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Minutes of Town Board Meetings

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Minutes of 11/02/2009

November 8th, 2009

Carroll Board of Selectmen
Meeting Minutes
November 2, 2009

"These minutes of the Town of Carroll Select Board have been recorded by its Secretary. Though believed to be accurate and correct they are subject to additions, deletions and corrections by the Select Board at its next meeting when the Board votes its final approval of the minutes. They are being made available at this time to conform to the requirements of New Hampshire RSA 91-A:2."

Minutes recorded by Maryclare Quigley, Secretary

Board members present: Chris Hancock and Bonnie Moroney. Ken Mills attended by Skype from New York City where he is between flights.

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Chairman Hancock.

Members of the public present: Roberta McGee, Ann Fabrizio, Carmine Fabrizio, Evan Karpf, Leslie Bergum, Edith Tucker, Bill Smalley, Bill Rines, Mike Gooden

Pledge of Allegiance

The board announced the approval of bills and signing of checks.

It was noted that as Selectman Mills is attending electronically, the electronic meeting policy is in effect. Chairman Hancock went through the checklist to ensure compliance and also stated all votes will be taken by roll call.

Chairman Hancock made a Motion to: Accept the minutes for October 26, 2009 as written. Selectman Moroney seconded and the Motion passed unanimously: Chairman Hancock, Aye; Selectman Moroney, Aye; Selectman Mills, Aye.

Stan Borkowski’s report was received and posted.

The following items were approved and signed:

Contract with Vermont Tennis Courts – Coat and Stripe Basketball Court
Health Officer Nomination Form
Town Hall Use Permit Application – Jenn Hancock for Tree Lighting
Letter to Bernie Waugh as part of the 2008 Audit

Striping the outside basketball court will take place in the spring when feasibly possible, and the contract for $3,085 was signed so the funds may be saved from this year’s budget. Therefore, Selectman Moroney made a Motion to: Encumber $3,085 from the 01-4194.100-430 line, Repairs and Maintenance of Town Buildings, for the work to be done on the basketball court in 2010. Chairman Hancock seconded and the Motion passed unanimously: Chairman Hancock, Aye; Selectman Moroney, Aye; Selectman Mills, Aye.

As Evan Karpf agreed to being nominated for a second term, Chairman Hancock made a Motion to: Sign the Health Officer nomination form naming Dr. Karpf as Town Health Officer. Selectman Moroney seconded and the Motion passed unanimously: Chairman Hancock, Aye; Selectman Moroney, Aye; Selectman Mills, Aye.

It was stated that Jenn Hancock requested the use of the Town Hall on November 22, for making wreaths to decorate the area near the Information Booth for the first annual tree lighting which will take place December 5. Chairman Hancock made a Motion to: Sign the application and Selectman Moroney seconded. The Motion passed unanimously: Chairman Hancock, Aye; Selectman Moroney, Aye; Selectman Mills, Aye.

It was explained that the letter to former Town Counsel, Bernie Waugh, for the auditors is to inquire about any litigation during the year or that may be ongoing, and to determine if there was any balance due from the Town as of December 31, 2008. Chairman Hancock made a Motion to: Sign the letter and Selectman Moroney seconded. The Motion passed unanimously: Chairman Hancock, Aye; Selectman Moroney, Aye; Selectman Mills, Aye.

The Secretary said there had been discussion of a policy regarding fire and police false alarm calls at the previous meeting. The question had been asked if this had to be approved by Warrant Article so the Board asked her to check with Counsel. Attorney Whitelaw said as it is a Selectmen’s policy, this does not require a Warrant Article. The Selectmen noted this will be worked on over the next several weeks and will be discussed further when it is to be finalized.

The Secretary also gave an update on the Town Hall heat brought up previously. Mrs. McGee from Smithfield Supply came on Thursday, October 29th, to measure so she could do a heat loss analysis and she will get back to us when this is complete. Bobby Perras, who specializes in doing weatherization for big buildings was telephoned and asked if he could look over the gym and give his recommendations. He said he would stop by on the 5th or 6th of this month.

Leslie Bergum reported that she had written up a piece for seeking another member for the Ammonoosuc River Local Advisory Committee and sent it to Maryclare for posting on the bulletin board at the Town Hall and for posting on the website. This was done. Mrs. Bergum also reminded the Board that Dr. John Field and people from North Country Council will be joining the Planning Board meeting on November 5, to discuss the River as it flows through the Town of Carroll. She encouraged as many of the various boards in town to attend as possible.

Dr. Karpf said he had received notification, as had the public, about the health warning for certain packages of ground beef. These were dated 9/15 or 9/16 and had a “sell by” date of 9/19. Dr. Karpf said this was various companies and not just one brand. He also advised that he has telephone numbers available if anyone needs them.

It was also noted that Bill Dowling, Superintendent of the Transfer/Recycling Center had spoken with DES and they can have a representative come to speak about the “Pay per Bag” concept on most any Monday night if the Selectmen wish. The Board agreed and asked that Mr. Dowling follow up on this and let them know.

Bill Rines spoke about the water line repair and replacement on Paquette Drive. He explained they have done just less than 300 feet and to complete the job will be about another 740 feet. This project has been extended due to the number of leaks and breaks found once they got into it. Mr. Rines brought an estimate to complete this project, but as we could not transmit this paperwork to Selectman Mills, he said he will abstain from any discussion and vote. He stated that he appreciates the opportunity to listen to the discussion. It was noted that the estimate is near $29,000. Mr. Rines told the Board that with just the repair they have made, there is already a four-hour-a-day difference in pump time. He also stated it was very hard digging because of the rocks in the area. Discussion ensued as to the possible location of further leaking and Mr. Rines will contact Granite State to see if they can pinpoint the location.

Mr. Rines also informed the Board that the tractor/backhoe had been returned but upon inspecting it, he discovered that only the backhoe part of the machine had been worked on – that the front end had not been done. He said he had expected that the whole machine would have been done as that is what he asked the salesman for. He had the company come back and return the machine to their shop and has received a new estimate for the front end – which he stated again, was to have been in the original quote. For a total refurbish on the front end, the quote is $16,800. Discussion ensued as to how this happened, as at the previous meeting, everyone thought the price was for the entire machine. It was stated that the original request for a 2,000 hour service appears to have been more engine-related. It was noted that the Board would like to hear what happened as someone didn’t follow up as it should have been and they would like to see a copy of what had been asked for. Discussion continued as to exactly what would be needed to make the machine useable. It was determined that to rebuild the front lift arms at $2,618.48; replace the quick coupler at $4,146; and replace two hoses at $100, for a total of $6,864.48 would do it. Mr. Rines was asked to get with the salesman and get a contract for this amount.

There being no further discussion, Chairman Hancock made a Motion to: adjourn the meeting. Selectman Moroney seconded and the Motion passed unanimously: Chairman Hancock, Aye; Selectman Moroney, Aye; Selectman Mills, Aye. Chairman Hancock declared the meeting ended at 7:45 p.m. The next meeting will be Monday, November 9.