directors of the Library are the ones that decide what they will need. They also have other sources of money and maybe they will be planning on using some of that. She said she would pass the information on to the Library incase they wanted to change the amount.

Patriotic Purpose was increased by 20% but that equals $100.00 as the entire budget is $600.00, to be used for the Memorial Day Parade.

Culture was a 0% increase.

Conversation Commission was a 0% increase. Linda Dowling asked Lee Hallquist
How the money for marketing was used last year. Jim Covey, said they had spent the $3,000.00 mostly marketing in Canada, as the Canadian dollar is stronger and they
Had a good response from doing this, and hope to do it again this year.

Principal Long Term Notes was a decrease of 3%.

Water Distribution and Treatment was a 15% decrease, as they are not planning any big jobs or repairs this year.

Lori said that concluded the proposed budget and that on the 20th we would address the
Money warrant articles, default budget, the salary increase and any other needed line items.

Bonnie, announced that there would be a Public Bond Hearing on the 14th. She stated that after the passing of the engineering study the Building Study and Feasibility Committee had moved forward to get a design and price for a new Police Station and the town would have to get a bond if the Warrant passes, but according to the state this bond hearing must
Be held first. The bond will be for $2.18 million dollars and have a $.68 per thousand tax impact. Bonnie asked that anybody interested please attend and it would start at 7PM.

Lori announced that there will be 3 vacant seats on the Budget Committee for 2009, so please come forward if you are interested in becoming a member.

After a break the budget committee met to address some of the issues brought up.
It was decided to go over them instead of having a special meeting before the 20th.

The committed didn’t feel that the 3% pay increase was too outrageous. Bonnie said she would try to do a 5 year trend history on the health insurance, and pay increases or no increases. Also show the impact per thousand if the increases go through. She will have
As much information as she can find for the meeting on the 20th.

The heating fuel was opened up again. Lori motioned to decrease the heating fuel to $33,000.00 instead of $40,000.00. Carmine second and it passed.

The full time firefighter #1 was opened and it was discussed that he should not get a 7% increase and the over time as well. Tom motioned to give this position a 3% taking it from $40,000.00 down to $38,610.00. Carmine second and it passed.

The Firefighters Salaries and EMT Salaries were opened. Lori said that there was discussion that the new employee manual was for full time employees. Bonnie said that they were meeting with the dept heads Monday night and this would be discussed.
Bonnie motioned that the committee give her permission to change the amounts on
01-4220.10-103 and 01-4220.10-200 if they vote Monday night that this three hour call in time is for full time employees only, changing
01-4220.10-103 Firefighters Salaries from $22,000.00 to $11,000.00
01-4220.10-200 EMT Salaries from $15,000.00 to $11,500.00.
Carmine second and it passed.

Lori asked Bonnie that if the Default budget figures that they had changed to please let them know so they can come in and get an updated copy before the 20th.

She also said that before the Deliberative Session the MS7 needs to be produced and signed. She said that there is a time rule of when this needs to be done. Bonnie will find out.

Revenue needs to be reviewed on the 20th as well and at the end of that meeting the Budget Committee will vote on the final proposed budget, and the calculation for the 10%.

Next meeting on Jan. 20th at 6:30PM