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Minutes of Town Board Meetings

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11-05-09 PLBD Minutes

November 17th, 2009

Town of Carroll Planning Board
November 5, 2009

“These minutes of the Town of Carroll Planning Board have been recorded by its Secretary. Though believed to be accurate and correct they are subject to additions,
deletions and corrections by the Planning Board at its next meeting when the Board votes its final approval of the minutes. They are being made available at this time to conform to the requirements of New Hampshire RSAS 91-A: 2.”

Members of the Board present: Chairman John Birknes, Evan Karpf, Connie Oliver, Donna Foster, Bonnie Moroney

Member of the Public present: Jeff Larrabee, Gardner Kellogg, Marc Vander-Heyden, David Fecteau, Jenn Danatelli, John Field,Ph.D., Tara Banford, Joan Karpf, Leslie Bergum, Bill and Linda Dowling, Edith Tucker, Mr. Tucker,

Minutes taken by Rena Vecchio, Secretary

Pledge of Allegiance

Meeting called to order at 7:00 PM

Chairman John Birknes declared there was a quorum and asked the board to review the minutes of October 1, 2009. Corrections to be made are:
• Page 3, 1st paragraph, remove the word “fells” and add the word “feels” (Chairman Birknes says he “feels”…)
Connie Oliver made a motion to: accept the minutes as corrected. Evan Karpf seconded and the motion passed with John Birknes and Connie Oliver voting yes and Bonnie Moroney and Evan Karpf abstaining, as neither were at the meeting.

Next on the agenda is correspondence for the Planning Board.
• The first item is a letter from the DES, Laura M. Weit, Acting Rivers Coordinator. They are looking for one more volunteer to serve on the Ammonoosuc River Local Advisory Committee. Leslie Bergum and Joan Karpf already serve on the committee. Leslie Bergum said they are advertising for another volunteer. Linda Dowling has offered , but Leslie said they would like to leave the ad out there for a while. Evan Karpf made a motion to: accept Linda Dowling to be recommended to serve on the committee. Connie Oliver seconded and the motion passed unanimously. The letter is attached to the copy of the minutes in the office.
• The next item is a letter from Laura Spector from Mitchell Municipal Group, town counsel, to Bruce Marshall, counsel to Bill Rines, regarding Rines Gravel Pit/Clarification. The letter is attached to the copy of the minutes in the office.
• The next letter is also from Laura Spector to David P. Carlson, Clerk to the Coos County Superior Court. It was a “Petition for Preliminary and Permanent Injunctions, Civil Penalties and Attorneys’ Fees”. Evan Karpf asked the secretary if Bill Rines/Bruce Marshall had applied for a variance, as the minutes for the last meeting said they would. To the secretaries knowledge no variance had been applied for. The letter is attached to the copy of the minutes in the office.
• The next item is a report from DES for Paul & Marie McGonagle, Map 207, Lot 020-012-018, for River Stabilization. The complete report is in the office.

Next on the agenda is Jeff Larrabee, represented by Gardner Kellogg for a Minor Subdivision on Route 3 North, Map 205, Lot 34, known as the Zermatt Inn. The principle purpose of the request is to create two lots to separate the motel building from the apartment building. Chairman Birknes asked the secretary if the abutters had been notified and the ad placed in the papers. The secretary said that the abutters had been notified, but the board had informed the secretary at the last meeting that a Minor Subdivision did not need a notice in the paper. Gardner Kellogg agreed with the secretary. Chairman Birknes said he felt that the board could have a special meeting for them with proper notification. Abutter’s will be notified again at the cost of the Planning Board. Evan Karp made a motion to: notify the abutters again, at the expense of the Planning Board, of the new date for the Public Hearing so everything is just. Connie Oliver seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

The secretary said if she was allowed to advertise in the Union Leader then the meeting could take place by November 18th or 19th. And the abutters could be notified immediately also. The board decided to look over the maps that Gardner Kellogg brought in. It was decided that there was plenty of frontage for the subdivision, that the setbacks were met, there were separate septic systems for both pieces and there were two meters for the water. The board felt there would be no problem as it looked now.

Mark Vander-Heyden, representing Countryside Properties, LLC/ David Fecteau, was in looking fro a Boundary Line Adjustment, Map 203, Lot 64 from 2.8 acres to 2.00 acres and Map 203, Lot 66 from .3 acres to 1.08 acres. Abutters were notified, and no notice in the paper was necessary. Lot 66 has town water and therefore is compliant as 1.08 acres.
Lot 64 will now be 2.00 acres, which is compliant for the rural designation. The Chair asked if the board or public had any questions. Bill Dowling stated that the present owner had made the property look very nice.

Evan Karpf made a motion to: accept the Boundary Line Adjustment as presented. Bonnie Moroney seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

Evan Karpf wanted to know if the board had any concerns with the Dartmouth Brook development now that the construction has been put on hold. He said he knows that it is in the owners best interest to make sure that everything was left correctly. He said maybe the board should hire Provan & Lorbor to make sure there is not a negative impact on the environment. Chairman Birknes said that the DES should be contacted to see if they have addressed this already and then make decisions at the next meeting.

Evan Karpf made a motion to: adjourn the meeting. Connie Oliver seconded and the motion passed unanimously. The time was 7:45.

There was a presentation by Dr. John Field on the Upper Reach of the Ammonoosuc River into the NH River Management Program. The presentation lasted about 45 minutes.