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Minutes of Town Board Meetings

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03/05/09 PLBD Minutes

March 23rd, 2009

Town of Carroll Planning Board
March 5, 2009

“These minutes of the Town of Carroll Planning Board have been recorded by its Secretary. Though believed to be accurate and correct they are subject to additions,
deletions and corrections by the Planning Board at its next meeting when the Board votes its final approval of the minutes. They are being made available at this time to conform to the requirements of New Hampshire RSAS 91-A:2.”

Members of the Board present: Chairman Evan Karpf, Connie Oliver, Donna Foster, Bonnie Moroney, Ernie Temple

Member of the Public present: Walter Elander, Leslie Bergum, Colin and Tim Sutherland, Joan Karpf

Minutes taken by Rena Vecchio, Secretary

Pledge of Allegiance

Meeting called to order at 7:00 PM
Chairman Evan Karpf declared there was a quorum and asked the board to review the minutes of January 29, 2009. Bonnie Moroney made a motion to: accept the minutes as written. Ernie Temple seconded and the minutes passed with Ernie abstaining as he had not been present at that meeting. The minutes of February 13, 2009 were tabled. Connie Oliver had a question on the minutes that the secretary could not verify. It was asked by Chairman Karpf to table the minutes so the question could be checked.

Colin and Tim Sutherland were representing Kevin and Robin Lewis who had an Application for a Minor Subdivision, Map 404, Lot 001, off of Old Cherry Mountain Road. The Application stated that the Sutherlands were acting as their agents. The Lewis’s were taking one large lot of approximately one hundred acres and subdividing them into two lots. Parcel 1 would have 53.78 acres and Parcel 2 would have 52.90 acres. Each lot would have their own driveways off of Old Cherry Mountain Road. There are abutters and all had been informed. All fees had been paid and notification in the papers had been done.

Chairman Karpf said he would entertain a motion to: accept the Application.
Ernie Temple moved the motion. Donna Foster seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.

Bonnie Moroney made a motion to: go into a Public Hearing for a Minor Subdivision. Ernie Temple seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

Chairman Karpf started the Public Hearing by asking if they were buildable lots and if there was any issue with water. Tim Sutherland stated that they were buildable lots and that there would be wells on the sites as well as septic. Evan Karpf asked if there had been perk tests done on the sites as town regulations required that the plans show a perk test, page 10, # 4.10, Preliminary Layout in Minor Subdivision, J. It is the Planning Boards responsibility to protect the owners if they want to build.

The land slopes upward as you go deeper into the land. Any building would probably take place closer to Old Cherry Mountain Road. There is power and telephone service in the area but not cable. On Parcel 1 or Lot 1.1 there would be an 8 % grade for the driveway, and Parcel 2 or Lot 1.2 there would be no grade.

Chairman Karpf asked if the board or the public had any questions. There being none, he said he would entertain a motion. Ernie Temple made a motion to: approve the Minor Subdivision of Kevin and Robin Lewis with conditions that the final plat and submitted surveys will show the appropriate paperwork indicating the perk test and the location where structures can be put up. Bonnie Moroney seconded the motion, and the motion passed unanimously.

Next on the agenda was Walter Elander with a consultation regarding Stone Hill Condominiums. First, the developer, Bretton Woods Land Co., would like to take one quad and turn it into two duplexes. Mr. Elander is here to see if they need to do a Site Plan Review to split the quad. Also since 2003, the wetlands in the Stone Hill Condo area have grown and they will need to do a Lot Line Adjustments. It is believed that next month Walter Elander will need to come before the board with two Site Plan Reviews for these issues. The board also felt they needed to make sure that Hannah Loop is within all of the conditions, as there will need to be adjustments to it after this.

At 8:00 pm Ernie Temple made a motion to: adjourn the meeting. Bonnie Moroney seconded and the motion passed unanimously.